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Super Stealth Advice Needed for Venting


I have a downtown apartment and the room that I'm using has 2 big windows facing another building pretty far away as it is a high rise but still within view (maybe 3/4 of a city block away). I'm considering using an exhaust fan to blow out of one window and then to just crack open the other one for an intake.

Does anybody have any ideas for how I could do this stealthy?

Another option would be to close in the entire room of course and spend $3400 on a water cooled a/c to keep the room cool but it ould be a shame to spend that hard earned money on that since its now Fall and won't probably need that til Summer. Typical day and night temps currently are 9*C / 48*F to 3*C / 38*C so it's be nice to save that money and use this cold outside air for a while!!! Any ideas????

Attached is a ghetto pic of what the room looks like and what kind of windows the apartment uses (looking for my digi cam) Any ideas are super appreciated!!!


  • Room.jpg
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At those temps and less, I would think any humidity in the air warmer than outside ambient would condense into a cloud of dead giveaway! Is there anyway you could tap into the bathroom or stove exhausts? It might not be very big (4"maybe?) and that would limit exhaust capacity, but it is something to work with. I'm guessing you don't have a washer/dryer hook-up, but if so, that would simplify things a lot as well. :2cents:

Good luck!
Namaste, mess


Air cooled hoods ducting to a window vent.

Portable a/c vented to the same window vent via a Y splitter.......one coming from the light and the other coming from the port a/c combining and than out the window.


You should build a box, that allows you to exhaust into the existing bathroom exhause fan vent duct, and then use your ambient room temps to be your intake air, use an air cooled hood in the box/cab/freezer/tent/ whatever, obviously you need an air filter solution for your exhaust, I would only use the window for intake, I wouldn't exhaust hot air out from a window, might be suspicious to see the exhaust in cold air 12 hours at a time, but you could box it, and use it for intake to cool lights on a seperate exhaust circuit, and then you could probably just exhaust the cab into the room, again using the appropriate air filter solution for smell.
That's what I would be looking at.


At those temps and less, I would think any humidity in the air warmer than outside ambient would condense into a cloud of dead giveaway! Is there anyway you could tap into the bathroom or stove exhausts? It might not be very big (4"maybe?) and that would limit exhaust capacity, but it is something to work with. I'm guessing you don't have a washer/dryer hook-up, but if so, that would simplify things a lot as well. :2cents:


DUDE, ya, I didn't think of that, good thing I asked here first lol! Actually now that you mention it I do have a bathroom exhaust fan and a dryer exhaust fan. Since I'm in a high rise I'm wondering if there is anything else additionally I woul dneed to do to prevent smell from going through the rest of teh building?

Let me see if I have this right in my head:

  1. Leave one of the windows open a crack for an intake
  2. pull the air through a carbon scrubber and duct it up through the bathroom vent or dryer vent?
Wow, if that's the solution (please tell me if I need to add or change anything to this) Then you will have saved me about $3,000 for the Fall/Winter season which is a godsend since my budget was incredibly tight right now!!! :woohoo:If that's the case I owe you big time brotha and just let em know what I can do for YOU!

Now that I'm visualizing that set up another question comes to mind. What is the best idea to control the temps in the room if I'm bringing in out side air that cold? I'm guessing that the carbon scrubber fan should be on all the time to control smell, ya?

Would I just need to buy a hygrometer controlled dehum and a thermostat controlled space heater to complete?


Ive seen split ductless AC systems for as cheap as 1k

Are these water cooled though? If not, then I would need to vent out the window like one of those portable ones, ya? If I'm wrong then I would love for you to show me one if you've seen them on some site or anything.

All my local grow shops are quoting me 3300 for a water cooled they say the lowest they can get is a 3 ton water cooled. Looks like this (both stores have same supplier).


You should build a box, that allows you to exhaust into the existing bathroom exhause fan vent duct, and then use your ambient room temps to be your intake air, use an air cooled hood in the box/cab/freezer/tent/ whatever, obviously you need an air filter solution for your exhaust, I would only use the window for intake, I wouldn't exhaust hot air out from a window, might be suspicious to see the exhaust in cold air 12 hours at a time, but you could box it, and use it for intake to cool lights on a seperate exhaust circuit, and then you could probably just exhaust the cab into the room, again using the appropriate air filter solution for smell.
That's what I would be looking at.

Dude yes! After reading messn'n'gommin' and your posts I'm convinced now that this is the way to go regarding the bathroom venting and useing the intake from window so a super big THX!

