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Strange Creatures and Animals


if it smells like fish
time to get a game camera dude...either that or sit and wait...yeehaw...you can always bait an area and leave camera


Well-known member
game camera is dead on, this looks to be a predator so meat can be the lure
or some scent might be better


Active member
I'm a reasonable guy. But, I've just experienced some very unreasonable things. - Jack Burton, Big Trouble in Little China


Well-known member
..speaking of unreasonable, last summer I was out joy riding on a country road when I passed by what appeared to be a fully intact, almost picked clean human skeleton laying on its back parallel to the edge of the road.

It was stretched out neatly like a corpse in a coffin but the skull was elongated like a horse or a deer.



Active member
So yesterday I'm downtown in a city building and I saw a guy with more hair on the outer edge of his ears than most people have on their head. Odd timing.


Active member
If you had any idea how many people I've pissed off in my time, werewolves are the least of my worries. If you were to write down all of the strange things I've experienced in my life, and put it into a book, in 100 years people would swear that I was never real.


Active member
Not my first shapeshifter. Shapeshifting is something different, somewhat. I could tell you her name, but I won't publish it here or anywhere really, but I dated a shapeshifter almost 20 years ago. She was a model for a legit fashion house before she got into drugs.

She took a black dog with her everywhere she went that appeared to hate everyone but me. The dog would sit quietly behind me and always rode with her in the car, but when anyone approached it was her protector, and nearly took my buddy's hand off when he reached in the window to shake her hand for the first time. Because she liked me, that dog was my instant best friend and never intimidated me once during our time together.

Now that I'm older, I wonder if she knew she was a shapeshifter or that her parents had ever told her. Because of the black dog and the life I've lived, I feel that she knew. I would sit with her, and I still remember one night where we were in the dim light of a bar and she was lit with candle light, and her face became at least 12 different faces in the 5 minutes we were sitting there that I was starring into her eyes. The only other experience I've had that was that strong, until recently came from practicing Buddhism, when I was able for the first time to see Buddha's face become the face of every man, woman and child in the world in a matter of a few moments while listening to Krishna chants in the pitch black. I saw the girl become all of these different people, right before my very eyes in the bar.

Killers bother me, no matter their abilities. Shapeshifters in general, do not. She's still one of the top 5 best kissers I've ever dated.


Active member
You know, I've waited to experience that again years and years, and it took almost 20 years to find it again. And not the dog creature I saw, another woman who does something similar to shift. I won't explain what or who, because it's too personal... I'm curious about what she's all about.

I've been in love with women, sat in candle light with lots of women over the years, even under the influence of herbs, and then long since forgotten about it all, but it took 20 years to find the most recent one. I witnessed something different than a shift. Could be an enchantment or a trick of some sort, I'm still waiting to find out the meaning behind what I saw.

If you ever saw what the first one did, you'd just be blown away. It was like watching CGI right in front of your face. She literally became all of these different women, with each shift of her face in the candle light. Not a different look, a different person. All women, but different people.

In fact, a night she was hanging out with me and friends, my roommate fell asleep in his car and lit his pants on fire after dropping a cigarette it in his lap and falling asleep. I shouldn't assign blame to her, but these days I do wonder.


Active member
I refuse to tell all, but I did follow up and found more than I bargained for, more than once. So I decided to let it go.

I left the house this morning, something inside told me where to go as I headed home. I was intentionally avoiding the area, but had this slight nagging inner feeling. I saw the remains of what appears to be a one car fatal crash within 500' of where I saw the creature, an officer stationed there waiting for a wrecker to pick up the remains of the car. Older model car, at least 20 years old. The entire hood was buckled from the impact with a stationary utility pole that was nearly folded, each half or the front end of the car wrapped around the pole.

I didn't stare, I just noted it and kept on driving through the intersection. Never noticed if the windows were blown out or still intact.

I noticed another change around the area that I won't mention, but I find it highly disturbing to say the least. If I push any further I will forever carry a derringer cobra with one bullet made of silver and one made of gold. Just to cover all bases.

My best advice, and what I'm obliged to do, is to let sleeping dogs lie.


Active member
I even shined a light under my car when I got home, but didn't put it up on a lift. Even though, I'm a little spooked because all I anticipated seeing was an empty road. I'm about to listen to the werewolves of London once or twice for fun and then do my best to put this all behind me, until it puts itself in front of me once more.

When I was poking around to satisfy my curiosity someone said something to me that stirred deep memories of the last person I know to be a shapeshifter, and it really unlocked an old memory that frankly gives me the chills as of this morning, however was more of a fond memory the first time I had remembered it in years, just a couple of days ago. Considering all I've experienced it's really burning holes in my shoes to tell you, but something inside also tells me to keep it to myself.

I'm fairly sure that the last shapeshifter I encountered, the young woman gave me a test. One of those eye of the beholder situations that allowed me to choose my fate. If I was a bad man, and bad person I would have been met with one set of consequences, and because I am who I am, I was met with the consequence that was then my fate.

When I was a younger man, I thought that what I experienced with her happened all the time. I really believed that if you truly had a love for someone, or a deep connection that they would appear to be everyone in the world to you, and that what I saw was fairly common. Not as common as I thought at the time. Funny thing is, one of our dates was in rain conditions. Another funny thing, she urged me to try mushrooms, something know to make a person hallucinate. Wow. It goes way deeper, but I just can't say anything, but wow.


