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Super stealthy scrog suitcase microgrow

Rick C-137

First growth in the microgrow!



In my empire of dirt
/so...so this is what you're up to...uhhhhh{burp}...mor' morty?

bravo my man!
this is awesome set up you have built!
but lets not love the babies to death

the seedling is stretching so you are binding it using LST?!?
/cant wait to see pics of this


Yeah, I like this.

Sweet setup. You'll have time to get the leds later, don't sweat it.

Following along and really looking forward to see how this pans out.

Good luck!

Rick C-137

/so...so this is what you're up to...uhhhhh{burp}...mor' morty?

bravo my man!
this is awesome set up you have built!
but lets not love the babies to death

the seedling is stretching so you are binding it using LST?!?
/cant wait to see pics of this

thanks for appreciating my username <3

and yeah I think loving it to death is what I did... water schedule was once or twice a week with just filtered water but I'm in trouble... it might be too late for this little guy

anyone know where I went wrong so I don't make the same mistake again?



Rick C-137

oh yeah I should mention the reason it was so stretched (I had to actually replant it deeper because it was so stretched) is the grow lights were off when it first sprouted, only for about a day or so but it was really grasping for light...

maybe it used all its nutrients? should I add some to the water?

Rick C-137

Ok looking around it seems like N deficiency? So I should have started feeding sooner... does anyone think this plant is salvage-able or should I sacrifice the poor baby and start again?


ICMag Donor
What is your soil mix? It does look like it could use some N.


Bat Macumba
Wood chips in that soil? That'll suck the N right out, I believe. Not that I would go over board replacing it now but in the future when it's just a lil bigger a compost tea would be fantastic. I wouldn't kill it just yet. Try to save it for the experience/knowledge in case you come across something like this again.

Have you checked out the ACT Brewer thread or Compost Tea threads in Organics?

Greatest signature ever by the way. We should all focus on science.

Rick C-137

Wood chips in that soil? That'll suck the N right out, I believe. Not that I would go over board replacing it now but in the future when it's just a lil bigger a compost tea would be fantastic. I wouldn't kill it just yet. Try to save it for the experience/knowledge in case you come across something like this again.

Have you checked out the ACT Brewer thread or Compost Tea threads in Organics?

Greatest signature ever by the way. We should all focus on science.

Thanks man, and thanks for the info. I'm living in an apartment (thus the microgrow) so I'm not sure how easy it would be to start a composting setup. I don't think there are wood chips in the soil, but I definitely waited too long to add fertilizer I think. I've just given it a dose (recommended amount, I'll usually use half the recommended amount) so we'll see how she goes.

I was also planning to change to 12/12 about now but the growth has been stunted so I'll give it another week.


Bat Macumba
That's the beauty of an aerated tea brewer- compost-like results in a day without composting. A handful of earthworm castings, dash of liquid fish (low phos), some molasses, rotate small amounts alfalfa/crab/blood meal/whatever carbon or N source you so choose into 5 gallons water and cycle for 24 hours. It can stink a bit but remove the fish or brew it elsewhere and bring it home in a couple soda 2- liters. You could dilute it into 30-60 gallons and still get amazing results. There are billions of flagellates and amoeba in that 5 gallons that would love to inoculate and fix nitrogen for you.

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
Nice one and good idea!
pulling up a chair.
My guess is that as soon as you're in mid flower, all the ona gel in the world won't save you and you'll have to build a diy carbon scrubber.

good luck !


Rick C-137

That's the beauty of an aerated tea brewer- compost-like results in a day without composting. A handful of earthworm castings, dash of liquid fish (low phos), some molasses, rotate small amounts alfalfa/crab/blood meal/whatever carbon or N source you so choose into 5 gallons water and cycle for 24 hours. It can stink a bit but remove the fish or brew it elsewhere and bring it home in a couple soda 2- liters. You could dilute it into 30-60 gallons and still get amazing results. There are billions of flagellates and amoeba in that 5 gallons that would love to inoculate and fix nitrogen for you.

awesome, thanks for the tip, I'll look into it

Nice one and good idea!
pulling up a chair.
My guess is that as soon as you're in mid flower, all the ona gel in the world won't save you and you'll have to build a diy carbon scrubber.

good luck !


shit, even with just one plant?

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
Absolutely, I mean there are strains with less smell, but once the plant hits the second half of flower and starts reeking... that ona gel won't be of much help.
But not to worry a diy carbon scrubber is easy to build and there are many here on IC who have reported about it. With this small of a set up and just one plant a really small one will be sufficient, way smaller than the smallest commercially available. There are ready built micro solutions available too, but I take it you want to keep the costs down, so diy it is...