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Sun bleaching or low temps?


Active member
I have some sprouts that are in a egg carton. the last two days i've left them outside. They now have whitish leaves and they seem to be dying.

temps are in 30s at night.
first and second set of leaves. there 5 days old

Today i'm bringing them inside at dark. Hopefully I can take care of this problem, I don't have much space or beans this year. Veggies need room too!

I'll post a pic if needed


too cold, also the plants are probably too weak to absorb the sun. start them in a bit of shade. GL a picture would be worth a thousand words.


Active member

beer cup kinda..they look fine



See the leaves? I moved one into view for a better pic

I just watered btw..in coco


could be over watering. Either way they look like they will be fine. bringing them in at night is good. Just get them back out for some of that sun.
why dont you just use a floro indoors and make it easier on yourself? they dont need a whole lotta light early in their development.


Those things are simultaneously stretching for light and dying under it!

Sun's too harsh right now and temps are too 'swing-y'. I would only germ under a single 10w CFL or something right now


Active member
Yeah tell me about it. I use two 26w cfl's blue, and yellow spectrum. And in the day they sit in the window sill for now. Back outside as soon as the weather permits it.

I'm pretty sure it was frost damage, it's white down to the stems and crunchy lol The ones that had frost damage are basically dead. New sprouts have taken there place. :dance013:


Active member
looks like frost damage to me ( i live near the artic..)

doesnt have to be that cold to hurt sprouts.