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Strains with No Branching???



I'm wanting to find a few strains that are known to NOT branch at all really or at least very limited. I want a straight stick with buds from the bottom to the top on the main stem.

Thanks ICC.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
Why would you want a strain like that, for a SOG? Just curious.



Active member
i believe blueberry and most of the Bb hybrids don't branch much.

i've been growing johnny blaze from legends seeds, it's nevilles haze x blueberry sativa. very limited branching but i've always topped and lst:d for more tops.



Active member
In chronic descrip it says that it has one fat cola and few side branches so you should not top it...


Why not just prune away the lower branches of any one of 100's of strains????
Mandala's Satori

Satori or Ganesh = single-cola towers.
Just don't be shy about getting rid of the lower branches in the first week of veg, unless you want to pollinate a few of them.
Ganesh are much shorter and indica in stature.

Also, Mandala strains have excellent prices .

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Opium from paradise seeds. Also known as the totem pole. I grew femm'd version. All were more or less the same....5 for 5 females. Yeah Totem Pole. Nice bzz and a bit trippy too....a very good yielder....stinker too.


I have puffed on the strain opium and it is a definite winner! Really nice bag appeal too...I really liked that strain a lot actually.


hey guys thanks for the replys,, Yes, it is for a SOG plant Im making. I have a few but looking for more,, I want them to say short no wasted space , bud from top to bottom,, so just cutting off branches is like throwing away buds, so that dont work.

is that the new TomHill stuff? Looking for one that has a very large top bud with buds all the way down but no branching.

I have a pure Morrocan Hash Plant that has the structure,, and I have seen some of the of the Mazar I Sharif, that where freebies have the structure, but both are mostly indica plants with smaller yeilds.



I grew Maroc and Grapefruit x Maroc and those grew into just coalas...and that was outside. They were faster than anything else that year too.

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