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Strange Noise at night, how can I find out what it is?

well me and la chupacabra had a little talk. He said "no way am I giving up the good stuff, the brick is enough for you and I will let you have a little if I can nibble on you now and then. Oh and you have any tasty pets?" So I told him what he could do with his brick and he hobbled off mumbling and grumbling to himself. I haven't seen or heard from him since, and I have enjoyed several quiet days now!

Pass me some of what you're smoking, please :laughing:

Cookie monster

well me and la chupacabra had a little talk. He said "no way am I giving up the good stuff, the brick is enough for you and I will let you have a little if I can nibble on you now and then. Oh and you have any tasty pets?" So I told him what he could do with his brick and he hobbled off mumbling and grumbling to himself.

A talk?
Man I would have kicked him square in his goat sucking nuts for saying brick weed was good enough for me!!
Send him over here, I've 2 tasty pets who would love to meet him :)

Space Toker

Active member
A talk?
Man I would have kicked him square in his goat sucking nuts for saying brick weed was good enough for me!!
Send him over here, I've 2 tasty pets who would love to meet him :)

I know, I should have! :D :D
I will do that, you have some tough dog pets that will take care of him for me, I take it? ;)

yummy when did u make a new name?

If I misunderstood your meaning, I apologize in advance for what I am about to say. You don't seem too bright. You're the one with a new name buddy, not me, and how dare you compare me with that sackless.... what is the word I am looking for....twat! Twit! I don't know you get the picture.


NO, not that.
I heard that before, a chaotic symphony of hideous sounds.

Oh God there's a thought....

Maybe it was Yummy in the bushes!

Did the horrible screaches sound Canadian?

You know, you have a point! :D It was a series of high-pitched squeaky screeches, maybe he has a thing for animals now! :D :D

Nicksands, a friendly joke or a dig, you wiseass!?! ;) :D Who knows maybe not a bad idea.

For the record, the thing making the sounds is not gone after all, just further off bothering people down the road from the sounds of it. I heard it off in the distance as I was walking tonight. I'll send him your way Cookie Monster!


I hold El Roacho's
Maybe your shadow was tired of you not using deodorant and
moved in the woods and lurks around outside & Inside your house.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Here's a wild guess.

Here's a wild guess.

I just pulled a DVD-R off the cylinder to watch it, and as it rubbed that plastic pole ,it make a shrill shreeky sound. This is very similar to the sound some creature has been making outside all night every night, for the past several days. What is it or how can I find out?

I tried searching everywhere for animal or mammal sounds, and could not find anything, but I am notoriously bad at searches so maybe someone can help me out here. It is a shrill high pitch squeak, similar to a sound a red-tailed hawk makes, but more rodent or almost insect like.

It is way too loud for an insect though! There are more than one and they call to each other. It is something not too large and something in the trees or bushes. I shine the light where I hear the noise, and can't find anything, then when I turn to walk away, the thing starts shreaking again as if to mock me! :D What the hell is this thing that is driving me crazy? A link to a website where you can play "night sounds" would be much appreciated. thanks!

Well, I went over and pulled a dvd off the cylinder.
Hmmm, that sounds just like a nighthawk.
They make that noise when diving for bugs.
Don't look in trees n bushes, look up for something that dives like a barn swallow.

In the N.E. US, they start in late summer, and annoy everyone for the next 2 months.
I no miss dem buggahs.

If it's actually in da bushes, look up anura.
A lot of lizards make dat kine noise.



What are you smoking Eddie ?
I'll be honest here, Badger, i'm on drugs:jump:

For the record, the thing making the sounds is not gone after all, just further off bothering people down the road from the sounds of it.
well get after it then-and find out what it is. You've started a thread-it was all going quite well-there was, apparently, some humour involved. I can't comment on that. And that's the end of it, is it? It has just wandered off and we can all go back to our lives and forget about the whole thing? If only it was that simple-

Space Toker

Active member
Hey I want to find out what it is too. One year I had a lot of nighthawks, they did not sound like this. Lizards in the NE? Snakes yes, but I don't think we have lizards here. I know what cicadas sound like, I think, and it is not that. I do hear annoying insect sounds all night too, but that's not what this is. I heard something different last night, another hideous screamy sound, will let you know if I hear it again. I started this thread to try to find out what these sounds are, as not knowing drives me crazy. If you don't like the thread, kindly stay out of it. thanks

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