I'm planning on having 3 of these BCNL Producer's in a 10x10x8 room btw so these do actually have air-cooled hoods built in which is cool

This idea of yours of boxing the air and using it for intake to cool lights on a seperate exhaust circuit, and then you could probably just exhaust the cab into the room, again using the appropriate air filter solution for smell is fascinating me right now. Are you suggesting this for the exhaust air that I'm now planning on exhausting out of the dryer or more likely the bathroom fan (assuming their will be no smell issues pulling through a carbon scrubber)? I'm not sure I'm understanding this point of yours clearly but I wish I did because it sounds very cool to me right now. Any clarification would be awesome!!


Active member
A split ductless AC system does not need to exhaust. Its basically the same as a central AC unit just with no ducts.... U have an internal unit and an external unit its connected by coolant lines that screw right on No need for a technician just DIY..
here is a link that would work for 2 1ks just keep googling youll find a nice unit and there worth the money there super stealth and there work awesome!!


I was thinking that you should be able to build a box around the window, intake from their directly to your lights, then directly out through the dryer/stove/bathroom vent duct. Then you could exhaust the cab or whatever by pulling the inside air through a carbon filter, then out of the cab, you can probably use the appropriate sized intake holes and use passive intake for the cab, even though you are "exhausting the cab" into the room, the bulk of the heat in the cab would be going out the exhaust line, or you could run a separate exhaust line out from the cab via the carbon filter then fan etc....but I would think that it would be easier to simply scrub and exchange the cab air w/ the ambient air in the room, which will have fresh air brought in by your homes central air/heat whatever. Does that make any sense? IDK?


A split ductless AC system does not need to exhaust. Its basically the same as a central AC unit just with no ducts.... U have an internal unit and an external unit its connected by coolant lines that screw right on No need for a technician just DIY..
here is a link that would work for 2 1ks just keep googling youll find a nice unit and there worth the money there super stealth and there work awesome!!

Holy Jeesuz that's alot of jack there!
I have also seen the stand alone ac unit that you put in a room and the swamp coolers, but that thing is whoa!
There is more than one way to skin a cat that is for sure
That would be handy to have.


you should use 2 8 inch fans to pull new air and push out the old air sounds like they already have carbon filters
you might as well get another one if you can afford it so you can smoke around there too if you need they are gonna get a great amount of co2 just from being around you but i could see temps getting crazie with these
no need to doubt me 8 inch fans man you will be perfect with fat yields


Oh, I just checked your link, I didn't realize you were looking at buying one of those things, when I was talking cab, I meant just some DIY box or cab, but yeah you could apply the same ideas to something like that as well, I just think you could do just as well and spend a fraction of the money if you DIY.
Those turn key things all look neat, but go see how many grow logs w/ those there are here, not too many, then check out the rest, I am sure you could save yourself some money there and still get good lights, fans, filters, etc....How do you plan to grow, hydro unit? Why not start really really simple? Maybe you get that stuff though, I do, I just don't think it's the easiest way, but it may be right up your alley, IDK. Good luck w/ what ever you do, endless amounts of info no matter how you decide to grow.


A split ductless AC system does not need to exhaust. Its basically the same as a central AC unit just with no ducts.... U have an internal unit and an external unit its connected by coolant lines that screw right on No need for a technician just DIY..
here is a link that would work for 2 1ks just keep googling youll find a nice unit and there worth the money there super stealth and there work awesome!!

Sweet! Ya, when I originally started looking into these I read that they needed to be professionally installed and I thought they compared price wise to water cooled units. But I guess I didn't Google enough, huh? That's cool that I'm hearing from you now that you can in fact DIY install, really cool. Still, I'm thinking I may go the other route as an immediate solution ie. intake from window / exhaust through bathroom vent unless I can find one of these things priced cheap enough locally and quick. I'm under some pressure to get this thing started right away and plus I think the bathroom vent method might be more inexpensive. but thanks for opening up my eyes to kick ass solution for the summer time! That's awesome!!!


The "Producer" huh? I am sure you could grow good dope in it, but for what that thing is gonna cost ya, I bet you could do just as well or better for much cheaper. But I am sure I remember seeing one thread about a grow in one of those somewhere, just don't think you need to spend that much money.


you should use 2 8 inch fans to pull new air and push out the old air sounds like they already have carbon filters
you might as well get another one if you can afford it so you can smoke around there too if you need they are gonna get a great amount of co2 just from being around you but i could see temps getting crazie with these
no need to doubt me 8 inch fans man you will be perfect with fat yields

Ya, you're right each one actually has it's own mini carbon scrubber out the back but I will get one for the room anyways since I'm packin 3 in there. They also have a CO2 line that I'll be using to directly feed teh CO2 from tanks intot eh cab's which is cool. Temps will be an issue for sure since its just under 3000W for that room (10x10x8) but I'm hoping that by drawing in the cool air from outside that that will sufficient enough to cool the room down.

