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Strains with higher Cannabidiol (CDB) prevents memory issues associated with Cannabis


Active member
The medical cannabis movement needs to be country wide, and we need to move towards full legalization ASAP; to prevent the fed from attacking the states for medical use (claiming that anything under schedule 1 has no medical value). If it was legal, they would no longer have their bull shit grounds to stand on in harassing medical patients and growers country wide.

Found a really interesting article on how strains with higher amounts of CDB - remove any memory issues associated with cannabis use. They found strains high in THC with very little to no CDB were the culprit for the memory issues and that high CDB rates not only removed any short term memory issues - but also help rebuild brain networks (Neuron genesis) for diseases where brain damage or memory loss is an issue - like Alzheimer's for example. Really interesting and good info to know =]

Seriously, the Endocannabinoid (Natural cannabinoid) system in our body is one of the most interesting things - they have found out in the past 15 years that it is involved in the regulation of 70% of our body in one way or another. From regulating Leptin (Our bodies metabolism), regulating inflammation, releasing the high associated with eating chocolate (Anandamide), or most of the runner's high from working out (it used to believe it was mostly endorphins (natural opiates) but they found way more natural cannabinoids released during working out than endorphins. The natural cannabinoid system has been found to have a part in the natural regulation of hundreds of functions involving the body.

Impact of cannabidiol on the acute memory and psychotomimetic effects of smoked cannabis: naturalistic study (2010)
Full Primary Article @ http://bjp.rcpsych.org/content/197/4/285.full.pdf

Abstract Results:
Groups did not differ in the THC content of the cannabis they smoked. Unlike the marked impairment in prose recall of individuals who smoked cannabis low in cannabidiol (CDB), participants smoking cannabis high in cannabidiol (CDB) showed no memory impairment.

Conclusions (Abstract)
The antagonistic effects of cannabidiol (CDB) at the CB1 receptor are probably responsible for its profile in smoked cannabis, attenuating the memory-impairing effects of THC. In terms of harm reduction, users should be made aware of the higher risk of memory impairment associated with smoking low-cannabidiol strains of cannabis like ‘skunk’ and encouraged to use strains containing higher levels of cannabidiol.


Active member
you know, i dont remember (lol) ever having memory issues with weed, unless we are talking about the first few times i got stoned.

then later i worried about it, bit, till i heard this "you only forget the unimportant shit, when you are stoned" (inexact quote)

and i thought about it and yeah, basically thats true.

and thats only when we are talking about the first times i got stoned.

(almost accurate term, stoned, but only because of the laws, 2000 years back , we wouldave been stoned to death in some countries for doing what we are doing (well, if the people back then wouldave had the same prejudices as people now)

well, anyways, basically, i have zero memory problems, in fact i remember too bloody much if anything :D

18 years of smoking, daily smoker for most of it. (gravity bongs and hash for most of it too)


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Weed just helps me out on my selective memory erasing program ;)
There are some memories that are pure poison and a waste of memory space :)

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