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supercropping after topping!!!

hey guys my plants are rouhgly 29 days old and this is what they're looking like... i topped them a week ago(well actually i tried to FIM them but since its my first grow i only FIM'd 2 and the rest were topped)...:dance013:

now let's get down to my main doubt! you see, i want to maximize the yield, so i thought after topping them i should supercrop them!!! but i don't know if i should supercrop(i mean the bending/twisting technque) the newly grown stems or the lower one, the original main stem...?:bashhead: and also how long should i wait to start super cropping them?

anyway this is what they look like:

and this is how they're recovering from the cutting

so should i perhaps wait a bit and super crop the new stems? or go ahead and super crop the main old stem?:whistling:

thanks in advance for your help guys!!!!!:tiphat:


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
I use to crop the branches when they're stretching too much or when some branches are taller than others so I can keep all the tips at the same level.
This increase yeld because a lot of buds receive a good amount of light,the plants will not produce a single main cola,but many smaller colas.Ideal if you have not complete control of air RH% as smaller buds are more difficult to become attacked from mold.Same if you have not a good air movement trough the canopy.

Hope it helps :wave:


Active member
Been there, done that :) Did loads of supercropping, fimming/topping/lsting/scrogging and one isn't better than another :p well... actually scrog is the best, but that's all other scene haha :D


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Been there, done that :) Did loads of supercropping, fimming/topping/lsting/scrogging and one isn't better than another :p well... actually scrog is the best, but that's all other scene haha :D

I find a combination of lst,cropping, and hanging weights is the best for me.
Especially using weights,I noticed a fast recovery from the tip and it's impressive how strong a little branch become after some days I put some weight on it.
Try for yourself....you will be surprised.



Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Yup, fishing weights work like a charm.

I don't like fishing weights because they are made of lead and if you go to fish,you probably know lead comes off very easily and remain on your fingers.Better to keep away for you and your plants,IMO.

I use stainless steel hooks,various form,various weight no reaction,also when sprayed on.


Been there, done that :) Did loads of supercropping, fimming/topping/lsting/scrogging and one isn't better than another :p well... actually scrog is the best, but that's all other scene haha :D

So from your experience, you'd say SCROG increases yield???

I'm supercropping them mainly because I read how after the stem recovers it rebuilds itself stronger and also is able to send more nutes, etc to the branches so I figured if they get more food, then the nugs get bigger or at least healthier?:dance013:

But this all just theory after many hours of reading and what not, we'll see what's up in the end...

Like I said, my goal is to maximize yield... recently I've been considering letting them veg to 20 inches, instead of 12... and use bigger pots(2.9 gallons instead of 1.7 gallons)
...You see my grow closet is 6'5 x 1'9 x 3'3''. So height is not an issue for me... but then again, pehaps if I let them get so tall, considering they can easily double their size, then the light penetration won't be as intense or deep.. and so Im afraid only the branches closer to the light would get fat!!?? And perhaps not really worth the trouble after all? I'm using a 400w sylvania grolux for flowering

Again these are all assumptions and theories from my inexperience, perhaps one of you can enlighten me?:dance013:

Thanks a lot guys, you all have been extremely helpful!!!! :tiphat:

BTW, no reason I like the look of those "knuckles" they look strong and healthy!!!!:wave:


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Ganjaman, scrog do increase yeld.
The key is light penetration in the canopy.If you have a lot of buds at different height some will get more light and some less,and some of that light will go lost when reaching anything is not a leaf.

In a scrog all the canopy is at the same height,creating a real screen of green, where all the light is captured from the leaves.This way the buds receive pretty equal amount of lights and under the net you should remove all the green to let the upper canopy use all the nutes.

Scrog increase yeld but often take more time to vegetate,especially with plants that have little stretch.This because you need to fill the screen,covering an area larger than grow plants with apical dominance.



Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Yeah I did it hard :D
The same crop after some days.The tip is still alive and happy and where I cropped the stem is getting bigger day after day


Hey no reason, thanks for the input!! I don't have a net, but I will try to do someting scrog-like... I'm gonna try to guide the branches to the sides and cover as much as possible of the area that receives light and then do like you said...

Also, a bigger pot should also make a difference right? If I transplant them to a bigger pot than the original I planned they should be able to sretch/grow more and hence more yield, uh?:dance013:

MAN, that crop is crazy!!!!! I was afraid I was hurting them last night and I didn't even crack them out of fear and next day they were up like nothing today I made sure I cracked them real good, not as bad as you, but this time will dO!!:jump:

Anyway, thanks bro!!! Good harvest!!!:wave:


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
I crop mine very hard,because not every crop works.As you wrote the tips tends to go up like nothing happened.
I use dwc and the plants are extra vigorous,so I crop with no respect and I never lost a cropped branch.

because of this,I don't like crops alone.30% of crops are useless,the tip will go up again in a few hours.

Also, a bigger pot should also make a difference right? If I transplant them to a bigger pot than the original I planned they should be able to sretch/grow more and hence more yield, uh

You should understand how a plant works.I mean...roots works to absorb food,but that food is related to photosynthetis.If this last one is not going good because ambiental factors or poor light source plant cannot use a lot of food.
pot size should be chosen taking in account several things and more soil doesn't mean necessarily more yeld.

