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Swamp Grows

Copper is expensive and poisons hurt more than the targeted pest.

Go get a few packs of steel wool pads...pull them apart and loosely wrap the base for the first 3-5"....top dressing with coarse sand will slow em down.....I also have 10# of d.e. to be reapplied after heavy rain.

If there's lots of grasses and no standing water they call it a wet meadow....lots of little shrubs with standing water is a scrub swamp or shrub scrub swamp. I'm in a fen/bog, scrub swamp and wet meadow....all require different approaches for growing.


Well-known member
Hey guys, hope everyone's swamp grow is going well!

Just threw some little seedlings into my OD tub's, made a fence with 40lb test fishing wire..........been getting cold at night in my area still but didn't wanna wait putting them out any longer........just wish it would stay above 10 deg, we'll see how they do.

You guys have any luck sowing yer seeds directly in yer pot/ground of yer spots? Transferring little seedlings is a PITA....Just don't wanna take chances with the seeds not germing.........maybe I'll germ them in wet paper towels and after a day or 2 i'll sow them directly OD into my spots......... I'll find a shady spot that doesn't get full sun.

Anyway, hope everyone's season is going well.



Direct sown auto bed. I have 5 beds like these and my regular plants.


The key to direct sowing is the timing. If you pre soak your seeds so the tail pops out and then you plant them in the ground, the ground temp should be 10 C. Also if you pre soak do not plant them when your about to get a week of rain, your seeds will rot and die. I had great success tossing auto seeds into my raised beds and putting dirt on top. I did not pre soak and had 10 days of rain after I planted. I will never pre grow autos, direct sow is the way to go. I direct sow the seeds around May 15th.

For regular strains I will always pre grow so when I place them out they are stronger and have a head start. I dont have to worry about slugs or snails as much. Insects in general dont bother me as much as with a tiny seedling. Slugs, snails, rabbits can destroy entire plots of seedings in no time!

This year I have not lost any regular plants, I did lose some autos to rabbits and deer. The deer stepped into the plot and the rabbits eat the seedlings. Next year its cages.


Well-known member
Right on Core........Yer auto beds looks killer!! I got some auto's and reg photo strains I wanted to try it with.

Still dip's below 10 deg at night but getting warmer, the next week should get better as far as temps go according to the weather ( which could mean anything as there wrong half the time lol).

Put out some mountain jam2's, thai fantasy auto max, and white Domina auto max..........started soaking Jack pine and Medicine man.......Supposed to be getting some Frost dragons and GG#2 this week and I'll start soaking those as soon as I get them (if I do get them, mails been a bitch this year for loosing pckgs for some reason). Still have 60 day wonder, 60 day sour lemon, and Purple ryder f2's to plant/germ......Man, I wish the weather would get warmer, feels like Im falling behind lol.

Thanx for the tips buddy, really appreciate it.

Yer grow is looking killer man, keep up the good work!



Thanks Danny! Ya I would try to see how warm the soil is getting. Another smart man that helped me with my Autos and actually gave me my auto seeds told me that the soil needs to be 10 C. Thats too bad about the mail, I have always been fortunate enough to get my mail up until now. Lets hope that does not change! You have alot of strains to get going this year I hope the weather starts to cooperate for you. Those strains sound real nice. When you get everything going take some pictures for me!


Well-known member
I'll wait for the temps to get a little higher before I put my auto's out for sure......Should be next week Im hoping....Fingers crossed!!

I've always got my orders in past years.......This year seems like it's gonna be one of those years maybe lol.....See how she goes.

My point and shoot just died (wont focus anymore, had it several years...time to get a new one). Im just a little hesitant to take pics with my phone/ipod......Heard it stores yer location digitally? not sure if there's any truth to that?

I'll def get some pics as soon as I get a cam or grow balls enough to take one with my phone.

Thanx again for the tips man!



Yeah that auto bed looks awesome. Gonna put out a lot of buds, good work.

Thanks brother. I went today and checked them out after 3 days of rain. They look great but there were so many snails it was crazy.


My regular strains are doing well.

Here is just one of the bags.



Well-known member
Damn dude, your spots are looking great!!!

