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D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
LOL Isn't that hand gesture what got some girl basketball players suspended last year? Think they made it in the yearbood or something like that.

it's called "the shocker" and it's been popular in class photos for years now. Plenty a people have gotten the banhammer from graduations, etc. for doing it


Rubbing my glands together
how can i be down?

You know the really good stuff doesn't come around anymore, lol

Azez you been down to long as it is,

Coming from JW the bar is pretty much where you want it to be, ha

Was going to try that shit but,only had a sealed battery!:laughing:

Pop the cover off and drink the juice out of it!!:biggrin:

You'll have a drink with me! :friends:

Milo, how goes it bro. Family doing good?


Active member
You know the really good stuff doesn't come around anymore, lol

Coming from JW the bar is pretty much where you want it to be, ha

Pop the cover off and drink the juice out of it!!:biggrin:

Milo, how goes it bro. Family doing good?
what bar ? just name it and azez will probably already be there