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Strangest Dream U Ever Had?


Active member
Canniwhatsis thats creapy.

One dream i had years ago and never forgot is where im swimming through a flooded (local) church graveyard going between gravestone to save a black swan. My girlfriend at the time was bang in to her dreams and had books on them and even a dream catcher tattoo on her lower back (trampstamp) anyway i tried checking the meaning and didnt find anything on black swans but found that black dogs mean something like death or running out of time, fucking freaked me lol

Well that was years ago and im still alive and kicking.

I looked up the black swan

many different interpreations

Black swans point to notions and intuitions of the dreaming. They can sometimes be, unfortunately, also misfortune messengers or death messengers.

European (Judeo-Christian)
Disagreements if see the black swan – the color of the swan supposed to be white, therefore if the dreamer saw the swan that is black, shows difficulties and dissension he will suffer;

Arabian (Islamic)
Painful death if see black swan – to dream of the swan that is not white, but black denotes to uneasy death of someone you know;

a black swan near clear waters: points to illegitimate pleasure

To see a black swan in your dream signifies mystery and the unknown. It represents something that is alluring, yet forbidden.

Swan - Symbol of peace and serenity. If you were or saw a black swan or a dirty swan, your dream could be telling you that you view yourself as unattractive, that you are behind the crowd, or that you are in a period of discord.

Black swans indicate deep mysteries within us that are longing to be set free to express themselves creatively


some of you guys shared some pretty cool dreams

even an embarassing story (shitting yourself)

I will share with you guys this dream I had recently

I looked it up, and apparently it's a very common dream in the male population

this happened less then a week ago

I dreamt that I gave myself a blowjob, it lasted only a couple of seconds

it was one bizzare-ass dream

it's hard to comprehend why you would see something like this

I looked it up and apparently, it represents anxiety

and it's true, I was going through a stressful situation


I was maybe trying to make myself feel better, ease off the tension


Active member
Very interesting LEF. You find that these interpretations have been accurate for ur dream analysis consistently? I have tried many times to interpret dreams.... but many times it isnt easy. sometimes your own interpretation, i find, is best. Since the dream is a product of your mind, then u must be able to understand better than anybody, no? That is also if u believe that dreams are ALWAYS a product of "your own" mind.....

JPT..... I honestly can share dreams for days..... i will share one more strange dream i had when i was younger. i had this EXACT SAME dream twice that i remember.

im in my childhood backyard with brother and sister. we are on a picnic table... a man starts walking up the driveway, and im certain he is going to kill us. i have a knife, and what i think is my only chance, is to throw this knife so that it stabs him, but it must pass perfectly through a chain linked fence.. i throw the knife, i see the knife as if a camera is flying behind it and it just hits flat against the fence and drops to the ground. The man then shoots me in the base of the foot and i die. i then see what ive always assumed is my grave on a hilltop with a dead tree next to it, but im looking at it from quite the distance away.....


3rd-Eye Jedi
ive had tons of very strange and very horrific dreams, seriously bad but I don't want to discuss them and

I also talk alot in my sleep and at times of my life I would have violent nightmares nightly would scream and curse violently

I want to discuss another weird dream

I was a chimpanzee and I was with other chimpanzees and we were part of some sort of subjugation and were imprisoned

there was great dismay among us so I started to sing a song that elevated us as I sang it and I felt a power from the heavens open and I felt the most amazing feeling of hope and I sung louder to quicken this experience and completely elevate myself and my fellow chimps to this source of divine energy

and in the middle of one of the absolutely blissful moments of my life I am woken, by my wife who wanted to know what I was dreaming about that had me singing in my sleep

now she never ever tried to wake me when I was being killed or killing or any of the other fucked up shit i dream about but the one time I actually have a dream that offers some transcendence see wakes me and ruins it


Active member
ICMag Donor
Had a dream that Scotland legalised MJ after Independance and I had a farm!

Hey brother, you know that will never happen, ...Globalisation is well under way....anywho pleasant dreams... Bye the way, I watched this very interesting confession on youtube in regard to symbiotic technology. This person stated that when he was 17 he built a rocket with some form of anti gravity engine which he claimed he received all the information in dreams. Night after night. This was back in the early 70's before the calculator and domestic computer. At times I don't know what to believe, fact or fiction ....only big brother knows.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I forgot to add, Roald Dahl, the author of many wonderful childrens books ..used to sleep with a note book beside his bed to write down any dreams that he remembered. Some of these dreams became entertaining stories for children to read the world over.


Active member
I was a chimpanzee and I was with other chimpanzees and we were part of some sort of subjugation and were imprisoned


basically you we're hanging out with people from icmag or related to cannabis culture :)

as for Wayz asking the interpretation of dreams (if i am correct on the user name/person)

I googled up dream interpretation and the symbol used

I only dream after stopping smoking weed

I get crazy dreams

and they are fun (sometimes) sometimes crazy

as for interpreation, yeah I believe some of the stuff

but like you, I believe in personal interpretation too

if you can remember the feeling that you had in your dream that can be a plus

some people believe that we experience in our dreams things we don't let ourselves experience in real life, like feelings and stuff like that

people say sleeping heals the body
and dreaming heals the soul

did anyone ever see the light or a bright light in their dream ?

one time... I went to visit a friend up north, far away, woodsy town, isolated from the world

I had this crazy dream, I am getting a shiver just thinking about it

basically I saw the light

it was so bright, I remember when I saw it in my dream, all I could do is submit to it, and sort of pray

it was so powerful, I woke up and I was in shock

I looked at my friend, I actually stared at her and bam she woke up

and she says, I felt you we're staring at me

then I started explaining, and she was really comprehensive and understanding of how affected I was

it was like, I dunno, proof of some kind of super power at the moment

during that time (it was Holiday/xmas time) I also had another dream over there

it was so real

I was in front of this huge wooden door (goosebumps)

right in front of it, all I could see was it

then I could hear

baaaaaaam baaaaaaaaam

like some kind of bell

pretty crazy
I dunno what it meant

was I ready to go across the door ?
did some kind of opportunity present itself to me ?

I love dreams, I used to write them down

but since I was in a pretty hefty smoking bout in the last few months, I haven't dreamt anything much

sometimes yeah, but very rarely

I know a lot of you saw the matrix
makes me think that maybe when we are dreaming, we might be going into other realities, dimensions


Active member
I dreamed I was fighting the devil too keep him from taking my brother to hell. Really freaked me out. Since I basically raised him for half his life.
thanks everyone for sharing

thanks everyone for sharing

I remember when I was a kid I allways had the same nightmare, but the strange thing is I was the monster, I was a big kobra like snake, but i never knew i was a monster til someone saw me in the dream and started screaming and that is when everything around me start panicking and i just stand there confused... when i woke up i was really scared but never sweaty...
