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Strawberry Cheesel & Hazolope... Watch em grow


Active member
Im running the B'Cuzz bloom stim for the first time, so far impressed, do you know how much of it is sugars bro, smells really sweet & strong, im using at 1.5mls p/l, not sure id go any stronger, but ive got a bottle of carboload sitting there & im wondering if adding some of that is overkill or not? Hows them straberryc's coming along-should of read your last post, ok ill look forward to those then!, i cant see any pics of yours for some reason!
later Bro!

Oh your killing it with the sugar too, cool! Ive noticed Spidermite dont like eucalyptus very much at all & give it a wide birth it seems. got some plant vitality+ here but havnt had chance to use it yet, good luck with the Borg man!


W'sup scrogger...

The bcuzz is good shit bro, I am unsure how much of it is sugar... but with alot of this shit it's probably 90% sugar :D lol... I have only ever used it @ 1ml per L but might give it a lil more 2ml for week 6 when things start to pick up weight wise. Bcuzz suggest to add at 2ml then IIRC.

Cheers for the tip on the borg mate


Active member
Yeah they hate it for sure lo0l,
Left an open bottle of oil by my intake & i saw the little bastards on the other side, believe.
Got told that they hate it and give it a wide birth, fk its unreal they do not like this shit at all lol. didnt see em again i saw adult red spider mite not 2 meters away a few of em too. cool as, dont fancy mixing it for a DIY foliar though, supposed to work too, fkeed in late bloom though, cloud of invisible fumes might do it, minimise damage is the best(only)option, fuckin hate borg!
G';Luc! ;?)
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ICMag Donor
The the Strawberry Cheesel will produce better dope than the Hazolope,, trust,, so keep them in nice condition (ask your friend to treat them well) until you flower them :D

All the best :canabis:


New member
The the Strawberry Cheesel will produce better dope than the Hazolope,, trust,, so keep them in nice condition (ask your friend to treat them well) until you flower them :D

All the best :canabis:

hi docleaf if you dont mind me asking what do you base the above statement on, was interested thats all because i got a s.cheesel male that looks well nice , good plant structure, more s.diesiel dom i would say that im toying with pollinating some various cuts, and just wanted an input from some one in the know, i take it you tried the hazolope as well, to say what u said:) ?


Active member
:wave: Shhh Physcoberries :D..... Watch out when ur taking a shower lol

Looking forward to some pics whats the smell like?



:D lol BP!

For the most part (unless they are just cheese :D) they smell plenty like cheese, but there is a definite berry sherbet undertone, maybe they are just blue cheese who knows :D heehhee...

Hi Doc,

The strawberries are top on my list of 'got to grow asap!' I'll be doing them myself, still the hazolope should be very nice as well... though I understand your point entirely :)


Active member
Lol didnt you grow somthing befor.. Man I cant remember now. Cronics coming to mind but I dont think it was that. But I think it ended up been blue cheese :D?


nah man that was 'blue cheese' that ended up more like chronic :D lol... this is at least 'cheesey' lmao!!

Couple pics from day 37 of the 'Norman Bates' they are smaller than I would like due to getting my temps sorted. The SMC controller doesn't seem to want to slow the extractor down enough during the lights out period to keep temps in a good range. Lights on is perfect between 24 - 28 @ canopy. I didn't notice until I had a day off pulled a sickie :D and was in the room the tent is in during lights out... was frikkin freezing! Must have been 14-15C tops... Well greenhouse heaters and intake on timers should see that sorted.

Have wiped out most of the mites with some shit called Harka Mectin (thread on uk420 about it). The stuff has gotta touch the fuckers to kill em though but is less toxic than most other stuff and can be used late into bloom. There's still a few fuckers about but hopefully not enough to do any real damage. I'll be spraying again this coming week then its down to the plants to fight their way through.

Been using the last of my bud candy to get rid of the bottle, also run out of molasses so what the heck :) Seems to have put a nice layer of frost on em in the 1.5 weeks they have been getting it did notice the quicker THC build up on the plants treated with it last run, but at the end all seemed comparable between molasses and BC plants, except for taste and I preferred the molasses treated plants... They'll be back on the molasses & panela next feed as I been shopping :) but was interesting to see the burst of trichs that is down to either the plagron pk boost- top activator or the addition of the bud candy, my money would be on the latter.








