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Stupid things you have heard people say about pot


Active member
I overheard a woman saying the smell of pot instantly gives her a migraine and she works at the state police building and has had to go to the hospital in an ambulance from smelling evidence brought in from a bust.

And that bitch can vote.....


Peace, skyhigh

Pretty narrow minded actually... The smell of my sativa leaning hybrid from week 8-11 and right up till it gets smoked up and is ash will give my wife a migraine. She can tell when I am budding a plant out, and has to leave the house for a couple of days if I am cutting.

Most of my other gear has zero effect besides it smelling like pot.

Yet if I smoke a joint of this strain near her and she gets a whiff...It is migraine time...

Yet I can do bong rips of Black Dom, WW, C99, godbud, etc. with no issues right beside her if I wanted to be an ass.

Something about the pungent smell of it is the trigger....smells like someone lit up a skunk with a load of buck shot....

So yes pot can trigger migraines....my wife is a prime example and is very supportive of her legally growing husband....


Active member
Stupidest grow fact from an "expert"...

When growing from seed if you find a Hermi, get it out quick cause it can "spread".... The dude is still convinced it is like AIDS....and can pass from contact...LOL

bench warmer

An acquaintance of mine once said, "Pot does absolutely nothing for me.
It just makes me really talkative, paranoid & gives me the munchies.
Then it puts me to sleep."


As a student taking "health" classes back in the day...

"Cannabis is addictive, kills brain cells, and causes cancer."

- U.S. public school system

Gee, thanks public school...


Active member
ICMag Donor
As a student taking "health" classes back in the day...

"Cannabis is addictive, kills brain cells, and causes cancer."

- U.S. public school system

I still hear from people who say smoking pot kills brain cells. Sometimes when you teach kids misinformation, they believe it for the rest of their lives.

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