Re: 2 - 8 inch fans. Are you suggesting an 8 inch to draw in the air and a separate 8 in to exhaust it out? That wouldn't create any negative pressure in the room would it?


The "Producer" huh? I am sure you could grow good dope in it, but for what that thing is gonna cost ya, I bet you could do just as well or better for much cheaper. But I am sure I remember seeing one thread about a grow in one of those somewhere, just don't think you need to spend that much money.

You're right, I don't and it is expensive. But, it's plug and play man and its on wheels in case my landlord insists on inspecting the place which happens from time to time as grow ops become more prevalent in Vancouver and landlords become more increasingly aware, since the onus is on them to make sure nothing is happening there for insurance purposes. Plus, it's my first grow all on my own (well, not entirely on my own thanks to you guys!). I wanted to do Tents and probably will next time or vert maybe even but for my first show I'm happy to spend a little extra I guess for a quick, portable, clean solution that's proven to work...


you need a very small mediumISH size dehumi and AC dont waste your money on some crazy water cooled ac thats soo much money... wouldnt that be used for a big controlled enviroment like a 20x15 room? thats what i would expect with .. if those producers have 1000w bulbs each then i might be like eh its gonna be like 80 degrees

have you put babies in there yet have you ran them to see how hot it will be even with out anything in them

building a box is a good idea

getting some filters and fans to just cycle the room would be really stealth
and making a sealed room will cost more but it really will be alot safer in the long run


you need a very small mediumISH size dehumi and AC dont waste your money on some crazy water cooled ac thats soo much money... wouldnt that be used for a big controlled enviroment like a 20x15 room? thats what i would expect with .. if those producers have 1000w bulbs each then i might be like eh its gonna be like 80 degrees

have you put babies in there yet have you ran them to see how hot it will be even with out anything in them

building a box is a good idea

getting some filters and fans to just cycle the room would be really stealth
and making a sealed room will cost more but it really will be alot safer in the long run

All good questions man thanks!

Actually, I'm getting them in the room tomm so that's what I'll do I guess, run them in there for a bit and see how hot it gets in there, ya?

I'm looking at dehumid's here but having trouble figuring out how many pint's I will need for 10x10x8 room. Any idea how to calculate that anyone? In Jorge Crevantes book he states that a 10x10x8 room or 800 cubic ft room will hold:

14 oz of water at 70*F (21*C)
18oz of water at 80*F (26*C)

And there is 16 fluid oz's in a US pint.

But I don;t know whether that's for a 24 hour period or not? That would be cool if it was because it looks like that is how they rate dehumidifier's by pints that they remove from a space per 24 hour period. But, I don't know for sure.


Well, after a very long night, I got them in the room and cranked em for a while after upgrading a breaker so that it could handle the load. I'm now running 18 amps on wire that was originally intended for a 15amp breaker :spank:anyone with electrical experience think there will be a problem with this? If that wasn't bad enough, the breaker I replaced was the 15 amp and arc fault combo and I put in just a 20 amp to handle the 18 amps. So no more Arc Fault!!! :hotbounce Hopefully someone with more experience than me can tell me this will be safe...

Man does it get HOT in there!!!

I ran 2 at the same time as I'll be running a 2:1 flip having only 2 on at once at most the whole time and it still got to 90*F in there after a few hours only. That's as a complete dry run as well with no plants or water in the rez's!

I still however would love to keep that closed room environment (for stealth issues mainly and entire environment control) so I'm thinkin maybe I could just use a portable A/C like 14,000 BTU or something and exhaust it out my bathroom exhaust to keep the temps down instead of using a window for an intake. Would that work??

I'm going to try it tomorrow I think. Fired them up tonight. Man it gets hot in there. Hopefully that portable A/C solution will work. If not, maybe I'll do the split unit thing (although I would hate to have to leave my sliding patio door open for the coolant lines even if it is on the 23rd floor and then run teh lines across the entire living room) or even consider opening a window and drawing some air in for intake possibly although it would be hard to be stealth about the open window part, hmmm.... :joint: (thinkin and smokin) :1help:

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