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Super Duper Funny Picture Thread # 2

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Veg & Flower Station keeper
man i hate all these making fun of an asian accent pics.^^^ funny thing is, you don't see asians making fun of americans trying to speak their languages much. but here, its a pastime.
sorry guess thats my moms japanese side kicking in.
its true, ignorance is bliss...

i didn't mean to bring it down in here. just thought i'd let people know that kind of stuff could be offensive. i personally, can't stand prejudice and have faced much growing up as one of the only non-whites in my area. i got the knuckle and face scars to prove it.
it is what it is, i guess. i'm also sure i've offended people before. no one is above it.
not sure why i said it, but it did hit me a little wrong. so i apologize for bringing it down in here.


ps -kmk420kali, i could care less for those rate a thread thingees. i appreciate your view. been a fan of your posts for some time now...
I grew up with ethnic jokes of all races, including those of my own mixed race backround. I was from NYC. Didn't mind them as long as they weren't meant to hurt someones feelings outright. Hey Asians do have a higher IQ than average... :D



cravin morehead

Active member
^^^ hahaha! ok... enough of this race BS. we had our fun and took our digs.
lets get back to the funny pics... i won't say another word about it. post whatever you guys like...



Invertebrata Inebriata
That J. Krishnamurti quote is neither funny or true. Is it violent for me to hold this opinion? Pow!
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