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Summer grow...MF, F13, BBibl

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
Crazy! That male flower top looked killer.:joint:
In my original pack i had one female go comletely male at week 3'ish.
The seeds that came of it have all been female and made some wonderful plants. I hear ya on the herms, especially in a cab. Only one other from the pack hermed a little. one point of comfort is that alot of the male F13's are sterile so the nanners may end up purely cosmetic. Sorry to hear your troubles though.:fsu:


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ICMag Donor
One more small branch on the hermie turned hermie.
It looks like I am going to have to pull it.

The MF is starting to do her thing now.
Couple of baby MF buds...

Man, where have i been! Glad I checked in Hoosier. i hope ya love that f13, it changed my view of herb, its high is so high, and so positive! High, not stoned you'll be.

Kinda picked up on that belief there, that sucks too I have Blueberry. I think they aren't that unrelated, but breeding is a good bit of suggestive magic.


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ICMag Donor
I have a bb growing out next to a f13 and they are so similar!
I will get some outdoor pics in here soon.

Got some male clones tryin to root....

lookin good man. I look foward to seeing the end result :) We're pretty much on the same time frame for flowering (at least for my "old" mothers)


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ICMag Donor
This is the F13 male that I am keeping in hopes of using him for seeds.
He has got the 1 leaf thing going on as he's in re-veg.

He seems to be a viral lil phucker

What's this?....

Upon closer inspection it looks like reveg has kicked in a bit of reverse hermie.

I sure hope he is not sterile. This could be the one I want.


Active member
Good to see another F13 grower! Yeah like Retardo said, the majority of F13 males are sterile so if you get one that isn't, keep that pollen!!!! A sterile F13 male is very very very rare and would be great for breeding. As for hermies, I've never had one with F13 but have read of others who have.
There's a great thread in the DJ Shorts forum called "F13 - Keeper Phenos and what to expect", mine turned out most similar to Pheno #4.

Also I thought I'd mention that I found that my pheno of F13 turned purple near the end of flower and only where the light was hitting. In my second grow of F13 I trimmed fan leaves that were covering colas in my SCROG and did overall trimming to allow more light to hit more of my buds and got tons of purple all over my buds and some crazy branching of stacked calyxes. I'm not saying it's the way to go but for me I like my flowers to look beautiful and I think it really improved i aesthetically. I'm always interested in other F13 grows and interested to hear smoke reports to see how the effects compare with my pheno... :yeahthats


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ICMag Donor
Some young F13 buds...
This plant has only had one dose of nutrients (PBP, LK, CalMag+, Mol) watered three times since, and it has overnute leaf curl big time.




I think they are ready to go nuts!

A couple of MF buds....



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ICMag Donor







(Last 4 shots are AngelDust 1IX. They are in containers and flowered much earlier than any in the ground)

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
I love the bright red color those F13 stems have Hoosier. My gk and bb i put outside are only just starting to flower now, too little too late i guess.
what kind of smells are you getting off of that red stemmed lady? The scnts can be so varied within a pack of F13, I like all of them!
Well, except for the one that smelled like meat from my first run, it was a foul scent for my nose! Any news on the male and his sperm count?:yoinks:
Keep it up, the pics are really nice Hoosier.


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ICMag Donor
RM, the f13 I have in the garden has one of the most intoxicating aromas of just about any plant I have ever grown. Sweet and fruity funkiness. Two of my indoor f13's have a similar smell, but quite a bit more subdued than the outdoor plant.

One of my cab plants is very disappointing. It stretched wayyy past the others in a very short time, and the buds never did fill in right. A very leafy pheno to say the very least. The frost and all is there for sure, but damn little calyx to be found. An anomaly I think.

All my indoor is real close to chop.
Here is some mental floss...



Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
I bet that outdoor F13 will be a real treat! Some of the f13 have shown to be very very low yielders. my lowest yielding f13 I;ve had is still the best i've smoked, though. I'd take her back if i could though, the smoke was that good! cant wait to hear how they smoke!
Have a great weekend!


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ICMag Donor
I have this curious f13 pheno that I sure hope smokes out well.
I call her Black Beauty



She's a foxy lil thang...
In the background it has the berry/fruity smell of other phenos I have, but she has much more of a predominant funk smell to her than any of the rest.
Best yield too.
Not one sign of hermie on her, when two others close to her were hermie laden.
One was the worst excuse for a plant that I have ever laid eyes on. No shit.
It will all be a hash bar...seriously narry a bud worth worrying about on the whole plant. An anomaly I would hope. But one must expect such things with such a finicky hybrid I spose. I will take a shot or two of her before she hits the ice.
But for now...some of Black Beauty's popcorn...
