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Sulfur/rotten egg smell from coco

lord siva

Active member
Hello all ,
New to the coco game and a have a question. I am running a flood table with coco in smart pots. Using GH at the 6/9 mi micro/bloom with 1/4 tsp of kool bloom. Here is the thing in week six of flower started to add some hygrozym and instantly a sulfur smell arose from the pots. Has anyone else had this happen or can anyone explain what may have happened.
thank you


Active member
rotting roots? how long are u flooding the table for? You should top feed rather then flood from the bottom with coco.


Active member
DO not use Hygrozyme in a recirculating system. Mostly likely your are smelling rotting rootsthat are being choked by the brown slime that exploded when you added the Hygrozyme.


Active member
That's the smell of DEAD ROOTS.
Empty your reservoir and immediately clean and refill with pH 6.0 water.
Flush the plants for 48 hrs then refill reservoir with 1/2-strength nutrients.
Run those nutes five days,clean,and refill using normal feeding ratios.


Active member
Bleach at 2ml/10gal while you are flushing will kill the baddies. Then 1ml/10gal for the rest of the run should keep them in check.


Active member
Also read "strange slime buildup on roots" sticky I'm the infirmary. There is slot of info in there for your problem.

lord siva

Active member
Thank you guys for the quick reply. Dead roots was what I was afraid of, since the odor was similar to a compost pile gone septic. The plants are showing ill bud development so i probably did some damage,but other than that they look and smell great. Oh bye the way I flood 3 times during lights on, 5 minutes, that is how long it takes to fill the table and was changing the res every 2 weeks so I probably pushed that a little to far. I think I will be going the DTW route next go around though I have many small questions on that route also. Again, thank you all and the best of grow to each of you.


Active member
Your problem was the Hygrozyme. If you switch to dwc don't use the Hygrozyme You will also need a res chiller with dwc or yo will get rot.
^ LOL its not sulfur buildup from sugar...there isnt sulfur in sugars anyways.....and yes its been established it was root rot.

i knew it was root rot upon reading the thread title.....that awful smell of rotting roots is extremely distinguishable. youll know you got root rot ANYTIME in the future if it happens again. unfortunately u got it now and it fucks ur crop....pretty much no further riping/development and leaves start dying. might as well chop now and throw in clones asap...or wait till the soonest u have clones to throw in and push it as fire mids or something lol? but in all honesty sorry...shits happend to me before too, and one of the times i blame HYGROZYME aswell!


stick to a myco or bacterial......or h2o2 or bleach.....

lord siva

Active member
No molasses here, but reading the thread made me wat to google, google gave me this. your both right.

"When a Molasses container identifies the product as "sulphured" or "unsulfured" the terms are used merely to advise which Molasses were refined using sulphur dioxide. Sulfured Molasses are made from young sugar cane, which requires sulfur dioxide during the sugar refining process. As the sulfur becomes mixed into the Molasses solution, a change in flavor occurs, reducing some of rich taste generally provided by Molasses not processed with sulfur dioxide. Unsulfured Molasses are made with more mature raw materials and the juice is clarified as it is processed, producing a higher quality, thicker, sweeter, and better tasting grade of Molasses. Unsulfered Molasses are typically preferred for recipes in order to provide a more pure flavor."

Still have some rot smell but its better, i was accused of busting ass when i open the porthole to plants. Will post some pictures of the ladies later.

lord siva

Active member
day 55

day 55

They are at day 55 so just gonna flush with straight tap at 6.0. Should be a little better than mids, what do you think?


lord siva

Active member
Thank you, Rez and HUGE
Looking forward to the chop on this one.
Also a big thanks to Rez for the Recipe, :tiphat:it made the transition into coco a pleasant one.
With that in mind, I do have a few WonderHaze beans left in the
fridge so keep an eye out for those. If memory serves me correct there are some monsters to be found. Let's hope i find them.