Sorry to hear about the snails......The only thing Ive tried was the beer thing.........Cracked a full beer, took a couple swigs and buried half the can so the opening is a couple inches out of the ground beside the plants. When I did it......I put the beer out and went back after 3 days of rain and the cans were covered in snails......and I mean covered.

Might be worth a shot? Ive heard the copper wire thing but haven't tried it.

Good luck man.



I will try the beer. They are mostly eat the blue poison pellets I put down a couple months ago. So they are not doing much to my plants. The sun is back so that should keep them away. My field has full sun and the dirt gets nice and warm.

I am hoping the autos dont get ripped.

I am hoping the cows dont eat the regular early strains.

Fingers crossed for this year!
I've tried direct sowing seed but slugs always get em....but I've done this in my veggie gardens w great success.... per soak seeds....cover with 1" of soil.....take a 1gallon milk jug (opaque)....cut the bottom off...poke holes in the sides for ventilation and remove the cap....little mini seedling green house.... once there are a few inches tall just pull the jug off.

Yes phones will store data such as altitude, lat/long, time, ect so don't take pics with them or at least put them through one of the various programs to wash that info out so its all blank....then post to photo bucket then use that link.


Well-known member
Plants look good so far! I loved swamp guerrilla grows had a lot of luck with that. As the summer gets warmer the swamp dries and the water table sinks. Only had to return to kill males and fertilize. Started out with lime and granulated organic fertilizer.
Slugs like swamps but the big critters left it alone. Don't think the deer could get at it. Left pellets for the slugs worked somewhat.
Impressed you started from seed I'd get mine 12 inches tall before hiking them in. As long as it's not too acidic plants love that dark rich swamp loam. I'd mound it up on a drier patch and had few problems with wetness.


I've tried direct sowing seed but slugs always get em....but I've done this in my veggie gardens w great success.... per soak seeds....cover with 1" of soil.....take a 1gallon milk jug (opaque)....cut the bottom off...poke holes in the sides for ventilation and remove the cap....little mini seedling green house.... once there are a few inches tall just pull the jug off.

Yes phones will store data such as altitude, lat/long, time, ect so don't take pics with them or at least put them through one of the various programs to wash that info out so its all blank....then post to photo bucket then use that link.

Milk jug as a mini greenhouse method is great. Next year I am going to pregrow to 6 inches under my grow light, harden them off on my patio and then move them to the high water marsh area. Each plant will then me transplanted into its own 2 gallon container and I will set 4 to 5 plants inside each grow tub. When the males show I will pull them and then I will take the plants out of the tubs, And put 1 female per tub. I wont make cages because nothing really eats them besides insects. I wont do 3 plants to each 30 liter grow bag again. By the time the male shows it has already took up half the 30 liters of soil with its own roots, Reducing root space for the surviving female plant. Live and learn right?

Its always good to scrub photos so no GPS data can be extracted! Good info!


Plants look good so far! I loved swamp guerrilla grows had a lot of luck with that. As the summer gets warmer the swamp dries and the water table sinks. Only had to return to kill males and fertilize. Started out with lime and granulated organic fertilizer.
Slugs like swamps but the big critters left it alone. Don't think the deer could get at it. Left pellets for the slugs worked somewhat.
Impressed you started from seed I'd get mine 12 inches tall before hiking them in. As long as it's not too acidic plants love that dark rich swamp loam. I'd mound it up on a drier patch and had few problems with wetness.

Ya so far so good! Thanks for the nice words! I pre grew my plants at my place under a t-5 until they were about 4 to 5 inches tall then I placed 3 plants per 30 liter grow bag. Hoping atleast 1 would be female. So bags now have 1 female, Some bags have no plants, and some bags have 2 females. Next year I am doing it differently.

Slugs and snails are bad here but the blue pellets do a pretty good job, Some have still fucked up my larger plants real good on the very top where the new growth is at. I guess they like those leaves the best. Basterds! The area I am growing in is really wet and the ground is clay and dark loam mix. The water dries out, then it rains, and it has standing water. Cant really say swamp but maybe a marsh type of setup. Deer, rabbits, mice, rats, nothing messed with my plants. Its only insects. Next year I will make a home made organic insect killer for my plants. I will apply it weekly.

