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Great looking Nugget, and a very well written report, Suga!!

I still haven't heard from Mari, but I'm sure he's fine... Probally just burned out on the net scene, as we all do at times..Especially, when we have a lot of irons in the fire..

I'm getting close to finishing up with the " Jack Herer x NL ", and Aurora Indica bean crossing grow... I started flushing today as a matter of fact... May be a bit early, but I want these buds to taste as good as possible... I'll have plenty of beans to play with, and many pheno's....

I hope all is well in your part of the globe, and everything is safe, and sound..

I was going to put up some pics, but there not too good, especially with the HPS lights, and my ability to take them...lol

All the Best my Friend

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Active member
TraneRek said:
Yo suga, I read on a previous page that you had a perpetual grow going.. How hard is that to manage? I'd love to have a harvest every three weeks! :jump:

Yes I had a perpetual grow going for a while. It can be as hard or as easy as you want it to be.

When I was using the 150 cabinet plus a veg cabinet I was doing a perpetual two plant flower and that was a breeze with a small veg cabinet. I would simply take clones off the plant that was confirmed female around 2 weeks into flower from lower growth you normally took off in scrog anyways. These would go into a wick cloner. By the time the mothers had finished flowering I would usually have clones ready to go into the 150 cabinet and flower.

Growing this way with the small veg cabinet with 40 watts cfl plus the 150 hps I was easily growing way more than I could smoke at around 1.5 oz per plant that was 3oz every two months on 8-9 weeks strains.

It is also easily managed as you have only two plants in flower and they are at same stage.

For a while though I ran the 400 watt cabinet perpetual with the 150 cabinet as a veg area and drying cabinet. During that phase I was introducing 2 new plants into the flower area every 3-4 weeks and harvesting a plant every 2 weeks because of different flower times and what not... that gets pretty hectic. I was also growing many new strains including my own cross of which I did not know what would turn out.

Anytime you are mixing 6 buckets of nutrients for 6 flowering plants that might have different needs because they are different strains or at different stages of flower nutrient changes become pretty big ordeals, taking a good hour including mixing veg which should be one mix.

I did this bi-weekly for plants getting into latter flower as I found this was needed for 2 gallon buckets under a 400. It also just seemed to produce better results to dump and mix fresh instead of trying to adjust and top off.

Anyways so yeah if you're going down that road it gets pretty hectic and you really need a separate drying space - at one point I ended up making a micro-carbon scrubber attached to a computer fan which I used to turn a big box into a drying cabinet.... lol as I just didn't have any space with seedlings and clones in the little veg cab, vegging plants in the 150 cab, and flowering plants in the 400 cabinet.

But if you are doing a few strains or doing 2 of the same kind at a time it can be easily managed. That is the advantage of single bucket DWC.

You take short cuts like mixing up a base solution of like 500ppm of flower ferts and then fill buckets and adjust them up from there as needed.


hey jaged :wave:


Finally some HPS influcened pics of some pollinated Jack Herer x NL's, and Aroura Indica's.. All was hit with my best AI, so time will tell what kind of smoke I have here... :joint:

I stopped feeding these gals way too early, so I'm going to start back with the nutes tonight when the lights are on... By my eye ball, they will need around 3 more weeks, if not more flowering, especially the Jack Herer x NL's

Also, I under estimated the root system of these.. I've been growing in 3 gallon containers, but I need atleast 5 gallon or maybe 7 gallon containers... They suck up everything I throw at them very well in 3 days, and want more..LOL

All the Best

ps I forgot Mari was having probs with his pc earlier, so I hope he shows up soon... I miss the dirty ole fart...

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Active member
Howdy sugabear, how's it going?
I thought i'd drop in a few pics of the OB1 I grew out. BTW, I just took another OB1 cut last night. I'll keep it around as long as i'm able to keep clones going. (Thanks forever, sugabear.) I have one making seeds (ob2) from stored pollen from my indica pheno male. Also have some pollen from a sativa leaning male.

I gave a friend a small bag of OB1 the other day. he called me up a little later to tell me how much he liked it. Both the high and the super smooth taste.

An OB1 in soil and one in dwc


OB1 buds

just budding

I have a confession to make. A couple weeks ago, I decided to pop the TrainWreck x Burmese Pure seeds you turned me on to. Then I forgot them and a week later I found 5 little dried up sprouts in my sprouter. :asskick: :bashhead: :spank:
I almost cried.
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Active member
hey hazy thanks for posting up the ob1 pictures here, it adds to this thread as a reference for the ob1. you have made me proud growing out the ob1 and I am happy you have found a keeper as that's what it is all about... now about those woodhorse trainwreck x burmese pure I am definetly sorry to hear that you didn't get to grow them.. they were an accidental polination occuring when I made some burmese pure f2s. and I guess they just weren't meant to be...

anyhow thanks for stopping bye...