Active member
Last story about anything like this for now, this story came before I saw the creature, but didn't make as much sense until now. I was driving with a companion in an area on a snake like road that changes in elevation and direction several times in less than 1/4 of a mile and crosses a river's stream. I swear that one moment we were talking about the massive size of the moon, and then in the matter of a couple of zig zags on this winding road the moon went out of view, and came into view, only now it was at least a third of it's previous size. How is that possible? We traveled less than a mile. I was told it was an optical illusion. And then...

The day previous to that I left a girlfriends place, and I was driving along a route different than I ever take in recent times, and went to a deli to pick up lunch meat and pastries and french bread in Polish town. While on that drive I saw a train switching box, and that box had been first painted first with ice blue all over and then had painted over it in black letters... "super moon". A day later I saw the moon change sizes, two days later I saw the creature I saw.

I'm convinced that the moon must be made out of cheese. And I'm probably staying mostly at home for a few days, especially at night.


Active member
Now I'm thinking of all the cryptic stuff my family ever told me. My great grandmother told me, don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes more than once. My grandmother used to tell me to never leave the house near the full moon, and I totally teased her about it, calling her a lunar tick. She told me all these doctor and nurse and cop stories related to the moon. Now, I'm not so sure. I used to think crazy old ladies, now I'm really not so sure...

My grandmother used to also date an FBI agent who was always over at the house, but usually came to the door or waited in the driveway; and once she told me a zoological story related to the agent while they were on a date. Something I totally laughed off, but thought it was a great story. I won't tell it here, and it's really unrelated on the surface, but now it has me wondering more than ever.

Even stranger yet, my great grandmother told me that whites of their eyes two years before I dated the shapeshifting girl, right before she passed away. Weird, right? Kind of overwhelming, actually. I always thought she was talking about Vietnam and worried that I'd be drafted, because she lost a son there.


Active member
The moral of the story...

I have come to the shocking conclusion that two of the women I have dated over the years are probably werewolves. And two of the women I have dated or known are werewolf hunters. My most recent girlfriend appeared on the Super Moon in September, has an unlicensed pistol, lives in a hotel and has a black widow tattoo somewhere on her body.

I can tell you this, if you ever accept a gift from a werewolf of any kind, treat it with great care. Respect it and don't take it lightly. Every wolf woman I've dated has left a gift. It goes deeper, but that's not my story to tell. If it's yours to learn, I hope it works out in your favor.

Based on my experience, I don't believe they are all good, or all bad; just like people. Same goes for those looking for them.

The first woman I mentioned was Irish, started reading on some werewolf lore and wow. Headed out to the range in a day or two, and not leaving the house at night on the first week or so in March. Thinking about putting the girl I've been posting about leaving her food and whatnot, up in a motel for a few days near the moon.

I'm going to be a little more careful who I date in the future. My mom had a good point though, if she wanted to eat me, she would have done that sometime in the past three or four years.

Here's more weird. The girl I've been trying to help out and so called "save" has a similar facial tattoo to the woman I believe might be a wolf that I've dated for three or four years. I think it might all have something to do with two wolf families fighting with each other, over who knows what. All in the same two mile stretch of land.

Upon learning this I vomited into the nearest waste bin several times and called on my mother. We had french toast and talked about all of this, briefly. I couldn't really stomach eating the toast.

I feel a little like Edgar Alan Poe and a lot like forgetting everything I've experienced, in some ways, and not wanting to forget the valuable lessons I'm learning in others. Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing. To say the least, I'm sleeping on this.

No matter who you are, or who you might appear to be, have a happy and peaceful St. Patrick's Day. Lock those doors, and check them twice, because you never know, who's naughty, and who's nice.
Very beautiful animal.


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Senior member
The moral of the story...

I have come to the shocking conclusion that two of the women I have dated over the years are probably werewolves. And two of the women I have dated or known are werewolf hunters. My most recent girlfriend appeared on the Super Moon in September, has an unlicensed pistol, lives in a hotel and has a black widow tattoo somewhere on her body.

I can tell you this, if you ever accept a gift from a werewolf of any kind, treat it with great care. Respect it and don't take it lightly. Every wolf woman I've dated has left a gift. It goes deeper, but that's not my story to tell. If it's yours to learn, I hope it works out in your favor.

Based on my experience, I don't believe they are all good, or all bad; just like people. Same goes for those looking for them.

The first woman I mentioned was Irish, started reading on some werewolf lore and wow. Headed out to the range in a day or two, and not leaving the house at night on the first week or so in March. Thinking about putting the girl I've been posting about leaving her food and whatnot, up in a motel for a few days near the moon.

I'm going to be a little more careful who I date in the future. My mom had a good point though, if she wanted to eat me, she would have done that sometime in the past three or four years.

Here's more weird. The girl I've been trying to help out and so called "save" has a similar facial tattoo to the woman I believe might be a wolf that I've dated for three or four years. I think it might all have something to do with two wolf families fighting with each other, over who knows what. All in the same two mile stretch of land.

Upon learning this I vomited into the nearest waste bin several times and called on my mother. We had french toast and talked about all of this, briefly. I couldn't really stomach eating the toast.

I feel a little like Edgar Alan Poe and a lot like forgetting everything I've experienced, in some ways, and not wanting to forget the valuable lessons I'm learning in others. Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing. To say the least, I'm sleeping on this.

No matter who you are, or who you might appear to be, have a happy and peaceful St. Patrick's Day. Lock those doors, and check them twice, because you never know, who's naughty, and who's nice.
You became a victim... I believe..hope not :tiphat: