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Sure To Grow Inserts - Anyone Tried Them?

sighn me up I to am tryng STG I have 4 inch blocks and the 1 inch cubes for clones. I have 9 clones going and all seems well ? I run a ebb and flo with 6 5 gallon buckets and what i want to do is put some mesh bucket inserts in my 5 gallon buckets and use a 4 or 6 inch insert. The large inserts are AWESOME but to pricey for 6 buckets and will be really bad when I move to 12 buckets.
i got some of the 1.5 inch cubes and i was looking at the 4 inch blocks,im wondering how big of a plant you could grow if you ended up using a 4 inch block inside of a net pot dwc


what wrong with just using neoprene collars? They are reusable and are even easier to insert into the pot, not to mention the aftermath of a serious grow and residue/etc on those giant lumbs of cotton..Or whatever it is


I've stopped using the STG cloner inserts and STG grow blocks. I had inconsistent results after a few perpetual runs.

If they are reading this forum, they need to work on:
1) Algae growth. Annoying, especially if you're using an organic grow with compost tea and beneficial bacteria (AN tarantula/piranha)
2) The blocks need to drain. The bottom inch of the block retains too much water for too long. Maybe a design issue?

Back to Hydroton and digging holes


That's too bad noone88, but hey at least you gave it a shot. I am a week or so away from throwing rooted clones into veg (ebb & grow buckets), and will dedicate one light - 9 buckets - to the STG bucket inserts. We'll see how it goes. Gotta try.
I have 9 Herijuana clones a lil under 2 weeks and all is gravy thus far with the one inch cubes. I just put the stems straight into the lil hole with cloning gel. I use PH 6.6 tap water to mist on the reg and when checking in the morn I give them a 1/4 strength mist of B-1 green tech nutes. After a week I stop the B-1 and dip the roots into Root 66 when cubes get wet. This is all done in my humid dome. After a week I pop the hood and let them be exposed to air until they begin to wither if they dont BEGIN to wither they can maintain them selves and I leave the hood off till roots then I move them to the veg area with there moms ;0


There much bigger now

Sexy mama
Hello HerbNgardn,
Sorry for the lack of info I have a few other active threads. Please feel free to check out the grow. I have TONS of great pics and even a few AWESOME diy like a window ac/portable ac. No membership to look at photos :)

STG is new to me but I'm really enjoying it for now. They tend to get water at the bottom of them but I haven't seen any problems or really think of any that would happen. As long as there's air with the water were cool right. No CO2 not a fan of it to much to analyze when already doing enough. Im running Techna Flora nutes 3 step and lil additives here there. Take a look at my journal its got tons of goodies.


New member


Yea, as long as you aerate your solution, everything is always better. I can't wait til companies start selling aeration kits with their systems, it makes the shit perform much better bottom line. Your journal looks great, hope it tastes great in the end! That's what really matters.


Lack of oxygen and over saturation. Uneven distribution of moisture. Top is free draining while bottom is not. Bottom does not drain out over days. Plant shows nutrient deficiencies due to over water issues. Root growth does not develope in upper areas.
Saving plant:
Place rocks underneath the foam.
The roots will grow out and into the rocks and the plants health increases.

Is there a trick to using these things? I just picked some up and I cannot even get my cutting to stand upright in the darn things! I poked a hole in the little x, stuck it in and it just leans over, almost flat on its side, not good. What am I doing wrong?


Like 420 said...The tops dry fast and the lower 3-4inches stay soggy forever...I had one in a bucket I dunked left in the room few weeks later picked it up while cleaning and the damn thing was still soggy!!! They compress when submerged and float when flooded...Who knows haven't actually got one in but have one veggin right now I will test run next batch...


I took ~25 clones last week in these STG 1" plugs. So far so good.

Once they root, they are destined for different setups. 2" netpots in an aero SOG, and DWC 5 gallon buckets vegged for several weeks.

I also started 3 seeds in the STG plugs. they cracked and the taproot is growing. That's all i know for now.

Take a look at the thread in my signature to see where it goes.



Took clones into STG plugs and 1in RW dipped in water with Myco and Rapid Rooters
First the STG plugs would compress when placing the cutting into the plastic tray and the stem would come out of the bottom as the foam scrunches down.
Next the top was removed and they were rotated 90 degrees to vertically align the fibers, sliced to place the cutting inside. This worked better but results in a short plug.
Some bio degradable plugs were included which are too large but may sit well in a tray.
When wet they went almost flat.
Rooting was best in Rapid, RW and 50% of STG cuts worked.
On the other hand when a cube is placed in a pot with rocks above and below the performance is much better. Growth rate was actually higher than rocks or node spacing was larger perhaps due to the unique water zone layer held low down in the foam.

"Try one way to grow and learn if it works. Try two ways and learn which is better." -420Clones
If two people do this and share results each gets the best of 4 methods.
If an internet of people do this and share results we get ICmag. Thanks ICmag!
This is a review from another forum but I like the way it is put down so I thought I would share.....

Have a bit of experience taking cuts w these... they are my favorite starting cubes... stay very airy so no issues at all w DO or the like. Bene's even take well to it. Would rec pulling the finer felt from the starter cubes as my roots don't like to grow there & it stays much wetter. Just peal that stuff off is my vote.

About to try the insert on the Ebb&Gro, though traditionally coir myself. Problem had always been top feeding & the STG's do not distribute moisture well... tends to channel with single or dual point top feeds. Seems better suited for a flood&drain or all out top-fed by hand. Somewhat flimsy so will likely need additional support, e.g., pots.

Definitely more convenient, definitely. Ultimately will depend on final quality of meds, so...