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Summertime in the City. [Hempy, DWC, Soil, Hot Box, GO!]


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WEEK 6 Beginning since flowers.

i notice from the pic at the top of this page which was ~week 6-7 last grow, that these plants are growing waaay slower than last run. i assume it no doubt has to do with all these fucking gnats i can't seem to get rid of, and the cold temps. sigh, just means im gonna run longer this round.













till next time, hopefully with less gnats and bigger buds.
lookin good. now only if Da Bears were healthy and doin as good as ur plants are...lol.

haha i just noticed ur name is ilovebonghits backwords. i do too when im watchin football hittin my bears bong.


Active member
you're like the only one of maybe 2 people who have caught that the entire 5 year's ive been here. you win the grand prize. unfortunately i have no way of getting a grand prize to you so i will smoke it and let you know how it was :)






G13 starting to put weight on, second flush of flowers im gonna have to let it go all the way till the whole plant goes amber prolly. those gnats really fucked me for yields this time around. The Goldy is looking good, root damage really slowed this one down, last time around it was all about done at week 7 here we are going on week 9 and it looks like its only 4 weeks in. but the damage seems to be reversing and i assume i will have more yields this time around with the goldy. its getting pretty dense but the buds are fluffy. i assume it's going to harden up to solid buds like last round if not im gonna have to go find out what i did differently last round. it doesn't even seem like the same plant. barely any visible frost, smells just "green" none of that sour funk from last time.
got some mosquito dunks and applied it to the plants earlier, hopefully i can kiss these asshole gnats goodbye. they have really fucked my grow and i almost feel i wasted my time. but oh well. till next week.
yay go me!...lol. or they just didnt feel like pointing out the obvious. i just got threw hitting the bong (football with perc and water catcher and bears stickers on it to make it look better of course) before i was looking at ur acomplishments ur name popped out and cought my stoner daze... im sure we all have those moments.

but i gotta say for the difficulties ur going threw on this grow those ladies still look good for what they have been going threw. good luck getting rid of the gnats. keep up the good work keeping the ladies happy. or trying to keep them happy if shes a stuborn 1.


Well-known member
wow dude ur garden is looking greart so far. only it seems that the plants r kinda small for the size of pot there in.

Iv had plants in my past gardens grow that size in 1 liter pots all the time.


Active member
yeah something is off this time around, its either cuz it's so cold my temps have rarely been below a steady 80 in the past. its mid 70's at best during lights on and probably down to high 50's mid 60's at night. then you got the gnats which seem to be dying off. still got a dozen moving around at any given time, but the numbers are dwindling.

everything is out of my box now except for goldy, g13, and the last grapefruit d-lite i was running.





G13- still mostly leaf, i dunno wtf happened this time around, the only thing that changed was i went from clone straight to 12/12 in a larger pot. maybe the roots didn't grow much? there was the fungus gnats steadily eating the roots too, plus it was colder than before. feed was the same, but i was also using miracle gro organic soil. anyway been giving plain water the past 2 weeks, water + molasses the 2 weeks before that. im just gonna wait it out and whatever happens its coming down when goldy gets the chop.




Goldilocks- packin on weight now and getting filled in so i had to retie her down to open up the middle. growth is much different from last time around. im wondering now if i cloned the right plant. the buds are growing into little pine cones like last time but the calyxes are foxtailing up like ssk#2 . last time the puds got clustered up like how sour diesel grows and they seemed to grow inside of each other. i think the miracle gro has a lot of nitrogen in it might be the issue. the flower production has really taken off in the past 3 weeks since i started giving only water/water+molasses. the other plants i was growing this round all got reused soilless mix from previous grows or seed starting mix and they seem less affected compared to these 2 plants. all things considered. they should have finished a couple weeks ahead of the beer cups which i chopped the last of today.
anyway i will continue just plain water with these two and see how it goes.