Hey Sugabear, long time dude! How goes it?

I'm getting ready to start a new computer grow with that good old NL99 again, after a bit of a break from growing, and a recent dissapointing outdoor failure. Any recent grows with any JW gear? The prices of his beans are climbing like crazy these days... someone's letting out the secret :listen2: ,hehe.

Take it easy man


Oi, I just checked out HD and all of his stuff seems to be sold out with an "unknown return" date... Time to start making F2/F3's!


Howdy Sugabear,

The old man Marigyp finally showed up at OG... Seems he is very busy, and hopes to be able to be on the net more often in the fall time.....

I've finally arrived at what I set out to do, I've got a little cross, that should be a fairly good smoke, I hope.... I'm letting the parents mature out fully... These are the stealthiest plants i've ever grown... Hardly any smell, just a sweet smell, with out the skunky undertones..... It has more of a citrus type smell, but I have to squeeze a bud to smell the citrus tone ... Other than that, it's just a sweet smell.............

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Active member
hello rooted
howdy Lemon - yes the secret got out that JW was the last place to get some quality F2 and F1 crosses of strains that are sadly no longer produced - c99, a11 specifically but he's also got some nice selections that he crosses them to. I was wishing I had some NL99 to puff the other day... I remember the nice sparkly crystally buds well...

I still have about an 1/8 of it stashed away



Active member
Oregon90 x Burmese Pure indica pheno smoke report

Oregon90 x Burmese Pure indica pheno smoke report

[code ]


================================================== ====================
================================================== ====================

Enter username or anon for judge in the square brackets. Enter date in
universal format dd-Mmm-yyyy ie 10-Dec-2003. Enter strain name without
abbreviations and with spaces where appropriate. Use username, company
name or anon for the breeder and grower fields as appropriate.

Judge: [Sugabear]
Date: [7/4/08]
Strain: [OB1 Indica Pheno]
Grower: [Sugabear]

If available enter the links to the following threads:

Grow Report: [http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=57712]
Breeder Report: [http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=57712]
Related thread: [http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=57712]
Cured bud photo:[]

================================================== ====================
================================================== ====================

1. __[8]__ Visual Appeal

Rate the visual appeal of the buds from 1-10 unappealing-excellent.

2. __[8]__ Visible Trichomes

Rate the visible trichome content from 1-10 none-totally covered.

3. Use an X to indicate the colors that are present in the trichome
heads under magnification or list the percentages of each color for
a more precise report. Leave these fields blank if you do not have
a powerful magnifier.

Clear [10]
Cloudy [60]
Amber [30]
Dark []

4. Mark with X the colors that are present in the buds or for a more
detailed color analysis rate presence on a scale 1-9 light-dark.

Brown []
Green [6]
Gold [2]
Blue []
Grey []
White [3]
Red []
Rust []
Orange [pistals]
Purple [on leave edges]
Black []

5. __[8]__ Bud density

Rate the bud density from 1-10 airy-dense. For samples that are
not in their natural state leave this field blank.

6. Use numbers 1-9 on descriptors that apply to the aroma of freshly
broken bud where a one indicates a subtle presence and 9 indicates
a pronounced presence. Delete the existing space when marking a
descriptor in order to maintain the columns in alignment.

Ammonia [ ] Earthy [7 ] Licorice [ ] Peach [ 4]
Berry [ ] Floral [ ] Mango [3 ] Pepper [ ]
Blueberry [ ] Fruit [5 ] Meat [ ] Petroleum [ ]
Bubblegum [ ] Grape [ ] Melon [ ] Pine [ ]
Cedar [ ] Grapefruit[ ] Menthol [ ] Pineapple [4 ]
Cherry [ ] Grass/Hay [ ] Mint [ ] Rotten [ ]
Chocolate [6 ] Hash [6 ] Mold [ ] Skunk [ ]
Citrus [ ] Iron/Rust [ ] Musk [ ] Spice [ ]
Coconut [ ] Leather [ ] Nutmeg [ ] Strawberry[ ]
Coffee [ ] Lemon [ ] Orange [ ] Vanilla [ ]

7. __[6]__ Aroma (only cause the smell is a little less pronounced than what I would like)

Rate the aroma from 1-10 repulsive-delightful. Use freshly crumbled
bud for best results.

8. __[0]__ Seed content

Rate seed content from 0-10 none-fully seeded.

9. __[75]__ Weeks cured

If known enter the number of weeks your sample has been cured.
If desired repeat SSR after an additional two weeks of curing.


dense buds with orange hairs and a heavy blanket of trichs giving it a golden appearance

================================================== ====================
================================================== ====================

Address these questions while smoking.

1. Please use a clean instrument for the evaluation. Enter information
below that will identify the instrument as follows:

Water pipe (bubbler-glass)

I have found that this bud doesn't burn well in joints due to it's density.

