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Survivor...MMJ Dispensary Owner


Rubbing my glands together
He'll do just fine with the food. After years of the munchies there isn't much a stoner won't eat, hehe


High country cat herder

Some SACK for putting that in his profile for the show! :good:

Now comes the question,... is he doing it to rib the gov? or to promote himself? Will he have an op when he returns? Will his performance help or hinder the MMJ community?


Active member

Some SACK for putting that in his profile for the show! :good:

Now comes the question,... is he doing it to rib the gov? or to promote himself? Will he have an op when he returns? Will his performance help or hinder the MMJ community?

Good questions! I can't believe that I'm missing it, I've watched every episode of every season until now, I had to give up TV for awhile due to (lack of) $, now that I have the $ for a digital converter box or cable...I find that I'm not in a hurry to have TV cuz I work at night during prime time anyway... meh, this might just be the push I need to go get that done, hook up the TV and the VCR/DVR & watch it on the weekends. Meanwhile I'm envious of all of you who are able to watch it right now! I hope someone will keep posting about this as the season goes on.

Man that Phillip from last season...what a whack job! Right? Wow...


ICMag Donor
Good questions! I can't believe that I'm missing it, I've watched every episode of every season until now, I had to give up TV for awhile due to (lack of) $, now that I have the $ for a digital converter box or cable...I find that I'm not in a hurry to have TV cuz I work at night during prime time anyway... meh, this might just be the push I need to go get that done, hook up the TV and the VCR/DVR & watch it on the weekends. Meanwhile I'm envious of all of you who are able to watch it right now! I hope someone will keep posting about this as the season goes on.

Man that Phillip from last season...what a whack job! Right? Wow...

You betcha Cheerful, check in here we will update as much as we can....
Looks like a good group..one of them is Russell nephew, hes not telling anyone that, which is a great idea, Russell was a idiot, so its best to keep that quiet!! hehe
Theres a geeky guy named Cochrane whos kinda funny...we'll see how far he goes.
Coach is sooo weird, he thinks hes such a player and hes sooo not! Im rooting for the dispensary owner and Ozzie...
They voted out a girl last night ...Semhar, she really blew the challenge thingy and that didnt help her at all.


I cant believe that show is still on tv, I stopped watching after big gay Rich.


Active member
You betcha Cheerful, check in here we will update as much as we can....
Looks like a good group..one of them is Russell nephew, hes not telling anyone that, which is a great idea, Russell was a idiot, so its best to keep that quiet!! hehe
Theres a geeky guy named Cochrane whos kinda funny...we'll see how far he goes.
Coach is sooo weird, he thinks hes such a player and hes sooo not! Im rooting for the dispensary owner and Ozzie...
They voted out a girl last night ...Semhar, she really blew the challenge thingy and that didnt help her at all.

Thanks, Mrs. Babba!!! Ohhh mann now I am Jonesing for my Survivor!!! Aahhrrrgggh! SAYY... I read something the other day that Tie Dye Rupert has formed an exploratory committee for a possible run for office!!! not sure but I think it is Gov of Indiana! Wouldn't that be amazing!


Active member
Whats lame??? If you dont watch the show then you dont need to post in here...if its something else, explain please.


i just stated my opinion simply. people like jerry springer too. i wont post in your thread anymore . sorry if i ruffled your feathers


Lammen Gorthaur
There is a group of us that get together to watch Survivor and we all guess who is going to get written off. It has become a real circus with an uglier-than-sin trophy for the winner (and the title of course).

We really enjoy it, but I think this will be the last season as the ratings are winding down. On the other hand, the cost to produce the show is comparatively nothing when put up beside the other entertainment CBS has to pay for to deliver a show, so maybe they keep it.

It sure is entertaining watching people turn into the most repugnant of personalities as they chase the million dollars.


ICMag Donor
They voted out Christine, not surprised....she made herself a target from the get go.
Ohhhh man that Brandon guy is a weirdo!! Hes all lusting after Makayla{who happens to be a Lingerie Football player} and saying how she has all the guys wrapped around her finger!! hahaha Hes got some serious issues for sure!! Then he votes for Christine instead of Makayla..what an idiot.
Im glad Ozzie found the Idol, hope he uses it wisely this time!
Jim seems to be doing good, not standing out too much, hopefully he'll stick around for a while.
Another good player seems to be Albert, he's a smart player, I bet he goes pretty far.
Till next week....


Active member
Yes good show last night. I like that right as the show starts they show Jim talking about his Poker championships and his 2 medical marijuana shops...:wave:

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