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Stupid Questions about Dumb TV Shows

St. Phatty

Active member
I was watching Breaking Bad last night on a Netflix DVD and there was this scene where Jesse (Walter White's former high school chemistry student) is convinced that he poisoned his girlfriend's son, Brock, with a laced cigarette.

In the story-line, they had made some ricin, to poison some Bad Guy. I guess Jesse put it in a cigarette.

So Brock gets sick and Jesse panics because he thinks Brock somehow got poisoned with Ricin. He tells his girlfriend. When she tells the nurse they call in the cops.

The cops interview Jesse, who is obviously panicking even more since he's Walter White's back-up cook at the state's largest meth lab.

So yes it does sound like sort of an unhealthy situation involving unhealthy people.

But, that's show biz, and now I got Unanswered Questions about the stupid TV show.

I feel like I missed something.

Jesse made a poison cigarette and then he can't find it. Walt kills the primary 'antagonist' of the story - Gus Fring - at the end of the DVD. But Jesse still hasn't found the poison cigarette.

So - what else happens with the poison cigarette ? They just sort of never talk about it again and it's "out there somewhere" in case they need a fictional reason for Jesse to have another freak-out ?

That is one detail about Breaking Bad I never got. What is the fate of that fvcking poison cigarette.

Like I said, STUPID questions about dumb TV shows :woohoo:

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Ya lost me at "dumb tv show."

I definitely would agree that there are plenty of dumb tv shows. But Breaking Bad ain't one of 'em.


a breaking bad trailer set up at a local fair..complete with surround sound and rocking chairs...its opens to the RV scene a nd I'm so freaked I run out of the exit and say to the dude working the trailer and said "I don't need that shit!" He says to me "that's what Mr. White should have said"! lol

that show was good for the first couple of seasons

speaking of dumb TV show questions, WTF about the SS Minnow? A millionaire couple, a movie star, a fully tenured professor not to forget Mary Ann all get on this little fucking boat with a moron for a crew? I don't think so.

St. Phatty

Active member
Ya lost me at "dumb tv show."

I definitely would agree that there are plenty of dumb tv shows. But Breaking Bad ain't one of 'em.

True. But it made a better title.

I'm definitely open to suggestions of other TV shows.

One other plot element that is just, well, talk about 'taking liberty' -

Jesse goes with Mike & Gus to the Mexican cartel warehouse & Don Eladio's house & pool.

Gus is poisoned when he drinks poison techila with the cartel members he is trying to kill.

Jesse is left to drive Mike (who has been shot) and Gus (at death's door) to the pre-arranged medical compound.

This involves driving at high speed across the Mexican countryside.

Jesse has never been there before.

It is not always well-marked. No Google Maps, no Mapquest, no smartphone.

Jesse drives the cartel member's car (does it have the address of the place that is supposed to rescue the guy who kills the entire cartel ? probably not) at 60 miles per hour RIGHT to the medical compound.

With no "uhhh ... where do we go now ?"

I've been in that situation in countries (though not driving to a make-shift ER) where I do speak the language, or know the language as a second language, or in Greece where the alphabet is mostly new.

I suspect the same question came up during writing directing and in the time they had they just left the loose end un-addressed.