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Strange Slime buildup on roots


Out of the slime, finally.
CrystalsCrystal said:
OK RICHY your not alone... I've seen all those algaes in the pics and I too have an ez clone. I'm pretty sure the algae were seeing can be destroyed if ALL light is kept off the root or stem. ROFL if there was an algae that grew without light it probably woul'dnt be thaaat common so go buy a new 5 dollar bucket, buy some bottled water and new airhose/ airstone, buy new hydroton, and plop a SEED in there. I garuntee if you slip a black growbag under your roots if they start geting THIS algae it will go away... Wouldnt chlorine in our tap kill the algae in the tap? have you ever put a clone in your system? If so there ya go... As far as your white algae goes... It's a bitch and I'm sure it goes away if you take away its LIGHT!

O lets not forget UV sterilization or that thing that blasts a ray at your water and KILLS ALGAE... YA.. but like I said a 50 cent fix to the algae problem is a growbag over the exposed root..

I'll go ahead and repeat myself one more time. The couple of questions you have posed here you could of found the answers to in my previous posts.

The chlorine in tap water will kill it at first, but once the chlorine dissipates it will come back. Yes, I have tried tap water way back. On the same note, I have strongly advocated the use of Physan 20 to kill it and it does work. The problem is keeping it away or at bay. If you want to keep it at bay then I have advocated the use of Dutch Master Zone. I have found that to work the best. It's mechanism is much like the chlorine. It is actually a chloramine which I believe is a derivative of chlorine. It does not dissipate quickly like chlorine and stays more long term therefore keeping the hydro herpe at bay.

Don't really understand your clone question, but yeah I only use clones.

I have tried a lot of different hydro systems. Your grow bag idea is not always going to work because I don't always use net baskets. Covering all light was the first thing I did when this problem first arose. I ruled out the light after covering everything with black and white poly and it did not work.

You did read that this is not a true algae, right???????


A large and heterogeneous group of photosynthetic microorganisms, formerly referred to as algae. They had been classified with the algae because their mechanism of photosynthesis is similar to that of algal and plant chloroplasts; however, the cells are prokaryotic, whereas the cells of algae and plants are eukaryotic. The name cyanobacteria is now used to emphasize the similarity in cell structure to other prokaryotic organisms. See also Algae; Cell plastids.

All cyanobacteria can grow with light as an energy source through oxygen-evolving photosynthesis; carbon dioxide (CO2) is fixed into organic compounds via the Calvin cycle, the same mechanism used in green plants. Thus, all species will grow in the absence of organic nutrients. However, some species will assimilate organic compounds into cell material if light is available, and a few isolates are capable of growth in the dark by using organic compounds as carbon and energy sources. Some cyanobacteria can shift to a different mode of photosynthesis, in which hydrogen sulfide rather than water serves as the electron donor. Molecular oxygen is not evolved during this process, which is similar to that in purple and green photosynthetic sulfur bacteria. The photosynthetic pigments of cyanobacteria include chlorophyll a (also found in algae and plants) and phycobiliproteins. See also Chlorophyll; Photosynthesis.

Wow, I can see how they grew in my reservoir. Plenty of organic nutes and a CO2 injected room. After all, these were the first organisms on the planet that created all of the oxygen we breathe. They love that carbon dioxide.


Out of the slime, finally.
Post #28

richyrich said:
Physan 20 or Triple Action.
5ml per 52 gallons.

Far from under dosing bazooka. You are going to kill everything at 100ml for 45 gallons. Physan 20 is to kill it off, not to keep it at bay. You need Dutch Master Zone for that.
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Hey Guice, you said something that caught my attention. I am using an organically based nutes, and I have noticed a similar issue in my system. Do your nutes pour out of the bottle like a sludge? Mine does, and I had to add a mini submersible pump to keep the nutes from pooling in the bottom of the rez. I think that I am going to switch nutes from the CNS 17 to something else soon, I think. I also ordered the hygrozyme. I will let you know.


i had gotten root rot in a ez cloner . the pump heats the water almost to 80 but throom temp where in mid 70s . i got slime on clones with no roots and clones with roots, all in the same run .clones where in there for almost 2 months . the clone would not grow.i was using power cloner ahd hydroguard the whole time . when i figured it out to be root rot , i dumped the water and added sm-90 2 day later roots started turning white again . the brown slime was still there though .then i moved them to a turbo garden .im using floranova grow and sm-90. i dont know if i cured the rot or not . its only been a week .


Out of the slime, finally.
I can't tell you 100% for sure, but my clones have looked like that before out of an ez cloner. Some of those roots that are long and clumped together, are they kind of slimy and possibly going mooshy. If they are then you probably got slimed. If your plant growth is looking unhealthy and deficient with those big roots then you probably did. If so, scrap them because I never was able to bring any back. Get yourself some rockwool. And water temps will do nothing with the slime if you make another run with your cloner.


new seedlings in same system

new seedlings in same system

if i sprouted new seeds and tried to put them in the same system with the infected plants (root rot) would the new plant also get infected?. on a side note , i ordered the (physan 20)from amazon .if using the physan 20 to treat the root rot ,could i then put new seedlings in the same system after treating the system with physan 20 ??
how long do you leave (p 20) in the system ? was it over night ? how many time do you need to run it through the system ????
the is the best thread yet, by far !!!


