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strange egg shaped balls found in soil


I had a friend give me some of his Passion #1 seedlings and in return I gave him a few Romulan x Diesel and Blackberry cuts. The seedlings came to me in some sort of waterlogged soil mix, it was very wet at the time so I let it dry out before breaking up the root ball and transplanting into my own promix/compost/wormcastings/perlite mix.

while breaking up the root ball I found these odd yellow egg shaped objects filled with some sort of cloudy goo. The only two things I can think these might be are some sort of insect egg, or this is some kind of miracle grow time release fertilizer.

Let me know if you have seen this before.


Cannabis 101
that is for sure a slow time release fertilizer that usually comes with miracle grow or jungle growth ... tell your friend to use something else... like a soilless medium


that's a gelatin encased fertilizer nugget,...time released,...and GUARANTEED to burn any root that touches them

avoid miracle-gro ANYTHING, it's cheap nitrogen laden BS, for housewives and home tinkerers to grow GERANIUMS and DAISY'S, NOT a high nutrient consuming growth bomb that is the cannabis plant.

stick to moonshine's mix, or any of the VERY GOOD soil mix recipes in the forums (the pro-mix/black gold version is also awesome)

all I use is a very well prepared moonshine's mix with the peace of mind fert, and 30% coco fibers/perlite,...and PURE WATER (I buy bottled, the tap here is chloramine laden calcium SOUP!),...nothing else,...no liquid ferts, no pesticides, NOTHING. (yes, that's a 100% ORGANIC product)

you get incredible tasting stuff, fat weight, and it just can't be easier than PH'ing 5 galls of water, and then next day pour it on.

KISS (keep it simple, sam)

"If it's stupid, but it works, it's no longer stupid" ---special forces mantra


Active member
Okay why we bashing MG soil?? I don't have that time release crap in my soil. I pick Miracle Grow because it's relatively cheap and readily available. It contains a lot of peat so it provides the drainage I need. On the same coin, I REFUSE to believe that any soil is going to be better than any other soil provided that it has a similar nutrient profile and pH value.

Just do a search for "miracle grow" on here and start reading. Personally I've read waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many of the threads to believe that MG has ANY control on their product at all. Not a consistent story in the bunch.

Stay Safe! :tree:

p.s. Yep... that's a time release fert... looks just like the ones you find in hyponex and miracle grow.


Okay why we bashing MG soil?? I don't have that time release crap in my soil. I pick Miracle Grow because it's relatively cheap and readily available. It contains a lot of peat so it provides the drainage I need. On the same coin, I REFUSE to believe that any soil is going to be better than any other soil provided that it has a similar nutrient profile and pH value.

if you want to use it go ahead,...but if you think "all soils are the same", try this:

grow some tomatoes in identical size pots, cuttings from the same plant if you can,....grow one in MG soil, and another in moonshine's mix, and then you tell me WHICH ONE TASTES INCREDIBLE, and which one tastes just like the flavorless crap you get in the supermarket.

all soils are NOT the same

(sorry to bash MG, but to try and save $20 when growing $3700 worth of cannabis seems a bit silly to me)


Active member
ICMag Donor
There is nothing wrong with using Miracle grow products.
reckon, you may want to do a quick search for some MG users that are veterans here. They can show you proof of their work.

FWIW, I don't buy your tomato story one bit.
With MJ, if you are using a fert that has any time release in it, start flushing three weeks before harvest and you will have good tasting herb. No flush ends up with a chem taste in weed that some may not even notice. Bland taste is more a genetic issue than medium.

Now, if you are using MG potting mix, there is no need for much fertilization at all. And if you are one of those who throw the big bud, panther piss elixirs at your plants, then yeah..I would imagine you having bad luck with it. But, it is fine to use.


I'm just wondering why you didn't ask your buddy got them from. Interesting topic though, thanks. I have learned today. Oh yeah I stick to Hydro-Organic way of growing, and make my own soil mix. The base is Root Organics 707 Mix. Plants love that shit. Good luck with this.


Active member
i think its some insect thing, ive seen it alot in my outdoors plants with soil fro all sources and no miracle grow... even in compost..