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STS9 New Years Bash, Atlanta, GA


Heady Connoisseur
Right on. I've been following this group since 02'.. IMO its gotten worse and worse. So far this tour its 1 set and an encore. They did bring the heat last night in Anaheim, but i can't stand that their golden songs are now considered bust outs. New years will be fun as always at the Tabby, of course you got nitrous mafia representing hardcore so be careful. I'm gonna hit umphreys up this NYE, and wait for PHISH


UmphreyMcgee420 said:
Right on. I've been following this group since 02'.. IMO its gotten worse and worse. So far this tour its 1 set and an encore. They did bring the heat last night in Anaheim, but i can't stand that their golden songs are now considered bust outs. New years will be fun as always at the Tabby, of course you got nitrous mafia representing hardcore so be careful. I'm gonna hit umphreys up this NYE, and wait for PHISH

what do you mean nitrous mafia?? sounds scary :confused:


STS9 at the Tabernacle is the only way to bring in New Years. I'm also catching them this week for three shows. I'm ready.




UmphreyMcgee420 said:
Right on. I've been following this group since 02'.. IMO its gotten worse and worse. So far this tour its 1 set and an encore. They did bring the heat last night in Anaheim, but i can't stand that their golden songs are now considered bust outs. New years will be fun as always at the Tabby, of course you got nitrous mafia representing hardcore so be careful. I'm gonna hit umphreys up this NYE, and wait for PHISH

I caught my first sts show at Bisco last year, they did both a live and PA. It was amazing. Downdown boston, they played this past year with Umphreys, and imo and everyone else i talked to, they were amazing that night (STS). Umphreys sucked and i was there for them mainly. They were just off that night or somethin'... I dunno.

I have a girl talk concert coming up to look forward too.


STS9 stands for Sound Tribe Sector 9. They're basically an electronic jam band so to speak. Awesome live performance, lots of energy!

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I just saw STS9 on the DC/VA run, first live set I saw from them.. Wasn't terrible, but way too much Peaceblaster and not enough funk. My problem with Tribe is their extremely talented, but I feel like their like sex without the orgasm - endless rediculous jams and transitions that go...nowhere really...they just keep going lol. Not hating in any way, just not my cup of tea entirely. I still keep them in rotation, but mainly right before bed time. I'm doin' Disco Biscuits new years up in NY if I can help it, anyone else attending?

Umphreys is alright, I have alot of friends that hate on them (Cumphreys McGay, as my buddy to the side of me just added hah). I think the whole Jam Band Wars among fans is hysterical. Anyone makin it to Holidaze this year in Jamaica?
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clepto, i would have to agree. alot of their newer stuff since peaceblaster has been more orientated to chiller jams, not quite the same transitions as before..but i figure for new years it could get a little crazy ;) i have yet to see disco biscuits though, i really would love to, but thats reserved for next year!
oh yeah, most definetely. I got a lot of buddies who are doing Tribe this New Years, its going to be chaos. The live set tour they're on right now, from what ive been told (as far as ive personally heard), they've just stuck to alot of the new stuff (but their promoting the new album so who wouldn't i guess, you know?) but I'm sure once this winter runs over they're gonna break it down and get dirty again for their fans. I like a lot of their music, I'm just not a big fan of the direction its moving in.


agreed. my friend who was suppose to get tix, didnt. and now theyre sold out :\

BUT we're fairly dedicated so i think we're going to try and find tickets anyway.

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