Out of the slime, finally.
Hygrozyme or any enzyme product is good if you don't have brown slime algae.

If you are going to use this or advocate using this product in such an instance after reading this thread, I strongly advise that you re-read this whole thread very very thoroughly. Pay particular attention to those who have used these products.


I agree with RR on the Hygrozyme...been there and done that a few times...Haven,t used hygrozyme in over a year...never had a prob.with slime since...But if it works for you then go for it...but Like RR said it won,t work on the dreaded brown slime.....
Hope things are goin,good for you RR..I,m where I want to be in my ventures with things working good for me...soil is what I am doin,now...more work but better results..


Out of the slime, finally.
Thanks jarff... After all the years of trials and tribulations and finally figuring out what this curse was, brown slime algae, I am taking a long deserved break from it all. Like I posted, soil is where I had to go and it was working great. Missed the hydro but once you get what I named it, the hydro herpe, there is just no getting rid of it. It just flares up unexpectedly to cause havoc much like I would assume a person with for real herpes has. I would guess, lol.

Once I went to soil this was the result below. A total turn around.



gets some
Crap. This stuff has shown up again in my bubble cloner filled with 50 gorgeous clones that haven't rooted yet (nothing was added except tap water and a little H2O2). I gotta save them so I ordered Physan 20 and its costing me like $100 with overnight shipping and saturday delivery. But it's a small price to pay compared to losing a bunch of sweet clones. This stuff sucks! I really think its dormant in tap water and needs an activator of some sort.

EDIT: I picked up some algae killer for aquariums from Petsmart. It says it works on brown algae (Synedra) so Im gonna try it while I wait for the Physan. It would be nice if there was a solution to this problem so readily available! Ill update how well it works.
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Out of the slime, finally.
ItsGrowTime said:
Crap. This stuff has shown up again in my bubble cloner filled with 50 gorgeous clones that haven't rooted yet (nothing was added except tap water and a little H2O2). I gotta save them so I ordered Physan 20 and its costing me like $100 with overnight shipping and saturday delivery. But it's a small price to pay compared to losing a bunch of sweet clones. This stuff sucks! I really think its dormant in tap water and needs an activator of some sort.

EDIT: I picked up some algae killer for aquariums from Petsmart. It says it works on brown algae (Synedra) so Im gonna try it while I wait for the Physan. It would be nice if there was a solution to this problem so readily available! Ill update how well it works.

I already tried and posted my results from the algae killer from petsmart. Does jack squat. The small bottle of physan cost about $12. I'll tell you right now I never saved any clones after the stuff appeared in my ez cloner. I must of went 5 rounds trying to defeat it in the ez cloner. Just go rock wool. I did and no problems. You just have to read all of my experience here. Feel free to learn on your own but I posted all of this and asked for the sticky so you all wouldn't have to pull your hair out like I did. I always used RO water, 5 stages. I don't know about it laying dormant in tap.


Out of the slime, finally.
If you want to save your clones since they have no roots yet. Dip them in clonex and put them in rock wool or rapid rooters. Slime will be gone.


gets some
I appreciate the thoughts and your work on this issue richyrich. However, bubble cloning is my chosen method and has worked pretty well for me in the past. For some reason this slime pops up once in a blue moon, last time was 1.5 years ago. Im really wondering this time because my cloner had nothing but tap water and my tap water is pretty nice (40ppm) and this has not been a problem since the first time. The first time it happened it was triggered by Hygrozyme. No such reason this time. Odd. Anyway, Im hoping the Physan will wipe it out quickly enough to let my clones root like normal. I'd hate to waste 1.5 months regrowing new mothers...

I tried a different version of the petsmart algae killer than the one you posted. Different listed ingredients at least. After a couple hours it doesnt look like it's done much to help. Ah well, was only $4. Never know till you try.


Quick nute and algae question

Quick nute and algae question

First, thanks to RichyRich and all the others who've shown how to successfully battle the algae in hydro. I've just cleaned my res and table with Physan 20 and added DM Zone to the fresh res, so I'm hoping I have this thing under control.

I know organic nutes and additives feed the algae/cyanobacteria and should be avoided. Can I finish off the Floranova Bloom I have lying around, or should I go out and get a completely chemical nute like GH 3-part or maxibloom?


Out of the slime, finally.
I think you should be okay with the Flora Nova as long as you use the DM Zone. If you have problems again then you know what steps to take again.


New member
Ive been battling this algae for 1 month now. Its killed most of my plants. Ive cleaned with Physan 20, used H2o2, plantasillin...Pretty much everything. Ive changed my dwc water every 3 days...I feel like Ive tried everything. I cant get this shit to go away!!!!! WTF!!! Im so frusterated with this goddamn algae. Ive been growing for 6 years and never had this problem before. The only thing I can think is that I got some bad rockwool, or my hydroton is infected with this shit. Gonna try using new rockwool and new hydroton next grow to see if that helps. My root temp was 68 degrees, my ph was 5.8, my ppm was right on the money and I still get this shit. Anyone know of any other product? This shit is uncurable. If someone comes up with a cure for this algae I will call them my new god. :rant:

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