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Strange white powder late flowering


Active member
greencure always turned my hairs brown, didn't like that........

a 10% hydrogen peroxide spray will kill the powder mildew and will be safe to ingest....

on day of chop, drench the plant with the 10% solution, dry in from of a fan and trim, no powder mildew!

What he said.


Had a few complaints about taste from using the Grrencure. Gonna try some H2O next. 3% all I can get my hands on for now. Buying a BIG bottle today. 10% solution krunch? Definately need a BIG one lol

One thing I did notice on the plants that I used the GC on was that the PM spots that did return were very small and mostly on the back sides of the lower buds that probably didnt get a good soaking. Using it on some Sour Bubble right now, and its a very tight compact bud pheno. Only saw a very small amount of it.

So does GC work? I'd say somewhat. Doesn't kill it off completely, but does a good job controlling it.


I dont think there are any pesticide products that are safe to smoke...

1 - Potassium Carbonate is a Fungicide not a Pesticide.

2 - Potassium Carbonate is a nutrient. The potassium will be absorbed by the plant, and eventually utilized.

Obviously, it's not ideal right before harvest, as that's when we try to flush nutes out, rather than applying them to the leaves. HOWEVER, a slightly harsh burn is much better than having buds covered in mildew.



Active member
Greencure works good on PM, but it's just a control and you have to be diligent forever searching and spraying. I've been playing this game for a long time now, and am sick enough of it to get some Eagle20 and end this curse.

A note to those who say 'environment', you have it too moist, blah, blah. I live in a desert. It's dry. Fans suck all the moisture that evaps off of my coco right out of the room pulling in nice crispy dry air. PM likes it cool and it likes it warm. Actually if you could run your temps in the high 90s for a while it would die, but so would your plants.


I'm with you hazy. Every time I think I got it nipped in the bud I see another small white fuzzy patch.

Eagle20 as soon as its feasibly possible!