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strangest reaction to pot


Active member
hrm...not kittylitter stink....that is a bit diff.....just a bit of funk...not bad really you could just tasteit on the first couple hoots usually, just kinda different

Not ammonia like an unventilated chicken coop smell either..lol


I am not a fan of GreenHouse... BUT... every pheno of alaskan Ice caused a head rush with every single hit for whoever smoked it weather from a bong, bubbler, pipe or a joint.

once I heard a big crash in the living room, my pops had decided to take a rip of Alaskan Ice from my Zong... when I came in him an the Zong where lying on the floor, lol

another time last summer, I was on the river with a friend and we smoked a joint of Chem DD mixed with Sour Bubble between us and this long haired hippy guy we ran into on the shore... he was a medical patient and supposedly got his stuff from the clubs... well about half way through the joint he started talking all kinds of crazy, not making any sense and not relative to the convo we got back in out rafts and left him to trip out... I passed out a few joints that day, good times :D

its kinda like its funny but its not really you know? lmao anyway, my pops doesn't smoke but it sounds like something he would have done in another arena


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
its kinda like its funny but its not really you know? lmao anyway, my pops doesn't smoke but it sounds like something he would have done in another arena

its all fun 'n' games until someone gets hurt, no one got hurt, so it was funny... lesson learned.. sit down when smoking good stuff :D


Active member
only time i have ever gotten to fucked up was smoking a volcano all day out in boston I started feeling super tired and kept hearing the guys beside me telling me to just goto sleep so I ended up assaulting both pretty good and bolting the hell outta there

then i was hearing auditory hallucinations for a few hours, not sure if it was the weed or someone trying to kidnap and rob me or kidnap rob and rape me

This guy saved his asshole from irreparable damage. lol

Prairie Boy

I know a chic that says my SSH gives her an itch that needs to be scratched!

Can't wait to try out some Malawi on her ;)

Cheers PB


Active member
Once I was at a Thanksgiving dinner and a bunch of college kids from a nearby campus were invited. This pretty cute girl came upstairs with us to smoke. I whipped out a large bubbler and my friend had some really nice nugs. I packed a bowl and the cute girl got the first hit. I held the bubbler for her and lit it, and she took a massive toke and almost cleared the entire bowl in one hit.

I took a couple of hits of what was left and passed it on. I wasn't paying much attention to the girl, so she got up and went back downstairs.

Or so I thought.

About twenty minutes later, my friend's dad comes in, and he looked pissed. He said the girl was in the bathroom splashing water all over herself and praying and asking my friend's dad to tell her parents she loved them if she died that night. This went on for about an hour or so. We just sat in my buddy's room in stoned silence, and all of the college kids left and went back to campus. It made for a pretty uncomfortable evening. LOL
the girl was in the bathroom splashing water all over herself and praying and asking my friend's dad to tell her parents she loved them if she died that night. This went on for about an hour or so. We just sat in my buddy's room in stoned silence, and all of the college kids left and went back to campus. It made for a pretty uncomfortable evening.

I do not know why this made me laugh but it did.

This pretty cute girl came upstairs with us to smoke. I whipped out a large bubbler and my friend had some really nice nugs. I packed a bowl and the cute girl got the first hit.

kinda reminds me of this..
...whipped out my 3rd leg

RedEye Glass 32" Leg

her name is Jawanna...as in 'jawanna hit?'

this is how it goes, my good friend Carly is over and she has never danced with Jawanna but she is a trooper and chronic smoker so she hits it up and loads the chamber full of dense white smoke, gets herself ready to rip it, pulls the bowl and WHOOSH!!!!

..Jawanna is empty and Carly is sitting there solid as a rock...
HUGE-O-MONGUS exhale and all smiles...
god love her cause that girl is a rockstar



Active member
haha, I felt terrible about it. I think she took a massive toke because I was holding it to her lips and she wanted to do it right...

Prairie Boy

A situation broke out when I smoked too much bud

Reached in my droors pulled out my pud..bust open a jar of petrolium jelly..

Started thinkin about Donna and Nikki and Shelly...

In my mind we was hittin it we was almost there..then the door bust open and fuk my

ma wus there...Don't disrespect J.R.O.C..it could happen to you cuz it happened to me!

Cheers PB


New member
sounds like the strong shit hit a light toker hard..I can recall a few scenarios where people claimed to be serious tokers and ended up FUCKED UP..he I rememer a girl when I was about 16 who got halfway through her bong rip and greened out projectile style like 4 feet from where she sat all over my room and she couldnt move or talk after that for a good 3 hours.. or another girl at a party who when I packed how big a bongload she wanted she said big because she's regular toker well I packed her BIG bowl of this double berry cough that I had grown out and low and behold 15 minutes later she was praying to not die and had called her parents to take her to the hospital haha good thing i didnt give her my name apparently her parents really wanted it hahaha good times..
It's called an "Anxiety Attack". It happens to a lot of people who get high as marijuana is known to cause anxiety related symptoms as a bunch of you described. There are people who have anxiety disorders, and when they smoke they get extremely overwhelmed,the higher they get the worse the anxiety get's.

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