Grapefruit D-lite Pheno#4 haze- lastly still got the #4 pheno of the grapefruit d-lite i was test running. it started off smaller than the rest and stayed tight through veg but when i threw it in flower it stretched like a motherfucker. just about tripled in size, been in flower like...7,8-9 weeks, since the early part of november. bout the same time i put the g-13 and goldy in. just getting started as far as flowering is concerned, this one is in seed starting mix on lucas formula, not miracle gro like the other 2. no issues with this one just slower to flower than the other 2 phenos of the grapefruit (i think #2 and #3 are actually the same pheno i just topped one) different flower structure, looks like your classic haze, or would if i didn't have it tied like i do. gonna continue water+molasses with this one till it finishes. looks like 4+weeks.

anyway, till next time.


Active member
nothing much to report this week. everything looks pretty much like it did in the last pics. the g13 started putting out new pistils again. just a couple here and there nothing to get excited about. goldilocks started taking up water at a regular rate again. been stalled out for a long while. first month only watered one time. second month watered 2x. so far i have watered 2x in one week. looking better.

the reason we are all gathered here today is to welcome the new additions.


seedlings: in the front are: on the left, i have no clue what this is. a seed i found in my pocket from some weed i was smoking and i liked i guess. on the right is g13xcirca94. the 3 in the back row of the tray are atlantic diesel im test growing for devil weed seeds. the far back in the brown pots are mishaf3 (short one) and sashaf3 (tall one) they look weird and mutated...
thanks im glad you noticed. these are the offspring of my long time "breeding project" and a random male that i thought to be related to blueberry genes based on the smells and inherent mutation.

Atlantic Diesel


this beauty is G13xCirca94 if you were here last time you will know i got a trifoliate male out of my g13 seeds, well the females apparently carry the genes too as i took the female and dusted it with some circa94 and the result is this trifoliate seedling.


dunno on left / g13xcirca94 on right


mishaf3 mishaxblueberry(?)

sashaf3 sashaxblueberry(?)
as you can see this one carries the trait of the dad that topped itself after one node. as well as the crinkly dark green leaves and a funky smell. not like any berries i ever smelled...maybe dingle.

anyway till next time ill have some pictures of goldy and the g13.
my 1 plant that is currently growing started out like the last pic. i thought she topped herself too because she looked exactly the same. she didnt top herself and grew normal dispite the way it looked. sounds like some good smoke going in, keep it up.


Active member
another week... another update WEEK 12 since flowers started on the G13 and Goldy anyway.
nothing much to report really. pistils poppin on g13 and goldy, but nothing much beyond that happening. i saw the goldy is starting to yellow. fucking finally, been using plain water since week 4-5 just about. last time im using any organic mix i didn't mix myself. so much ruined harvest. don't get me wrong im gonna get a better haul from goldy than last time, but i think the high will be shit. virtually 0 trichs compared to the first go round. the G13 LOOKS like it's packing some little bit of weight on, but these are only looks. buds are still as nonexistent as ever. i've made the decision that they are all coming down either on valentines day or by the end of valentines week. so roughly 8 through 13 days from now.









the grapefruit d-lite or pineapple guava haze as im going to rename it. i was at my friends house the other day, i ask for a drink he brings me a glass of juice that smells just like these grapefruit d-lites. i was like DUDE WHAT THE FUCK FLAVOR IS THIS JUICE??!!!

mystery solved on that smell.






Grapefruit Delight Pheno#4 "Guava-Pineapple Haze"

anyway the grapefruit is all about done, they are all about done, grapefruit is all cloudy trichs with a few amber, goldy is all cloudy and it has been since forever and now partly amber. g13 i don't really care at this point, im just looking forward to flowering out the mom that i replaced this one with and i anticipate better yields already as this one started back to flowering much faster and is already almost through the stretch after only one week in flower.





my sasha and misha seedlings are coming along, showing off some impressive vigour, the rest of the seedlings are doing well also in their second week of life but for now we are focusing on sasha and misha who will be going into the flower box soon as the others come out. if they're ready that is. these seedlings are the craziest i've had in a while. the first set of leaves are mature 5 finger leaves. right out of the gate. on misha the leaves are the first set are deformed nubs the second set one leaf is 2 fingers the other leaf is 4 fingers for the next node its 5 fingers each. for sasha the first leaves past the initial single blade leaves are 3 fingers then 5 the next node. BUT one branch is Trifolate and the leaves are 3 fingers then 5 next node. can't wait to see where this is going. most interesting grow ever. starting to yellow and there are millions of THICK roots poking out the bottom of these cups. transplanting to larger pots.