Next year its 90 liter grow tubs on top of sticks so they will never be in the water. I will drill holes in the bottom of the tubs. A 50/50 mix of potting soil and manure. Blue pellets for the snails and slugs and possibly cages if I feel so motivated. I was thinking to put a fence around the area just to be sure about the rabbits and deer. I will see. Everything costs money and nothing is cheap in sweden! Thanks for checking out and following my thread!
I've been spraying a solution of neem and hot peppers religiously to ward off insects and so far I've had almost no insect damage this year. Last year towards the beginning of flower I had some bad issues with caterpillars on the buds of my best plant, hoping that things are different this year. Neem is supposed to be systemic and build up over time, I always try to spray right after it rains for the most benefit.
If you're auto beds are in different areas you probably won't have to worry much about rippers, they might get one or two, but I bet you'll still harvest most of it. The good thing about swamp/marsh type grows is that the area is generally buggy with standing water which is a good deterrent for unwanted visitors. Sadly the local soil in my spot is basically a later of roots, then sand/clay, completely unusable, also if you dig deep, it fucking stinks ha ha. Must be anaerobic bacteria from lack of oxygen, plants never really seemed to care or sink their roots deep enough though.


I've been spraying a solution of neem and hot peppers religiously to ward off insects and so far I've had almost no insect damage this year. Last year towards the beginning of flower I had some bad issues with caterpillars on the buds of my best plant, hoping that things are different this year. Neem is supposed to be systemic and build up over time, I always try to spray right after it rains for the most benefit.
If you're auto beds are in different areas you probably won't have to worry much about rippers, they might get one or two, but I bet you'll still harvest most of it. The good thing about swamp/marsh type grows is that the area is generally buggy with standing water which is a good deterrent for unwanted visitors. Sadly the local soil in my spot is basically a later of roots, then sand/clay, completely unusable, also if you dig deep, it fucking stinks ha ha. Must be anaerobic bacteria from lack of oxygen, plants never really seemed to care or sink their roots deep enough though.

I will try a neem oil and hot pepper combination next year.

So far you cant smell my plants until you are right on top of them, that will change in flower. But for now I am not worried about rippers. My spots are good I think, or rather I hope!

I know what your talking about, When the ground is wet or there is standing water and I check my grow bags my feet sink down into the ground and it stinks like shit. its that smell from stagnant constantly saturated mucky ground. Its shit. And the top layer is nothing but a mat of roots from the small hardwood trees that grow there and the grass. Its an area I expect no one to go especially in fall when it rains alot more and the ground is nothing but muck when you walk in it. The autos are in a high traffic area and I hope that no one finds them.


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
been known to hang around marshes myself...

most recently i have hauled in dirt and mounded it up so it raised the rootzone high enough out of the water. no pics of that...

i have also used 50 gallon totes with 80% of the bottoms cut out. i haul in dirt and i make the mix VERY perlite heavy. perlite is essential to
aid wicking. and i bury the tote so that bottom 3" or so is standing water, then i start adding the soil mix.

some swamp grown sour d x og k...​


Active member
anyone using the wick system .. im going to suspend my shit in the air ontop of shelves with holes in the shelves.. im going to use this cotton rope.. wrap up the plants root system.. put the rope threw the bottom of the pot.. do 4-10 ropes going to the bottom of the pot.. with 1 wrapped around the rootsystem before transplant. all going into the water.. and soaking it up.. wen needed. hoping this works ok. i have to shut down for the summer.. having our electrical panel replaced and all the wiring in the house is being redone.. the idiot who did it before we moved here.. put wayyy to many outlets and appliances on the same breakers.. so i cant run my microwave while i do laundry.. and i cant do laundry and use an outlet in the bathroom? its retarded!!!


Active member
also .. has anyone had neem burn the shit out of there plants? it seems like every single time i spray my plants with neem even if there in the dark.. it looks like some sort of crazy mutation plants leaves start to burn and shit.?

and this is foliar.. i might try to water it in. and see wat happens.