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Strangest ripped story ever....


el dub

Could the kids have been looking for a garage door opener in the truck?


teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
Don't under estimate kids , life is a game of choices , you already made 1 that attracted these kids by not disposing of the evidence properly, try to take precautions to limit your exposure , I had metal guys stealing stuff out of the yard, so I pad locked the gate.
maybe you could do the same to keep the kids out?,kick bar on back door, window bars alarm?,


Active member
Sounds fishy

Sounds fishy

This sounds like a drunken half brained theft. It all sounds fishy to me. My first instinct was a drunk did this.Anyway you cut it, it sucks.


yeah if u got little fucks runnin around there's no tellin what could happen.... especially pullin shit like this


Active member
Well, it's not the strangest ripper story ever, but still pretty messed up.

I compost my stalks and fans etc, but no way anyone can get to it from the outside world. Plus, lots of disgusting veggie stuff mixed in it.

I think I would have let the punks know I knew, but whatever you do, secure that pile asap.


Time for razor wire on top and trailing down the sides of the fence and passive infra-red alarms me thinks.

If your legal call round for a nice friendly chat with the parents when the kid is there, kid prob figures you are illegal and wont do/say anything about the trespass or theft.


Go somewhere you can buy hunting stuff and get a gamecam. Disguise it as a birdhouse. A picture is worth a thousand words. Get one with infrared flash so they don't see the flash at night. If it's someone in your neighborhood you'll know who.

I rented at my last place and I'd gas up the landlord once in awhile. I busted him that way. He didn't take much but it's the principle you know. Had I not had the gamecam I woulda never known about him sneaking around when we were gone. When I confronted him about it he lied of course. Shoulda seen his face after I dropped the pics on him. Low life theif...


There are FOUR lights!
Found out these punks have been hitting all the sheds and outbuildings in my general
area. They got 2 nice chainsaws from a buddy 2 houses away, they broke into my
other neighbors granny unit and stole an old purse with a wallet. They tossed it
and somebody called the owners, otherwise he wouldn't even have noticed.
And they broke into a backyard rental while the guy was there, in the loft.
He said they were like 16-20 tall skinny punky lookin punks. They beat it when he said WTF?!?

So atleast I wasn't singled out, but I think they will be back, because they didn't get what they really wanted, which was to get into my shed.

The difference now is my whole area lights up like the sun when a gopher farts.
And a few things which I shant mention here....


Active member
i say its about time to prepare at least 10 if not 20 piss filled water balloons and keep a dozen eggs nearby as well.


Active member
i had one out back in 1999. got home from school one day, go check on it and there is 2 big limbs from the top gone. i thought it odd they only took a couple limbs and not the hole thing. so i was glad bout that

one Q

now that you have lights in the yard. go get a BAD ASS ACCURATE paintball gun. Those things HURT and leave WELTS! hit those kids with a jar of rounds they will regret it

super soaker of ammonia.

once you have the pics of these kids stealing from you ... spend 500 bucks on a big ass billboard and put that shit up for 30 days close to the neighborhood "QUIT STEALING" bold red letters.


stealing moldy bud out of a compost pile .... well at least it aint lex luthor trying to steel your shit ...idiots are easier to catch


Well if they haven't been caught they will come back. If possible set them up to get arrested and maybe the rest of what they've done will follow. You can't do sht nowaday's about theft unless your "life is in danger", you'll get sued and/or go to jail. But personally I don't think I can control myself.
I'm surprised no one asked or maybe I missed it...Are you growing inside or outside? This issue will needs to be resolved before you plant your next crop outdoors, else they will never reach maturity.
So atleast I wasn't singled out, but I think they will be back, because they didn't get what they really wanted, which was to get into my shed.

The difference now is my whole area lights up like the sun when a gopher farts.
And a few things which I shant mention here....

try this, garraunteed to find at least one of them when you go check on your shed. take an extension cord hook one side to the doornob the other to a metal grate infront of the door.
they grad the handle and poof it'll put them on the ground long enough for you to go outside and beat them with a baseball bat.
honestly I cannot condone such things but...................... easier to condone then theft tho


One word.....gamecam. Cheap and effective. Use pics to have em charged with at least trespassing. You know you haven't seen the last of em...or at least you should. For about $500 bucks you can get a cam that'll send pics too your email or cell phone in about 45 seconds.

I use em on my OD grows and send the pics to a prepaid phone(never call or talk on it tho!!!) paid for with cash. Paid for itself last year. Good for me but not so good for the rippers I caught! LOL. I woulda caught em anyway cause they came while I was there. Those two dudes will never rip a patch again I can promise you! And no I didn't phisically harm them, I know what some of yall are thinking and shame on you. Just to phuck with em I mailed em pics of themselves standing next to my plants a few weeks later.

I'd suggest gamecams for anyone with this type of security issue...the pic in my sig...Gamecam...nuff said


maybe next time they will bring a shovel so they can "get to the really good stuff" ... as in "your honor he raised the shovel and it scared me so badly i had no choice but to beat him senseless with his own tools"

i hope there is no next time.