Sasha = Big Twisted Leaves / Misha = More Normal Leaves baby trichs

thanks for stopping by rolling machine. the dad topped itself, or rather FIM, after about 4-6 weeks the top node started to grow out again after it had been running on the 2 branches that popped from from the first node. i anticipate the same thing with this one. there is a microscopic bit of green down there at the node.


Active member
took the goldy, g13 and grapefruit out and put them in a dark closet where they will stay till valentines day when i will show them how much i love them by cutting them and hanging them upside down to dry out the rest of the way.

more room now for the grapefruit clones, and the g13 i just stuck in there the other week which i must say is already doing 1000% better than the last run of g13. i guess this plant really does not tolerate cold at all or the fungus gnats were too much. also putting in my sasha and misha seedlings. i have like 8 more seedlings to run behind those but they will have to sit in veg for some while before there is space for them. we will see how many girls and boys i end up with in 2 weeks and then go from there.


goldillocks on left g13 on right.


goldy all seeded up from the nanners that showed around week 9/10


g13 still shitty nonexistent buds. not even any frostier than usual in fact less frosty than i remember. miracle gro soil or cold roots or fungus gnats suck. im leaning more towards that soil to be honest. sooooooo much nitrogen. 6 weeks+ of plain water and the leaves are still as dark green as you could get.








Active member

sashaf3 (yellow) + mishaf3 (blue)



so from the first node there was no second node, self topped plant. 1st node branches out to 2 branches, on the left branch its growing normal, on the right branch the first node splits again into 2 branches, but there are also 2 branches growing from that node as regular so in actuality the second branch turned into 4 branches.


g13xcirca94 - appears to be growing a set of leaves below the cotyledons. aside from that i see nothing special about this triploid.


G13xGirca94 on left, and i think i planted GoldyxCirca94 on the right.


Active member
back again week 5 from seed for the /Circa94 crosses week 6 and a half to 7 for the Sasha and Misha (S&M) all are in flower now except for the misha which i was having issues with, seems like the stem was rotting, the jiffy puck part in the middle wasn't drying out. repotted and put back to veg. seemed like it was gonna be a slow girl. we will find out in the future.


g1394 which i think i will call g17 for now cuz it confuses my mind trying to decide what to call it everytime so i don't have to keep typing out g13xcirca94 (13+94=107. drop the 0 and we get 17)



Atlantic Diesel im testing, this one started full on flower in week 3 of 24/0 so i put it in the flower box, the rest from these seeds are still in veg.


sashaxblu aka sashaf3 crazy plant this one. topped itself on node#1 then on the first node of one of the branches it split again and 2 main branches grew out of that side. they started flowering at different times too. the tallest top started flowering 3 days before the middle top, and the little top just started showing a pistil today 2-3 days after.
getting pretty tall too, hope i dont have to top, i was planning to run this untopped.


this one i THINK is Goldilocks(Goldy)xCirca94 which i will call g94/goldy94 for simplicity. or it might be anything. i was really high that night i think it is goldy 94 because if i deliberately set out to test g17 then i would have probably popped a g94 seed alongside it like i popped a misha and a sasha side by side. although iirc i popped 5 sasha and misha and i ended up with only one of each.

wanted to run this untopped too but once it went to flower it doubled in size. it was like 3 inches from the bulb when pistils showed. had no choice.


