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STS - Sex Reversal - No Pollen ???

Hey Fellow Enthusiasts,
I have a question regarding the success of producing pollen using STS reversed plants. I have 3 female Sensi G13 X Hashplant that I've reversed but the flowers have yet to produce pollen. I've tried this process twice over the past year and wondered if someone could help.

I am getting plenty of male flowers on the reversed plants but the flowers have not produced any pollen so far as I can tell. I just finished up another round by letting the flowers bloom until they were beginning to drop off (approximately 5 weeks after the flip) - hoping to see a little pollen dust. I also collected the flowers, dried them, and broke them up over a small filter hoping to see pollen. I sprinkled this over some ripe females but no seeds were produced. I've tried to research this issue as much as possible but have come up empty. I sprayed the plants twice. The plants were moved to 12/12 after the first spray and I sprayed at the end of the 2nd week. I understand that indicas are potentially tougher to get pollen from reversed plants. Any ideas? Are there any other tricks for indicas?


I've never tried using STS, but I've had this problem using colloidal silver. I sprayed daily until I got male flowers, but stopped spraying as they flowered. I also got no viable pollen, but was told to keep spraying daily right into flower, after collecting any pollen. Hope this helps dude.
Thanks for the reply - I'm hoping others might help out as well. I should add that the first recipe I tried was the .5 grams of silver nitrate stirred into 500 ml distilled water (part A). 2.5 grams of sodium thiosulfate stirred into 500 ml water (part B). Part A is mixed into part B to create a stock solution. The stock solution is then mixed at a ratio of 1:9 with distilled water. (http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=58957)

The 'updated' recipe calls for .7 grams of silver nitrate stirred into 40 ml distilled water (part A). 2.6 grams of of sodium thiosulfate stirred into 160 ml of distilled water (part B). A is mixed into B to create the stock solution. The stock solution is then mixed into 800 ml of distilled water to create 1 liter.

The updated recipe worked much better - tons of male flowers but I was hoping to see little piles of pollen like male flowers normally do. I sprayed the plants twice, once right at the flip, the second spraying at the end of week 2. I'm wondering if I should have given them one more in between. I'm wondering if CS works any better or different than STS.

I did make some seeds by crossing Sensi Northern Lights to the G13 X Hashplant and can/will take the offspring and BX a time or two if needed but would like to work out the kinks if possible.

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