2. Use numbers 1-9 on descriptors that apply to the taste where a one
indicates a subtle presence and a nine indicates a very pronounced
presence. Delete the existing space when marking a descriptor in
order to maintain the columns in alignment.

Ammonia [ ] Earthy [7 ] Licorice [ ] Peach [3 ]
Berry [ ] Floral [ ] Mango [3 ] Pepper [ ]
Blueberry [ ] Fruit [3 ] Meat [ ] Petroleum [ ]
Bubblegum [ ] Grape [ ] Melon [ ] Pine [ ]
Cedar [ ] Grapefruit[ ] Menthol [ ] Pineapple [3 ]
Cherry [ ] Grass/Hay [ ] Mint [ ] Rotten [ ]
Chocolate [6 ] Hash [6 ] Mold [ ] Skunk [ ]
Citrus [3] Iron/Rust [ ] Musk [ ] Spice [ ]
Coconut [ ] Leather [ ] Nutmeg [ ] Strawberry[ ]
Coffee [6 ] Lemon [ ] Orange [ ] Vanilla [ ]

If appropriate return to this question after 5-10 minutes and mark
with X any unmarked descriptors for lingering aftertaste.

3. __[8]__ Taste

Rate your impression of the taste from 1-10 unpleasant-delicious.

4. __[9]__ State of dryness

Rate the dryness of the bud from 1-10 wet-dry where 5 is ideal.

5. __[9]__ Smoke ability

Rate the smoke ability of the sample from 1-10 harsh-smooth.

6. __[3]__ Smoke expansion

Rate how the smoke expands in the lungs from 1-10 stable-explodes.


The smoke is extremely smooth, almost light, although the exhale reveals a large cloud. The flavors range from eathy tones of coffee, chocolate and hash with hints of fruit - pineapple/peach/mango. I like this smoke - it is very smooth and easy to enjoy.

================================================== ====================
================================================== ====================

Address final questions immediately after effects have worn off.

1. __[6]__ Dosage

Enter the number of hits taken to reach desired effects.

2. __[6]__ Effect onset ~ aprox 15-30 minutes for full effect

Rate how quickly the effect hit from 1-10 immediate-major creeper.

3. __[5]__ Sativa influence

Rate the sativa influence detected from 0-10 none-extreme. Sativa
influence is best described as a clear and energetic mental effect.

4. __[5]__ Indica influence

Rate the indica influence detected from 0-10 none-extreme. Indica
influence is best described as a sedative, lethargic or numbing
effect that affects the body.

5. __[8]__ Potency

Rate the potency of the sample from 0-10 none-devastating.

6. __[4]__ Duration

Indicate the number of hours the effects lasted.

7. __[5]__ Tolerance build up

Rate how quickly tolerance builds from 0-10 none-rapid. Leave this
field blank if you have not used this sample repeatedly.

8. Usability

Rate on a scale of 1-9 where a one indicates the worst time of day
to consume this strain and a nine represents the ideal time of day.
Leave field(s) blank if you have not yet formed an opinion.

Morning - wake up [2]
Day - work [5]
Evening - relax [9]
Night - sleep [9]

9. __[8]__ Overall satisfaction

Rate your overall satisfaction from 1-10 poor-Holy Grail.

10. __[9]__ Ability and conditions

. Rate your overall ability to judge from 1-10 low-high. Consider
experience, strain familiarity, atmosphere, current tolerance and
most importantly the condition and preparation of the sample.

11.Judging from the sample alone do you personally consider this
strain a keeper for long term use?

Yes [Y]
No []

12.Rate the noticable effects on a scale of 1-9 mild-severe. Take
care to use the appropriate column for your response. Delete the
existing space when recording your entry to maintain the columns
in alignment. In all cases these casual observations should not
be construed as medical advice.

Negative Positive
Effect Effect

__[ ]__ __[7 ]__ Appetite
__[ ]__ __[7 ]__ Anxiety relief
__[ ]__ __[6 ]__ Paranoia relief
__[ ]__ __[6 ]__ Sex drive
__[ ]__ __[7 ]__ Sleep
__[ ]__ __[7 ]__ Pain relief
__[ ]__ __[7 ]__ Ability to rest or sit still
__[ ]__ __[5 ]__ Thought process
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Speech process
__[ ]__ __[4 ]__ Imagination/creativity
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Humor perception
__[ ]__ __[4 ]__ Visual perception
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Audio perception
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Taste perception