One thing I know for sure is that T° and RH is two things very very important.Spend some money and time to achieve perfect environment in this way is the first thing IMO.
Air recirculation is another important factor.I mean air should be fresh to keep co2 high and the canopy should be aerated every time,during the day and the night.
During the day,a good air circulation trough the canopy, means reduced temperature and no co2 lacks. (when air is stationary,just around the leaf,it creates a poor co2 ambient,so photosynthesis is reduced and it could lead to photo-respiration,not good for plants)
During the night,air movement is good to dry possibly wet spots (mold risk)

I hope I'm giving you some good input and I hope my english make sense :D

Best luck bro :wave:


Active member
For increasing yield you seriously will want to consider EVERY tool in your arsenal. One of those powerful tools that also prolong veg time is the Defoliation method. Defoliation combined with vertical or scrog give tremendous results on yield.

But really what do you mean by increasing yield?
-Do you wan't to increase yield per month? Then you really might want to consider sog method, cause it's the fastest yielding method known.

-Do you want to increase yield per harvest? In that cast you might wan't to consider scrog/vert

Do you wan't to increas GPW?(gram per watt) In that case you might wan't to consider making a defoliated vertical setup.

Do you want to increase yield per 1 plant?(in case you are restricted to amount of plants in your county) Then you might want to consider a defoliated scrog. You may also aply all kinds of lst/supercroppin/toppin/fimming to it dependent on a strain. I for one just lst and heavily defoliate. Check out my gro

In reality the more tools you have available to you - the more creative you can get with your grow.

just know this: there is no best method. It is all very dependent on how YOU manage it all and what YOU enjoy best.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I'm not knocking this technique or others however over the years I have found SOG, Sea Of Green, has produced the best yields. Single cola, female clones in at 4 per sq/ft, straight on to 12/12. One must be comfortable with cloning and high plant numbers.

Something to think about next time.

Happy growing.


Active member
I'm not knocking this technique or others however over the years I have found SOG, Sea Of Green, has produced the best yields. Single cola, female clones in at 4 per sq/ft, straight on to 12/12. One must be comfortable with cloning and high plant numbers.

Something to think about next time.

Happy growing.

I have to agree that commercially speaking that would be the best yielding method ever. That is a fact, because of the short cycles. No veg time. One better method could be a vertical sog... which is absolutely amazing gpw and cycles are short yet still....
Hey no reason, yeah bro, your English is great, I understand exactly what you mean, grazie mille dei consigli ;) I just realized you're italian from your signature hehe:dance013: The ventilation is good, but you can only do so much when growing indoors during the summer with no AC....
Right now it's at 30 C and 50+ % Humidity... I know it ain't perfect conditions, but it should do....

Dudesome, thing is, it took me a long time to finally start my grow-op... because of space, bad timing, moving and many other things I don't wanna bore you guys with.

Point is things finally worked out for me this year and I'll be able to do a "cycle" this year. I've had to do it in a wardrobe(200cmx60x100) in my bedroom.
So I'm trying to make the best out of this one harvest in order to make worth my while and have enough to smoke at least 3/4 of the present year... :)

I'll be more than satisfied with a yield of + 200 grs.:jump:

Right now I have 5 plants, 2 are from feminized seeds the other 3 god knows what they'll turn out to be... so that's why I was thinking of using bigger pots so I can make the most out of the girls in case I get a couple of males....

So like I said, I'm trying to make the most out my humble 400w homeade grow closet:dance013:

Which leads me to the conclusion that it although it's already been over 4 weeks of vegging, I might strech it a couple of more weeks and do a scrog and then send them to flowering stage!!!

High Country, Yeah maybe you're right, but that isn't the case for me, unfortunately I don't have a continuos operation, so yeah...

Anyway, thanks again a lot to all of you guys for your advice and time and as always I'm always up for some new advice cause I'm here to learn!!!!!:wave:

Best regards friends!!!!!:tiphat:


I don't like fishing weights because they are made of lead and if you go to fish,you probably know lead comes off very easily and remain on your fingers.Better to keep away for you and your plants,IMO.

True, I should have mentioned that, but they do sell stainless steel sinkers. I just use those and fasten with garden tie. I like garden tie because it stays in place outdoors while still allowing a little slack during a heavy storm. Plus it can still stretch with the girth of the stem if you tie it.

In the past I made the mistake of using plastic coated metal wire garden tie. Big mistake. Might as well slice your plants head off. Although, the metal wire tie does work well for LST early on in veg as long as you don't tie it tight.


Active member
ganjaman. I can already imagine what you got up in there rolling, cause I have been exactly where you are long time ago.

Ok so here is the thing. The wardrobe that you have has 1.2 sqm in it. So leaving some space for equipment I would say that you have a nice space for a little scrog.

I am pretty sure that it will be extremely hard to cool things of without a proper ventilation. 30 c is the proof.
First of you should not worry about high temps if your not doing some hydro dwc where water need to stay cool and if you do have a proper ventilation + good humidity. 30c is pretty high, but managable.


Here is a great link to this chronic scrog grow where the grower uses exactly the same space measurement as yours. The dude does not even defoliate and runs an extremely easy passive hydro setup and yet still manages to pull a bit more than 1.1 gpw with his 400w hps and no cooltube or anything.

btw eventually he gets robbed, which is sad.

Something for you to pick from his experience im pretty sure.