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Strawberry Diesel ...Done @ 66 days

This one looked done at about 9 weeks. Have another pheno put into flower at the same time that looks like it could go 90+ days!










Amazing colors, very nice. Looks like a good yield...
Are those the originals or the double strawberry diesel?


- ezra -

bobs your uncle said:

Awesome photos.
Looks like a really nice pheno, what is the smell/taste like and what about the potency/high?

Great job on the flush, lets see the other pheno too!



Wow 66 daze thats deff awesome....my buddy is running the original strawberry d in clone for the 4th time and it seems like his pheno is still popping new pistils at 80dayz......doesnt want to finish up....haha..great job
So this is Double Strawberry Diesel, not original Straw-D, my bad for not being more clear.

I just chopped it last night, so it will be a bit before I can relay any smoke/taste info. I was prepared to take her and the other two DSD females I popped full term- be that 77 days or longer (as Rez and others suggest), but this pheno would have none of that. She looked done a week ago, but I thought 8 weeks would just be too early, that's why she looks so well flushed.

Of the other two phenos, one is the classic 11 week, 90 day+ variety, still all white pistils at 9 weeks. And then there's the blanco pheno. Heavy yielder, perfect leaves pointing up structure all through veg and flower, also looked done at 8 or 9 weeks but, and this is a big but in my book, absolutely void of any smell or resin. I mean zip, zilch, nuttin. It's like movie prop weed. I haven't smoked any of the strawberry blanco yet, but if it ends up getting you high, then this is the new stealth wonder plant. You could grow it in your front room near a window, just twist a couple silk flowers to it and nobody would know the difference.

Thanks for the comments everybody


really nice colors bob. i also heard the longer day pheno is the one to look for. can't wait for the smoke report.
