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Stupid sh** people say...


Kiss My Ring
"Who died and made you King?"
"...are these for everyone?"
"who shit themselves?"
"did you make these?"

Max Yields

Active member
I once heard from some idiot that herb makes you grow breasts & makes your dick smaller.....??!!!?? Later on in his life he probably went & got a sex change, enhanced his breasts, & got rid of his member. Haven't seen him in a looong time, (some random idiot class member) but with ideas like that
he probably did exactly that, turn into a woman.


underground marijuana production labs can only be built after drugging up virgins and sacrificing them to the devil; only then can you get super potent weed 100 times stronger than what those hippies used

hmmm need to find some drugs and virgins....... where does anyone find a virgin nowadays? I thought they were extinct.


Active member
Was in my buddies coffee shop when I overheard this hipster douche trying to impress this girl. When I over heard him say "chihuahuas come from small dogs that were raped by wharf rats in Mexico" I proceeded to laugh in his face and he never came back.


sneaky , had small dogs, my wife and i are still laughing.when i went to court the top cop said ,judge it was a sophisticated, complicated, never seen around here ,to over the top your honor, fuck i laughed, never seen a fuken cool tube, lights, was amazed by panda film. judge even wrote it down. i went to sleep, happens when you get older.loll
when you're bundled up in your jacket on a cold winters day and Everyone says " You sure look cold." .....no dipshit I'm quite warm thanks ...


Well-known member
hmmm need to find some drugs and virgins....... where does anyone find a virgin nowadays? I thought they were extinct.

Not extinct.. just highly illegal and heavily frowned upon.


now..just have a seat right over here and I can tell you more about this.


Active member
A pointless pet peeve but here goes...

KARMA. People talking about living people getting karma, good or bad.

This is stupid.

You gotta DIE to get your karma. DEAD. ONLY.

Just desserts ...maybe. Karma, no.
And heres the kicker...When you die you won't remember your past life anyway (the story goes) so how would you know you got it?

Let's just give up the karma stuff okay? It just makes you sound as dumb as a stump.

Help keep Yogis around the world from getting blisters on their cheeks from face-palming.


A pointless pet peeve but here goes...

KARMA. People talking about living people getting karma, good or bad.

This is stupid.

You gotta DIE to get your karma. DEAD. ONLY.

Just desserts ...maybe. Karma, no.
And heres the kicker...When you die you won't remember your past life anyway (the story goes) so how would you know you got it?

Let's just give up the karma stuff okay? It just makes you sound as dumb as a stump.

Help keep Yogis around the world from getting blisters on their cheeks from face-palming.

Hahahahaa... I totally agree.. People are completely misinformed.. They hear of something and then change it so it suits them and then declares it law...

Though to be fair, I love the idea of 'karma'. Sure, everybody has got it wrong, but this 'new age karma' is great.. Perhaps it is bullshit but it keeps people good. They act kindly and do not do bad things because they believe in karma. You can't tell me that is bad...

Its the same thing as religion and santa. 'Be good or else'- you will go to hell... or will not get gifts.. Its bullshit, but it helps people try and be good.

Whadya think?


Well-known member
my favorite, ...

"hey man, is the soil fresh?", as in trying to show off ones noob growing skills in front of peers...

ps.: ain't no stupidity involved in ignorance :)


my favorite, ...

"hey man, is the soil fresh?", as in trying to show off ones noob growing skills in front of peers...

ps.: ain't no stupidity involved in ignorance :)

What?! Wow... I have never heard that one... If I did, I would just turn around and walk away. Hahaaha.. that is so bad..


Well-known member
and the funniest thing about it, a friends aunty used to work at a plant nursery in the 70s and she also got asked that fresh soil question several times -> stupidity ain't going nowhere :)



Well-known member
This is a doozy. My neighbor told me recently that "The Government controls the weather"

I was not prepared for that, but I managed to ask "what to you mean?"

They proceeded to tell me that all these new wind farms popping up around the country "control the weather."

They were not screwing with me either. They believe this.


Active member
I've never been one for smart women...they're harder to get rid of then the stupid ones...but anyways...

Few years back I'm trying to explain to my four year old about why spiders have webs as we were out back on the deck and she saw a fly land in a web. I explain how the system works and shes quite content with the answer.

Her mother blurts out, "and the spider got up there because it walked onto a leaf and the wind blew it up there"

Knowing full well the eggs are laid and hatched under the deck so its an eight foot hike for the spiders at best, I asked "how ya figure?"

She comes back with "OMG your so stupid, haven't you seen Charlotte's web?"

"Woman your 38yrs old for fuck sakes...whats wrong with you?" was all I could say....


I could fill this whole web with the stupid shit my wife says.

What's extinct mean?
I don't know. Ask the wooly mammoth.

Don't leave the stove on. (Hot knives) Your gonna burn out the fillamint.
You mean the element?
No... The fillement. It's what's in the element.

You were gone 5hrs. You only caught 3 fish?

Look on the news.. My sister showed me a picture. The satue of liberty is completely under water.

Her dad.
I don't know what your thinking smoking that stuff.
It will make you stupid.
Fuck. I hope so. Then when your kid says stupid shit, I won't think she's stupid.
What's her excues?

I am sure I will have more to add tomorrow.
Dumb shit flows like water around here.


Hahahaha you guys absolutely make my day... I work in a cubical and this keeps me from going insane.

Wind farms controlling the weather... Hahahaha.. By far my favorite.

But yes, stupidity is like a fine wine... Even as it ages, it only gets better.. (meaning the person does not learn -.- )

I was talking about going camping to a city friend and he looks at me with wide eyes and says, "In a tent?"

"yes," I say.

He says, "what about the deer?"

I pause for a moment and then ask, "Umm... what about the deer?"

"Wont they charge you?"

Super face palm. Poor soul thinks by going outside, the deer will charge and kill you while you sleep. Nature is such a dangerous and hellish place, we should stay indoors in the city to be safe....