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Strange deficiency / burn in coco grow


My coco grow is in the first week after being transplanted from solo cups to 1.7 gal pots.

Using canna coco and the following nutes added to tap water (.3 ec):
canna A + B
and calmag+

feeding with a solution of 300-350ppm. I am watering heavily once a day at this point, although i plan to do multiple smaller feedings per day in the future.

Right now the girls are under 600w 2 feet above canopy level. Co2 at 1000ppm and temps around 80-83 at canopy level.

Only seems to be affecting 1/4 of the plants in my garden.

Any help would be much appreciated.


Active member
Dude. Ppms are waaaaaaaay to low. I feed rooted clones in 9oz cups 800 ppm. As soon as they are under 600w I boost up to 1300-1400 ppm.


Aha! I tried feeding my clones in solo cups at 500 ppm and it started to burn them so I dialed back. Just transplanted into 1.7 gals a couple days ago but my solo cups were completely rooted all around.

I'm gonna take your advice and do a heavy watering tonight at 1000ppm and see how they take to that over the next day or two, then I will try going higher.

I was worried I had root aphids or some other fucked up bug.

Herborizer, if you are still in this thread. Why don't you use Cannazyme in your res?

U guys rock for the quick responses, thanks.


Active member
Any zyme product will bring the slime in a res. Also, it's not needed all the time. Save money and hand water every 4 weeks the zyme in. Lately I have skipped the zyme altogether and have notice zero change. From veg through 2weeks before harvest my plants have the most healthy looking leaves. Shinny green.


weed fiend
PPM is only as high (or low) as your meter brand and model number. They have difference scales and 500 on this one is the same as 700 on another.

Most have either .5 or .7 multipliers. They're comparable to EC

.5 scale, 500ppm is comparable to 1 EC

.7 scale, 700ppm is comparable to 1 EC

What's the significance? Your 350ppm could be .3 to .7 EC. That doesn't sound like much but it makes a difference when you up the strength.

EC is standard and read doesn't vary between models.

I wouldn't be surprised if you're feeding enough, even if only light. IMO, your pH needs a check to see if it's in range. Not so much what you pour in but the runoff.

Obviously, nutes will change the pH of your water. Tailoring your nute amount to the desired pH range is better than targeted nute strength at improper pH.


Thanks again guys.

Overnight the heavy feeding seems to have done wonders, while there are still some signs of defic. they are perking up, no more wilting, and the yellow and rust spots seem to be fading.

Herborizer, I have definitely noticed the slime starting to build up, and that cannazyme stuff aint cheap either!

DiscoBiscuit, I use a bluelabs meter. I always PH after mixing everything, i try to start at 5.8 and let it creep up a little on subsequent feedings. I test my runoff (not sure if im doing it right just using my PH meter right in a bucket full of runoff) and it is never above the acceptable 6.5 range, its generally around 6.2.

Again you guys rock!


2 weeks later and still having some problems, albeit different ones.

All of my problems seemed to be going away then 2 things happened.

Checked my room one morning and found my CAP co2 generator was stuck on due to a faulty solenoid leaving my room at 5000ppm for probably 12 hours. Then I borrowed a friends PH meter while mine was getting replaced, only to find out the next day his meter was off by almost an entire point.

What should I do guys? I already flushed with ph'd to 5.8 tap water several times a day for 2 days straight. In the last 24 hours I have fed them at 5.7ph with 750 ppm (bluelabs ppm500) twice and they have gotten larger and the new growth looks healthy. Can I expect my yellowed leaves to recover? Or is that a lost cause already?

Pretty lost at this point (first coco run), not sure if it was serious damage from the CO2, lock out from PH being fuckered or if I am just not feeding them heavily enough.

My tap water comes out at 150 ppm, I generally add enough calmag+ to increase the solution another 150ppm, does that sound right?

New growth all looks green and lush to me.

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I don't understand why you've been flushing...because of the CO2 mishap? Flushing the medium may be starving your plants. From what you posted, that seems like what's going on. Those leaves won't recover, but the new growth should be nice and green..

You don't need to add cal-mag if your tap water is .3 EC ...you can run Canna A+B without cal-mag, even using RO.

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