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Study Proves Pot Has Little Effect On Driving


ICMag Donor
Research proves what we knew all along, pot smokers are overly-safe drivers compared to alcohol-impaired idiots.

A study from researchers based at Hartford Hospital reveals that marijuana has little effect on the group's simulated driving skills, but did find drivers were more easily distracted under the influence.

Researchers from Hartford Hospital and the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine assessed the simulated driving performance of 85 subjects in a double-blind, placebo controlled trial.

Volunteers responded to various simulated events, which were associated with automobile crash risk. Those risks included a driver who was entering an intersection illegally, deciding to stop or go through a changing traffic light, responding to a presence of emergency vehicles, avoiding a collision with a dog who entered into traffic and maintaining safe driving during an in-the-car distraction.

"It does not in any way say that it is safe to drive under the influence of any drug," said investigator Beth Anderson, PhD. "It merely shows us, we need to study this further. We need to know what marijuana does to the brain. We need to understand the ramifications. To create public policy and to keep people safe, you need to know what's really happening in the brain. You need to know the science behind it. You have to have the facts."

The marijuana used in the study was provided by the National Institute of Drug Abuse and the University of Mississippi, the only legal source of cannabis in the United States.

"The results do not imply that it is safe to drive under the influence of marijuana, especially because we know people aren't just smoking marijuana," said Anderson. "They do it while drinking. They do this when others are in the car, listening to music, talking on cell phones or texting. These behaviors distract drivers and are even more dangerous when someone has been using marijuana."

From EyeWitness News 3.
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I'm glad studies like this are being done. I appreciate the need to get the actual facts before government "stats" start spewing incorrect information. I can just see it now.. "drivers under the influence of marijuana are 25 times more likely to crash or kill someone!"

Anyway, although I stand behind this study 100%, I still think it's irresponsible to drive under the influence of ANY drug, marijuana included. I've driven high before, and while it's fun to cruise around listening to your favourite music, I find myself not paying attention to the road enough. I never broke the speed limit or pulled off any dangerous turns or anything, but I can easily see myself getting distracted by something and possibly hitting the vehicle infront of me or even running off the road. It just takes a second for mistakes to happen.

I just hope smokers take proper responsibility, even if reports say it's "safe" to drive.


Active member
I don't know, I was a passenger once with a stoned driver who was waiting for a stop sign to change. I wonder what the thc content was of that weed
I don't know, I was a passenger once with a stoned driver who was waiting for a stop sign to change. I wonder what the thc content was of that weed
you, being the designated navigator/co-pilot, were responsible for taking control at that point.

somebody has to do it


Active member
Luckily it was a 4am 5 block 7 eleven run, we still tease him about that. worst part was it was a good 2-3 minutes till we realized we were just sitting there


Active member
I love this part:

The results do not imply that it is safe to drive under the influence of marijuana, especially because we know people aren't just smoking marijuana," said Anderson. "They do it while drinking.

Translation: "Oh shit, that's not what we wanted to find. Uhm, booze, yeah!, that's bad for driving -- make sure we link that to stoners."

No doubt people drink and toke together, but it's clear that the findings are that it's the alcohol that's really doing the harm in terms of driving performance. Also, many tokers don't drink (I don't) or don't do the two in combination -- they are suggesting here that virtually everyone who is stoned has also been drinking -- bull.


New member
as a driving instructor for a stock car racing school, and a racer myself of sprint cars, I toke up on the way to the track, and a couple hits before feature race to calm the nerves..

pot effects me none one bit on anything motorized, we used to get blazed and hit 40' gaps on the fmx ramp on pitbikes!

its all different from one to another

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
The last time I drove stoned & had a little accident....I had to get out and ask the witnesses..
what happened?...:chin:


Active member
I always smoke weed bubble and bho and still driving
i use to start smoking when i wake up
never had problem with driving not even on my exam
BUT i know people when they smoke with me i not going to ride along
when they drive (my joint kickass) then always i am driving.
I think its for some a bad idea and for others not
Driving more then 15 years now approx 300 km for work a day


Only time pot got me in car trouble was when I had a SUV full of idiots smoking a blunt, talking on cellphones, and just generally acting up. Probably would have rear-ended that van regardless of the weed. I rear-ended a van going like 10 miles an hour. lol, no damage just scared the shit out of everyone invovled.


New member
I have to be pretty stoned to suck at driving ... it does happen... like to today ... after the kush's and hash
I used to do third shift courier driving. 450 miles a night from Indianapolis to NW indiana and back. The nights I was high the only difference I noticed was in screwing up my deliveries. That and I would be REAL tired by the time I started the 3 hour drive back. Those 5 hour energy shots, even tho it probably was doing hella damage to my heart, were lifesavers. My wife on the other hand never smoked when she would work for me and had 3 accidents and two tickets. Then again....she IS a woman ;) (just kidding about the woman comment) (or am I?)


no body smokes while they drive nah no one would Ever do that..

Anybody ever drove more then four hours without smoking whom is a reg smoker, I would be pressed to say I drive worse if i dont medicate. IMO moderation is key , saftey first kids
i was so high once that got behind the wheel of my car... put the key in the ignitiion, and couldn't find the gas pedal with my foot.
I decided to stay home and take a nap.


Never had an issue driving toasted. Actually, I love it. I am much slower when high, like others have stated. When I am sober, I find myself slappin gears like a maniac.

The only bad thing I have noticed about myself while driving high is- Paranoia if a cop is behind me, and occasionally I dont put my car into first and I try and take off from second HA.

Too funny!