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Supernatural, Strange and Otherwise


whats even scarier is people who think they are oh so educated and know everything there is to be known, people who refuse to believe their might be anything out there that they don't know about, or can't explain.

life is a great adventure, it's full of wonder and mystery, if you shut your eyes to this fact, you are missing out.

not saying you should take floral's post as 100% fact, it's clear that it's his interpretation of the events. someone else might have just seen a mentally ill person or what ever. the point is that some people are convinced of having seen such creatures, just like some are convinced of their contact with aliens. the world is full of other wise totally normal intelligent people, who have that one experience or more that convinces them of these paranormal events. so yeah i try keep an open mind.


Active member
scariest damn thing i ever saw -

bunch of people watching shows and listening to music all the time. convinced they're well informed about reality. none of them have a fucking clue, wouldn't recognise it if they deepthroated it.

take an active role in creation and be satisfied with firsthand experience and knowledge, or buy the ticket and enjoy the ride into the grave.

Right on. The television is a dangerous military weapon.

But you know, I was one of those folks too. We're born into it. Then we start to figure things out, slowly at first.


ruger 500
cant say if it was a demon or death but it was 8 ft tall see through but dark colored like smoke but see through ,it crossed the street in front of us walked up to a house stoped turned and looked at us ,we were freaking out inside but frozen in our tracks,it turned when it to the wall of the house the next day the old lady that lived there was found dead ,we shit when we heard about that it wore a robe and had a turbin on very thin and tall we all seen the same thing which also freaked us out more


Active member
whats even scarier is people who think they are oh so educated and know everything there is to be known, people who refuse to believe their might be anything out there that they don't know about, or can't explain.

life is a great adventure, it's full of wonder and mystery, if you shut your eyes to this fact, you are missing out.

not saying you should take floral's post as 100% fact, it's clear that it's his interpretation of the events. someone else might have just seen a mentally ill person or what ever. the point is that some people are convinced of having seen such creatures, just like some are convinced of their contact with aliens. the world is full of other wise totally normal intelligent people, who have that one experience or more that convinces them of these paranormal events. so yeah i try keep an open mind.

Right on, I'm not trying to sell anyone on anything. Just curious.

Seen some strange things over the years. And I'm convinced, you don't go searching for these types of things, they find you.

It's just the random chance of coming across millions and millions of people over a lifetime. City streets, festivals, living in a metro area, traveling around the country. I pass 1,000's and 10's of 1,000's of people in a day. I've seen 2 out of all those folks. Or 2 that I was aware of.

And that's over 2 decades.


3rd-Eye Jedi
sensed them many times

seen one once

could write quite a few words on the subject


sensed them many times

seen one once

could write quite a few words on the subject

feel free to share, i for one find it interesting. like i said i'm glad i never actually came across something that we'd call a demon. or even a human possessed. that's the kind of experience that would probably give one a big push in the direction what ever religion you grew up with, lol.


Active member
I'd like to hear your story too, Weird.

And what's funny is, I have a hard time believing other people's stories, but yet I know, their story is what it is. It's just hard to believe, because it's so rare and alien and I'm programmed to not believe.

I kind of repress my own stories over the years. Because it's not socially acceptable to the majority. Therefore, I'm not telling the story over and over to keep the memory of it alive. It sits in the back of the mind.


Active member
Here's my other story of OBLIVION!

Clear day in the suburbs on the edge of the city. Pre-rush hour, sitting in traffic.

There is a work crew working on underground lines for electrical or plumbing, some kind of utility company contractors in reflective yellow & white vests. There are dozens of cars in traffic at the light. People all around me. On foot and in cars.

Clear blue skies, no clouds in sight. 5-6 military jets are pulling maneuvers over a fifteen minute period. I had been watching them on the drive up the freeway, then on my journey to get coffee.

These jets cut a series of patterns across the sky and they were spraying. The spray spread out gradually and covered the sky. Miles.

What was so bizarre to me was, just like the guy who was the marionette, nobody around me noticed what was happening.

Everyone was gabbing on their cell phones, or starring out the window or talking to a passenger, OBLIVIOUS.

By the time I returned from getting a coffee 10 minutes later, the entire sky was black with clouds. I watched the spray and maneuvers and watched the sprayed material spread across the sky to cover miles and miles right outside downtown, plain as day for a period of 30 minutes. We went from clear, clear blue skies with zero clouds, to an overcast, stormy grey sky.

