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Swampys 3k vertical tree grow.


Active member
holy shit dude! you are so lucky you didnt burn the house down!!!!!! better get a carpet guy in quick before the landlord finds that one! just tell them it was a cigarette butt fell out of the ash tray or something


its my folks place so no worries there.Dont use duct tape to hold a lamp up even if it is for a day or two.Im so pissed at myself.


Active member
that was close, dont do that again, ever :) still wanna see trees in dirt w/vert lites :)


well,after the delays with the plants burning and the house not being ready things are back on track.got some new clones(small),not sure of the breed,we will have to wait and see.did some work on the room.had to cut throught 12 inch concrete for an exhust hole and Line some areas with panda film but I should be ready by next week for the shift.:)




That looks like a fine work space you have there. Cant wait too see it filled. You got lucky on that lamp falling.

Thanks for being honest about your mistakes so we can all learn!


cheers guys.
nothing much happening at the mo.clones are growing,the room is getting fitted out and just sorting out afew things.will be moving next week.will post some new room shots up soon.:)


so this is the layout.
room is aprox 12 x 12 x 8 feet high.
6 plants in 16 gallon pots in soil using the H&G range of nutes.
They will be veged for 5-8 weeks and then flowered.
five 600s.
four plants will get hit by two bulbs,one plant will get hit by three and the middle one will get hit by four.
Im hoping that since they are all the same strain,growin in the same soil mix and nutes that it will give me a good view of how much I can get off each plant using different numbers of lights per plant.then after weighing each plant i can determine the best combo of plants verses lights for the next run.



Hey Swampy.......Not sure what ta say bout the setup other than run it and let us know the outcome per plant weight results come harvey........but....

Yas need 50 watts per sq ft for proper light dispersal and lumen absorption by the plants without starvin em and em stretchin like crazy from lack of light......

I suppose the offset in the corner makes the room less than 12 x 12/144 sq ft , but still with only 3000 watts , you`re only right around lil less than half what yas need for optimum results IME...

I usedta run 34 watts per sq ft way back in the day , and until I raised it up to 50 , my plants were stretchier and airier/not as dense , and internode distance was further apart.....Good luck with your room and let us know what happens......

Cheer Bro. Took a while to get over sorry, been down in the south island but back home to Wellys now! Looks like shits gonna be Killer soon! Your grows are always EPIC. I'll definately be keeping a close eye on what goes down.

One thing to take note of with the H and G that SOG's selling is that there is no veg and flowering nutes it's all just good for both. Probably all good but I feel that sacrifices would have to be made to acheive this i.e. not enough nitrogen in veg and not enough pottasium in bud (otherwise too much nitrogen in bud stuffs buds up!). Anyway I'm sure you'll be killer no matter what you use! It'll be interesting to see cause I use canna but I must admit taking a long hard look when SOG released the H & G line up!

Anyway big ups bro! Shits gonna be off the chart.
Also just quickly, that Terrazilla stuff SOG sells is wicked bro! Better roots than any soil mix I've ever used before. Apparently there's trichodermia in there which really helps the roots!


DHF,cheers for your insight.will see how this run goes.may have to add more lights for the next run.will wait and see.

kronikal.cheers bro,hopefully everything will be good.iv got my clones bagged up in the terrazilla at the mo,only got one bag tho,the rest is max yield.:)
Watch out with max yield bro. I constantly got fungus gnats cause MY's cocoa based. Just keep an eye out for them. If you do happen to get them get on the phone to Otaki Hydro in Wellington and mail order (no website sorry) a pottle of Mr No Gnat. Its HEAPS cheaper than the nilnat stuff SOG sell and a way better product in my opinion. Sog sells Nilnat for $80 for 15 mils whereas Otaki sells No Gnat for (I think) $20 for around 200 grams.


just a quick update.
everything has been moved into the new room.repoted the plants into 13 gallon pots today.they are looking good and healthy.another couple of weeks and i will do the switch.



6 weeks veg for the middle two plants and 4 weeks for the outside plants.probably another week or 2 veg and then I will flip.so far they are looking good.should have some big plants after the stretch.:)






Active member
hey swampy ..... hard to tell but in those photos they look like the leaves are sagging down which is a sign of over watering and the serated tips are curling up which is a sign of temps getting too high around the leaves ..... are they like that or is it just the pics?