Active member
continued from last post ^^^^



lastly we have the 3rd and so far best run of g13. last run got smokeable smokes out, nice and smooth very little yield though. this time around i am already looking to double the yield on the first run. and since i have time to kill in between posts (crazy i wrote smokes instead of posts the first time, goddamn nicotine is a motherfucker isn't it?)... i don't remember how many days i said i let this run...some 90 or so? anyway 90 days or 65 days. it gets no more narcotic, and these trichomes are... lemme double check don't wanna be a liar...these trichomes are plenty amber. so yeah i think 60-70 days is good enough, 30 days down 30-40 more days to go.

till next week.


Active member
next week...2 weeks later... whatever.

shit i can't remember when i put that g13 in, fuck it lets call it valentines day. so 4 weeks flower for the g13 and the S&M.








To Side.



Sasha with a ruler. 2 foot ruler. plant is 20 inches from base to tip. leaves are doing that claw because the salt build up as the pot dries out. need to flush and lower strength of nutes.

flowers are coming along pretty well for 3-4 weeks of flowering or so. note to self take better notes in the future.


Active member
I just read this whole thread, hard mode indeed!

I think there are some minor things you could do to really help your grow though. Get rid of that soil :( Get some Ocean Frog mix or just stick to all hempy. Miracle Gro soil is full of so much shit. You're probably getting gnats from all of the moisture sitting in the soil.

Are you monitoring pH and such? What nutes are you using? GL with everything :)


Active member
i smoke entirely too mcuh weed. and i can't read. i can rhyme though. so. ok that other plant is not goldy94 but rather a seed i put in my pocket after smoking some weed with one of my friends. like i said originally before i forgot and assumed it must have been goldy 94 since i planted a g1394. or g17 as i said i would call it lol. im gonna dust it with some g13 male pollen i saved and call that cross g30. im high.

thanks for coming through oneshot, yes indeed go hard mode or go home. i was using the miracle gro organics soil to see how it performs. it has too much nitrogen in it. fungus gnats will be in ocean forest products too, they are not immune to bugs that are found everywhere. soil could work for a grow from seed, but too much nitrogen in it for clone plants in the winter. anyhow i am using my own mix these days and my recycled soil from my last grows before the miracle gro.

before i forget again.

g13 went in valentines day. week 1 flower for S&M was feb 29. AD went in on the 29th today is week 3 for SF3 week 2 for AD week 4 for g13. not sure on the g13 date. looking for notes.


Active member
ok looked through my notes. aka me rambling in this thread and i think i have it all straight now.

g13 is at week 7 flower since yesterday gonna come down sometime in the next 2 weeks. i was thinking i would maybe take the tops and let the lower buds fill out since i finally confirmed my bulb is on its last leg when i installed my AC to get ready for summer. turned it on and lamp restarts. bulb bout to blow. replacement should be here next week sometime along with my new 70w mh ballast.
gonna do 1 hps and one mh and see if it works out better. if i can't manage the temps like i have been able to since i took out my circulation fan, then i will do just mh for a grow and see if i like it better than hps. maybe 2 boxes one hps and one mh?


G13 7 weeks flower. 2 clones in one 1 gallon pot.


some lower buds from a top i sampled last week. this is how big the tops were on that winter G13 grow.



lower buds from the lowest branches.


Active member
Sasha and Misha are 7 weeks from seed. Sasha is on week 4 12/12 about 2 weeks of actual flowers so this will be week 2 flower for sasha. Misha is still in veg box but is sexed.








I expect i will be popping misha in after i take the G13 out. so somewhere between 2 and 4 weeks from now depending on whether i let the lower buds on the G13 finish. got a lot in the pipeline and test grows to do. i might just chop the G13 all at once.

Dr 4 four

It usually takes a combination of things to get rid of fungus gnats. Fungus gnats are in heaven in wet soil, letting the top 1-2" dry out for a few days between watering helps. Also adding a Mosquito Dunk to your water will help kill them off. It will take some time but it will work. A preventative measure would be to break up a Mosquito Dunk in to little pieces and mix it in with the soil before you even get them.

Also fungus gnats don't discriminate, they don't care if you use MG soil, FFOS, or even coco. Pretty much you'd need to go hydro if you don't want to deal with them, but that presents its own set of headaches.

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