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Study: Give Marijuana to Alcoholics!


I'm talking proof..

Beer and booze ran my life, then I had a major. Lost my kids and that was the turning point. I was aloud to grow and smoke as long as I never touched booze again. Year later got my kids back and life has gotten better for me and most of all... MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY CAN STAND TO BE AROUND ME..


It's true.. Was medicating with alcohol because it was all I had..

Got stash grown and in jars .. Not drinking now.. The want to comes but the idea of some nice smoke kills the act of buying alcohol.

It's bad stuff and I will die if I keep drinking like I have.
i have drank more since i stopped growin... made big mistakes. i really think the hobby aspect of it did me alot of good, this last year i turned away from growing tho so theres clearly some truth to it


Thanks to Skip and Dreadvik for finding this story/study/survey. 40% of cannabis users using it to avoid alcohol sounded high, but look at how many of us agreed already.

Yes, I'm another one. A bud a day keeps the beer demons away. And makes me happy...


Got to chime in on this one. I also have stopped drinking day to day in large part because I have my medical mj. I don't make the bad choices that I once made while drinking day to day. I don't wake up feeling like shit. I totally agree that MJ and be a great help with those not wanting to drink. Hell I get along better with everyone that I know with the MJ.


Active member
Ah Ha!

Ah Ha!

I always heard once a guy has tried mj he nolonger cares for the booze.So it's saved many of us from hitting the bottle daily.peace

so we have discovered why MJ is still illegal. It will cut into the profits hoarded by the alcohol companies who also own the tobacco companies and most legalized gambling...

blame it on the mob
Totally, I feel like shit for having a bottle of wine for breakfast and just about to start my other bottle. Pain killers tend to over shoot the situation and just like booze it's hard to find a fix other than time away from it and....that gets boring, so people find that source of inspiration again!

The real problem is spending all day tying a good one on, just to wake up and start over. It seems that with cannabis if it's a good couch lock I don't sober up much and it's only a few tokes, until it's just right and fixed. Unless it's a serious hangover, or other drug recovery, then it can take some days.

It would save Ireland to legalize cannabis, but they would still hate the British.

Cannabis is the only cure for a hangover I have ever known, it seems the judges wouldn't know about that they just pull the cork (probably driving their Government car to work, doing just that running over some kids walking to school.....ya know they are not getting charged)


Active member
Righteous bro....I too am one of these people who cannabis has literally saved me from a tormented life of anxiety/depression=drinking/drugs=jail/and worse.......So I use to smoke herb tgo get baked but started to consciously use it to help me through anything by just using my mind and thinkning about what I wanted it to do for me and really concentrate and focus on my body and inner self and I started to be able to almost manifest good health and clearer more postive thought processes soon followed and my life began to change shape and before I knew it I wasnt craving alcohol/ drugs because my anxiety/depression was non existent.Alot of this really started to happen when I finally was able to get my grow setup and had plenty of meds jarred up on hand.The whole growing part has been hugely therapuetic for me too as the gardeng has calmed my anger issues because it keeps me busy and content. Messed up thing about it is I really love me a dank micro brew.Mendocino Brewing "Red Tale Ale" damn that stuff is good.....