Nobody noticed. Not the work crews below. Nobody looked up at what was happening right over their head. Lost in a trance.

Those are the two times it has really stood out that I'm seeing something unusual and amazing and unnatural, it's happening right in front of me, and nobody seems to notice, just lost in the forest of their own mind.

I guess that's more of a military story.


Active member

demons jail our angels


I'd like to hear those words you could say on this subject Weird

there is a website, yourghoststories dot com that has somme really wacky stories, I think you might enjoy them floralhearts


Active member
I've been dealing with them for a couple years now down here in Tampa.They appear to me as Wal-green pharmacists but their lack of compassion is totally demonic in a real sense.Devil with a smock


Well-known member
here's a story, but not one of my making, something i read
this guy was an architect in Iran during the 1950's or so
dealt with the Shah of Iran, major player at the time
anyhow, he and his wife were taking a road trip
driving across a 1 lane bridge over a chasm, very mountainess area
then some other vehicle came whipping down on the other end
by his account, there was no possibility of any escape
his wife and he closed their eyes, and when they opened them there was nothing
no sign of the other vehicle, not below them in the chasm
and no way it could have gotten past them
it was a life changing event for the guy, went off on all kinds of crazy adventures
wrote a book whose name escapes me, but was a pretty good read


Active member
here's a story, but not one of my making, something i read
this guy was an architect in Iran during the 1950's or so
dealt with the Shah of Iran, major player at the time
anyhow, he and his wife were taking a road trip
driving across a 1 lane bridge over a chasm, very mountainess area
then some other vehicle came whipping down on the other end
by his account, there was no possibility of any escape
his wife and he closed their eyes, and when they opened them there was nothing
no sign of the other vehicle, not below them in the chasm
and no way it could have gotten past them
it was a life changing event for the guy, went off on all kinds of crazy adventures
wrote a book whose name escapes me, but was a pretty good read

good story


3rd-Eye Jedi
My experiences aren't something a few simple words can explain. I don't have the time now to explain it properly but when I do I will take the time to explain what I have experience and my interpretation thereof

the supernatural does not work in a manner that people understand but it does exists but
the supernatural is really a way to explain the unexplainable

the unexplainable is not really supernatural it is simply phenomenon unknown to us at the time will will eventually (if we exist far enough along) be revealed

with that said I have reasonable explanations for what I have experienced and the experiences translate to traditional demonic experience, including a bevy of other sociological/psychological observations


Active member
maybe it was the people i was a shit head too. lol they died, but came back. so that's why i can see them.

hmmm old high school buddies and co workers


Active member
with that said I have reasonable explanations for what I have experienced and the experiences translate to traditional demonic experience, including a bevy of other sociological/psychological observations

very interesting

I have a space story. About 18 years old, lived with mom. Came home late, around 11 pm on a school night. Standing at the back-side door I saw a blue light in the living room through the side living room window shades. I'm thinking the tv is on.

While I was struggling to see my keys that brightness of the light almost knocked me over.

I walked into the kitchen in front of the basement steps. The house was pitch black. I could hear my mom calling to me. I could also hear something else. Her snoring. Very loudly. Very distinctly. Very deeply. She's LOUD.

She called to me twice. I walked into her room and she was deep deep asleep. There was no television on in the living room.

I went upstairs using the night light at the top of the steps, changed for bed, and huddled up and got some sleep.

alien, ghost, not sure.

My cats made me feel safe. They huddled up with me. Some of my oldest and closest. The rest slept with my mom.


Active member
One last story for tonight. This one is cult.

Have you ever seen the kids at grocery stores, whos parents belong to cults? Huddled up in cars, watching them stand by the doors. They have the kids stand outside grocery marts handing out these colorable placemats on one side, and a religious message on the other, with their cults propaganda sprawled across it.

The kids collect change and donations and whatnot. It has something to do with a local church in town. Kids sell these one sheets and prospect for other cult members. That one had me on edge. Something about the message or the art work was dark. Just dark, dark, dark. A fiery dragon scene.

They're a breakaway from society cult.

That one disturbed me. Someone in the family broke it down to me. I saved one of their coloring sheets a few months, but discarded it years ago.

Strange things. I've seen em.

I could go one a bunch more, but I'll save em. Good night weirdos.


The Tri Guy
I find it scary that some people can look at others that they identify as being different to themselves, and dehumanise them. It's then a very small step to take to feel free to treat them any way imaginable. There is evil in the world, but it is entirely human, and would not stand out in a crowd.

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