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Supernatural, Strange and Otherwise


Active member
Have you ever seen a demon? I ask that, because I had a discussion with a friend last week, sharing our experience with demons.

Have you ever had a supernatural experience?

Tell us your stories.


have you ever seen a demon? not so far thank God. not keen to meet one either, lol.

i have a mate who swears he saw one as a kid.


Active member
have you ever seen a demon? not so far thank God. not keen to meet one either, lol.

i have a mate who swears he saw one as a kid.

I've seen two. One in 1999 and one last summer. One black, one white. One male, one female. Both in the city. One on the fringe, one in the city center.

Both observed from a safe distance. I wouldn't want to meet either face to face.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
demons? been in the presence of some very nasty,spiteful and hateful people with no redeeming qualities or features whatsoever over the years but not for a long time now,,
i would never rule out the possibility of demons,,
an old friend swears he was in the presence of a demon when working in africa many years ago,,still him see "goose pimple" up whenever he talks about it,,,,s2:ying:


Active member
demons? been in the presence of some very nasty,spiteful and hateful people with no redeeming qualities or features whatsoever over the years but not for a long time now,,
i would never rule out the possibility of demons,,
an old friend swears he was in the presence of a demon when working in africa many years ago,,still him see "goose pimple" up whenever he talks about it,,,,s2:ying:

you can tell they aren't human. not entirely. It's a human shell. Skin and bones.

It's the eyes that aren't convincing. One had empty eyes, spun back in the head. Rattling eyes. One had beastly eyes. Wild. Animal. Evil.

The hairs on your neck will stand up. If you get close enough, you'll stop breathing.

It's kind of like encountering a wild dog.


I've seen two. One in 1999 and one last summer. One black, one white. One male, one female. Both in the city. One on the fringe, one in the city center.

Both observed from a safe distance. I wouldn't want to meet either face to face.

how did you know they were demons?


Active member
how did you know they were demons?

Seeing them. It's funny how were conditioned. Start looking for logical explanations. Start looking for excuses. Answers. Anything but dealing with what we just saw. Denial.

But, when you see it, you know it. You can't quite believe it. But you know you saw it.

I don't tell these stories to anybody. Not in the walk around life. I finally told someone who's on the level with the possibility of strange things being out there.

I was curious to see if the friend had ever seen anything, so it came up last week. And now it's coming up here.


A very complex subject to me. To me there is still left to discover on this. right along with other dimensions..

Thanks for sharing floralheart

I think there are small demons, big demons. They can get inside you/your head.

People who are negative/live in fear have a tendency to attract them from what I heard...

Some people say thoughts we have can be interpreted as spirits.


Active member
In 1999, the summer before Y2K. Downtown, daytime. Lunch time.

It was a black man. He was almost 70 yrs old. His clothes were from the 70's, probably when he was in his prime 30 years earlier.

People were walking down the street. Nobody noticed him. Minding their business. Distracted. Oblivious. Walking past him. Nobody was aware. Nobody was paying attention.

He appeared to be pulled by strings. His arms and legs were disjointed. Like a marionette. He was walking down the street, but it was hyper animated. Pulled on strings. The locomotion was completely alien. Off. It wasn't human, whatever was driving him.

You could tell by the eyes. They were rolled back in the head, rattling around like some kind of pinball machine. I describe it as there were no eyes. The eyeballs were in the sockets, but the eyes weren't there. Soulless.

I thought he had a palsey. I thought he was retarded. No, it's a demon.

The most amazing thing is that nobody around this thing payed any attention to it. Walking in a trance. Thinking about where they were going or their kids and girlfriends and wives.

I wasn't driving, I was riding. I saw him as we turned left onto a main street downtown.

That one was more like a demonic possession, the other one I've seen was different.


Active member
A very complex subject to me. To me there is still left to discover on this.

Thanks for sharing floralheart

I might be one myself :)

I think there are small demons, big demons. They can get inside you/your head.

People who are negative/live in fear have a tendency to attract them from what I heard...

Thanks. I wonder about what you said right there. Negativity attracting something that's right outside of our sensory range.


I hear some people make pacts with the devil/demons... sometimes people are going through hell, and they just want to feel better.

Sometimes they want something... power

lust, envy, jealousy


Active member
yeah i have seen a demon... she use to live with me... she was nuts and i dated her for 5 years which now leads me to believe i was/am nuts...


What were we talking about?
Never saw a demon except my own personal one . . . alcohol.

However, once when I was tripping in the 70s, my friend looked distinctly like Pan or a satyr. Who knows what I looked like to him.


i do not believe in the demons in human forms,but i do believe i have my own demon's ,which i fight every single day of my life ! most of the time winning ,but other times not


Active member
The one last year was a woman. A hooker. White. On the fringe of downtown, near Mexican town. It was night.

*I saw a woman with two heads once driving a car. That was pretty scary. This was worse.

It wasn't a man or a woman, but it was dressed as a woman.

It looked like something had surgically removed the face of a woman and stretched it across another persons face and sewed it back on.

Again, the eyes give it away.


Active member
This creature made eye contact with me from a distance. The car was rolling about 15 mph coming around a corner, one street over, getting off the freeway.

I was driving, doors locked, windows up. Wild Eyes. Animals Eyes. Not human.

The face itself was scary. The eyes, scary. Even if this was a freak of a person had horrible, horrible surgical madness done to their face, because they're completely fucked. Someone who would surgically alter their body into a monster. That's scary enough on its own.

It was the canter and movement of the body that gave away it wasn't man, wasn't woman, wasn't human. The eyes that weren't human. The face was darkly lit by an amber street light.

I slowed, but didn't stop because I was frozen. Just natural fear.

I've seen some Hollywood movie makeup. It's possible. I don't think so. Because of the eyes. The body. Just the vibe of the overall soul.


Active member
I hear some people make pacts with the devil/demons... sometimes people are going through hell, and they just want to feel better.

Sometimes they want something... power

lust, envy, jealousy

That's what I thought about the business suit guy. Maybe he was a lawyer or a business man in the 70's 80's. Maybe he was looking for power or an edge or was channeling, or dabbling or some third step freemason who left his self open to something that said, give me that bitch.

That spirit was wild. Probably dangerous, but not a predator that was out hunting. Free spirited, but not human. It was out taking someone's body for a walk. And having a damn good time doing it too.

The other one was some scary sinister predator shit, because we made eye contact at a distance. It sized me up. I was locked in the car and just kept rolling.

It's funny how we're trained and conditioned to not believe what we saw. I've seen other strange things too. It's all out there, you just have to keep your eyes open to it.


Active member
scariest damn thing i ever saw -

bunch of people watching shows and listening to music all the time. convinced they're well informed about reality. none of them have a fucking clue, wouldn't recognise it if they deepthroated it.

take an active role in creation and be satisfied with firsthand experience and knowledge, or buy the ticket and enjoy the ride into the grave.