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Strangest Dream U Ever Had?


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When I first started using cannabis daily in 2008; I dreamed I went fishing in Kennebunkport Maine with George (Sr) Bush and Barbara!

It still sounds diabolical!:whee: jpt
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Active member
i very rarely even remember my dreams.maybe 1 a month. got to think what one was weirdest. and when bush went fishing ss/cg cruised by and told your ass to move along well ahead of bush. and god forbid if you were near and they ran your boat info and found out you were wanted. cause it happened to someone I once knew lol. they had and area like miles around scouted an secured bigtime. murphys law in full effect


High country cat herder
Gotta be the one where I was being chased thru some building, I remember it from the dream as a school, but not anything like any school I'd ever been to or seen..... I got away from the folk chasing me by flying thu the vents near the top of he gym or cafeteria, either way I got a look of the land before I woke from the dream. It was an empty field about half a mile from where I lived.

Couple years later,... A school was built in the field I remember seeing in the dream, layout wasn't exactly the same, but the stairwells and location........



Active member
Had this dream for many years but not at all anymore. I would be in a underground parking lot all concrete and the ceiling starts to fall and i am running and it is falling just behind me and i am running trying to push a button on a wall in front of me, as soon a i reach to hit the button i would wake up in sweat.....


a lot of weird dreams
I did notice when I am smoking hard I do not recall my dreams as often and when I take a break from smoking my dreams are more vivid and easy to recall


Active member
Canniwhatsis thats creapy.

One dream i had years ago and never forgot is where im swimming through a flooded (local) church graveyard going between gravestone to save a black swan. My girlfriend at the time was bang in to her dreams and had books on them and even a dream catcher tattoo on her lower back (trampstamp) anyway i tried checking the meaning and didnt find anything on black swans but found that black dogs mean something like death or running out of time, fucking freaked me lol

Well that was years ago and im still alive and kicking.


Active member
a lot of weird dreams
I did notice when I am smoking hard I do not recall my dreams as often and when I take a break from smoking my dreams are more vivid and easy to recall

Think when you smoke a lot of weed before going to bed at night you go into a deeper sleep and kind of bypass that rapid eye movement level of sleep.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Sleepwalking, first & only time (so far as I know) about 8 yrs ago. I dreamt that my sister & an old friend of mine were trying to gain access to my house to kill me. When I woke up I had my framing hammer in bed w/me and clothes & DVDs were scattered all over the place and my dogs were cowering in the big kennel. It was whack, once in a lifetime shit thankfully.......

my framing hammer had a rubber grip like my revolver nearby, in that dream I was holding a gun and leaning into the door, the door being my DVD shelves & wardrobe. It took me quite a bit to come down from the rush I had when waking & recalling what had happened.


What were we talking about?
I'm having my strangest dream right now . . .
haha! I had a dream where I was on a plane, taxi-ing for take off. The plane crashes into a gate but the pilot is like " fuck it, I can make it" and decides to take off anyway. I look out the window, see the damaged wing, buckle my belt and say to myself "we are either going to make it or not...lets roll"

Then I wake up...I have had this dream a few times...I always wake up from it with that impending doom feeling.



Active member
Only used Bubba Kush and dreamed that I was being dropped off at LAX and Rob Ford was surrounded by the Los Angeles police department and he was jumping and jiving.

That is all I recall.

That guy has a future, he'll probably take Cookie Roberts job! lol What a funny entertaining guy. jpt


Freedom Fighter
Right after the Japan Tsunami, I dreamed that I seen the LA skyline, that I cannot see from my house!! Lol!! But in my dream I seen it blow up and crumble...then for some reason I was on a mountain running from the rising sea!!
Silly dream...but I can still see it vividly!!:yoinks:


Active member
Dreams are fkn awesome.... I dream alot... i have many many strange dreams too lol....try this on for size. i will spare unnecessary details....

i am in a dark familiar basement, looking at a picture on a shelf. suddenly a man sneaks up on me and injects me in the neck and tells me i will die. *dream teleport* on spaceship and my sister is at a giant control panel in front of a giant screen. i currently have lost feeling in both arms and one leg... i jump off a platform to explain to her im dying, but she doesnt believe me.... in the distance on a metal armoire i see a bottle of potassium silicate and i keep yelling to her "i need the potassium silicate!" since i believed it was the cure...... lol

anybody ever clearly die in their dreams?
I was 15 was watching the fast and furious then that night I was dreaming that I was smashing in a badass street car well ended up in a high speed chase was going through buildings and cars but when I hit a pole I flew out the window the glass slicing my stomach open as i smashed through the windshield my guts where hanging so trpping out I tried putting them back into my stomach but then my bro woke me up it was time for shool. First I noticed the smell then I felt it I had shit myself WTF.
One Time.

One Time.

Keep dreamin'.
I had a dream about me and another guy fighting, in the dream i grab his throat with one hand and this is when i wake up chokeing myself.
this has only happend once.

Another dream i had that was very real is, i got my hands on 3 bigbags full of money, got home and emptyed the bags on the kitchen table and went too sleep to wake up as poor as i was before i really went too sleep.:)



Active member
Dreams are fkn awesome.... I dream alot... i have many many strange dreams too lol....try this on for size. i will spare unnecessary details...

anybody ever clearly die in their dreams?
Wayzer, I can hardly wait till you sleep tonight...Movie time!:dance013: jpt


When I was a kid, I had a dream every year that I was being chased by 2 guys in black suits, ties & sunglasses (like the men in black but this was 20 years before that movie). I would run like crazy & they would walk but never far behind. I would go thru a door & come out into a familiar place, run thru woods & come out into another familiar place that was from another state, etc. I would scream for help, even in a room full of family but no one could hear me, or even see me.
When I was about 15, they actually caught up to me & pulled back the shower curtain where I was hiding & I woke up. They had never actually caught me b4. I realized that I had this very disturbing dream once a year & decided to write down the day to c if it occured on the same day every year....and wouldn't ya know....I never had the dream again.

Now, currently, I quit smoking on 1/4/14, & the past 3 night in a row, I've had dreams of some1 trying to kill me. In the past 3 weeks, I've been severely wounded by being shot in the chest in 2 differnt dreams, 1 which was last nite.
I usually have real crazy dreams when I feel alot of stress.

I've always found the subject of "Lucid Dreams" very interesting.