Those really look beautiful...great pics in this thread....makes me want to give the cheeses a shot though I am really pickey on taste so I would like to smoke some before I waste the time growing em...getting tired of growing bud that I wont smoke cuz I don't like the flavor for some reason...though I must say those look like they are probably quite delicious...


Cheers guys,

The camera is point & shoot so it's gotta take the credit on the pics.

Cheese is a nice smoke NHMI, sometimes it can be a bit like marmite though, some folks like it & some don't. Although I think most that don't have just moved on from the skunky type plants and are looking for something different.

To be clear though these are cuttings not the seeds in the beginning of the thread. They are supposedly Psychoberry, but seem very cheese like to me... Slightly different than the cheese I ran last time though. They have more berry smell... maybe blue cheese? Or possibly still psychoberry haven't seen enough pics of the psycho to know tbh. What i can say is they stink man... Alot! Which is always a pretty good sign :joint:

I have started to call them Norman Bates, but as they're chicks I suppose I better change that to Norma Bates :D lol!

Anyway... less of the dry jokes and a few pics of them @ week 6 ay? They sure are getting frosty now!









ICMag Donor
The camera is point & shoot so it's gotta take the credit on the pics.

:laughing: haha,, that's cool :biglaugh:

Psychosis is like Cheese,, but less fruity , more woody. I'd imagine Psychoberry to be fruitier than Psychosis,, so sounds like you have the right plant.

All the best


I dont know any of those strains but i'm sure you'll end up with a nice haul of great buds!!
(ignoring dead nano creatures and they'r eggs :D)
Plants look great anyway.
Great to see you back! All the best!! :bump:


W'sup guys, good to see you about Frankie... What do you have going on at the moment bro?

Cheers Doc for helping with the description... Well whatever they are, the thc is increasing @ a very nice pace... and although the size is smaller than my last run, quality or THC content seems to have increased by quite a bit!

Here's a few pics from week 6.5, will stop the PK and decrease nute strength for the final 2 weeks. EC peaked @ 1.6 thus far (my base water has an EC of 0.6!) so I will lower that by 0.4EC droppin the PK, then next feed (2days later) down again by 0.2 and so on until EC 0.6 has been reached, then they will get 4 days molasses and water only, then 3 days water only.... The thought of all out starvation is not sitting well with me nowdays, been reading much on the need for food till near death of the plant...

Anywayz, pics ay :)




Active member
Hay up Shhh the bates are looking killer dude :D Looking forward to hearing how she smokes in a few more weeks


Hi Phil, they look nice n frosty but are pretty slim for this stage... the cheese I done last time looks 5-7 days ahead of these ones at the same age, was just checking the pics out :( Ah well the smell nicer this time and the trichomes are popping up everywhere, so I guess all is not bleek :joint:


Active member
Hi Phil, they look nice n frosty but are pretty slim for this stage... the cheese I done last time looks 5-7 days ahead of these ones at the same age, was just checking the pics out :( Ah well the smell nicer this time and the trichomes are popping up everywhere, so I guess all is not bleek :joint:

Maybe this cheese/Bates takes alittle longer to finish dude and may suprize you a cupple more weeks in :D With that in mind tho I'm still looking for the perfect blend of yeild and quality myself.

Im thinking I'm going to do a few runs of schnazzleberry #2. That was a real nice smoke, I thought she was only going to yeild low but suprized me with rock hard little nuggets think I got round 40 grams and looked like half of that, Was a real nice pheno I'm hoping to find that one again in a packet I have stashed away. And once I have her dailed in. Should pleasently suprize me again.
Ive just taken 6 Critical mass and 6 calizhar's cuttings for my next run tho and pick the best 5 of each


Hey man!!! Plants look great. :bump:
I like to see them dieing at the end lol. As long theres some bulky
buds allready formed, couldnt be happier to see them using the
You seem to have a nice plan for some added production without
skip on flavours.
Wish you the best man!! :dance013:
Me, i'm enjoying the nice cured fruits of my labour. Next year. :D


ICMag Donor
yo :wave:

Any update on the Strawberry Cheesel [suburban seeds] ?

All the best into 2011

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