Negative Positive
Effect Effect

__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Alcoholism/Alcohol Abuse
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Allergic rhinitis
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Amphetamine Dependence
__[ ]__ __[7 ]__ Anorexia
__[ ]__ __[7 ]__ Arthritis/Musculoskeletar pain
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Asthma/Cough
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Bipolar disorder
__[ ]__ __[8 ]__ Cancer/Cancer Chemotherapy
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Chronic fatigue
__[ ]__ __[6 ]__ Depression
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Diarrhea
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Drusen of Optic Nerve
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Epilepsy
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Glaucoma
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Hiccough
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ High blood pressure/Racing pulse
__[ ]__ __[6 ]__ Insomnia
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Itching
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Migraine/vascular headache
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Muscle Spasm
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Muscular movement disorders
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Nausea
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Panic Attacks
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Peripheral nerve pain
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Post traumatic Stress Disorder
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Pre Menstrual Syndrome
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Sedative/Opiate Dependence
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Schizophrenia
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ SLE - systemic lupus erythematosus
__[ ]__ __[ ]__ Spasticity in Multiple Sclerosis


Somewhat creeper in effect the smoke takes a good 15 minutes to really reach you. Then it is a spacey, dreamy, stoney high that is very euphoric and uplifting. Physical effects are good for pain especially when mixed with other strains.

A word about potency - I am having trouble with this one. The parents, oregon 90 and burmese pure were both potent, but one was strongly indica, hitting you smack in the face with couchlock (o90) and the other was strongly sativa sending you off on a happy bouncy anti-anxiety ride.

This strain is as close to a 50/50 blend of the two highs as I can imagine. It hits you over a longer period of time than the o90 but still makes your eye lids heavy and takes away pain well increasing appetite also allowing sleep. But it also has a very nice up dreamy high from the burmese which is very good too.

This makes it hard to give it a 9 or a 10 which I would reserve for strains that really knock me one way or the other, strongly.

For example the sister 12 week pheno which I would put in the 9-9.5 range of potency has the ability to cut through what ever else you have been smoking and smack you in the face immediatly and then take you on a 45 minute ride up. That to me is what constitutes a 9-9.5.

The OB1 indica pheno though is a solid 8 that was a keeper. Hopefully someday (sooner than latter) I will get to sprout some more seeds and search again for keepers.

[/code ]


Active member
oh hey ya jagged sorry - I meant to say hi to you as well - looks like you have some fun crosses of your own to try.

Do you still have some of the southern cross (JW's Ak-berry x NL99 wasn't it?) that sure was nice when mari did her outdoors - you should pop some of them too!

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey man, awesome report, those are some amazing nugs... mouth watering. It's all about finding that pheno that is right for you..... still searching I am, but that's what makes it so much fun.



Aloha Suga,

You recently asked about a particular OB1 pheno I grew from the pack of seeds you sent me over a year ago. All were vegged for three weeks under a 19watt, 6500k CFL individually and each flowered under a 150HPS, 50watts per square foot. Here are some pictures.

Here is the early bird, the 8 week pheno, a day or two before she was harvested. She produced the most rock hard buds of the three phenos.

Here is the middle pheno, the 10 week strain, respectively. This was my favorite pheno.

Here is the stativa pheno, the 12 weeker. This was was very stinky and pungent, almost a diguesting rotten fruit smell.

Here is the cured product from the early bird and the middle finisher. The early bird has a lighter brown color, and the 10 week pheno has a greenish tint.

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sugabear_II said:
oh hey ya jagged sorry - I meant to say hi to you as well - looks like you have some fun crosses of your own to try.

Do you still have some of the southern cross (JW's Ak-berry x NL99 wasn't it?) that sure was nice when mari did her outdoors - you should pop some of them too!

I'll probally top these again, once the tops harden off a little more.....

Anyway, I think I've still got some of the '' Southern Cross'' beans around here somewhere.... I'm sure Mari., shared plenty of cuts with some of the medical clubs in California, and I'm fairly sure these cuts are on the east coast as well.....Or, I hope that cross is still floating around :muahaha:

The ob1 you have looks like some serious smoke.. You did a great job describing her..

Anyway, I hope to see you around more, plus it's about time for Mari to pop back up with some grow reports, namely your ob1 @ OG...

All the Best



Hi Suga,

Seems like a no see for too long.... I hope you might show up where mari was doing a grow of the ob1 soon.... He should be getting back to the net soon, or I hope he does...... He contributes a lot of info, and know how for a lot of folks struggleing with their grows... All in all a good dude...

Here's a few pics, as of the other day: :joint:



Sort of a preview of what's to come....

Come by , and see us

All the Best
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Active member
good smoke report sugabear.
OB1 is the smoothest smoke. Packed a bowl of some barely dry weed the other night. First hit I was expecting to be a little harsh, being so fresh. Instead it was perfect. Looked at the label on the pot it was cut from, and it was a cross of nycd and ob1. Uh huh.
Sadly I lost my ob1 mom. I have a few crosses and a couple ob2s to play with once in a while.
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Yeah I wish I had some original OB1. Man that middle Pheno that I got was the keeper. Fuck'n'A... it makes me sad.

Yo Suga, where you at?