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Strains with no tolerance build up?


it is best to have a few strains on hand just to help with this issue versus trying to locate some end all strain. Even if you found one you would get bored of the high,taste or something about it and want something different.

Just keep a variety and the ceiling is as far as you want it to be

This is the best advice. Just get 2 strains known for virtually no ceiling and 2 others that finish fast and you'll be set. All my strains probably have ceilings lower than some Sativa's but because I have a few strains going @ a time, my high is never dull or boring. You'd think rotating the same few strains would eventually get dull but unless you're just actually wanting new genetics, just the same 3-4 mothers could satisfy one fully for a life time.

Lol Dr. Organic that indica pheno bit was funny haha. I think I have an indica pheno of the Kali, the other 4 look like Sativa phenos. I hope I get the same one you got :smile:

Joe Budden

I also like to keep a few different strains in the safe :) I remember smoking some really great hash a few years ago, It an was imported moroccan, the smoke was very expansive and this stuff was really killer, every puff I took I could feel myself getting higher and higher. I haven't smoked any hash since then that could match it. I'd love to get some nice clean hash again but it's hard, people are far far 2 expensive atm. I know if I went to Spain I could get some of that same gear..........
im thinking grind house seeds "the prophet" its a cutting edge pre 98 bubba kush hybrid,
and bubba kush is known to have a non tollerant high,
youll still get high if you smoke the same strain all the time but not as high as you can get by switching cannabinoid profiles frequently this applies to hashes and extracts as well.