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strains for gastrointestinal/digestive problems


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Back in May of this year i was admitted to the ER for an internal hemorrhage which caused me to puke up black fluid in my sleep. They did tests including an endoscopy & i was diagnosed with esophagitis & gastritis.
Since then I've been suffering from dizzy spells, extreme lack of appetite, frequent vomiting, nausea, & abdominal cramps. What strains are good for these symptoms?
I notice when i smoke it helps me regain my appetite but not always. Is there anybody going through the same? What can you recommend?

Green Squall

Well-known member
I have GI problems and have honestly never found a cure all strain. In my opinion, variety is your best bet. I like Indicas for the pain relieving properties and Sativas to help with my mood. These kinds of illnesses can really effect our mental health, so its important to look at from that aspect as well.

Does smoking irritate your esophagus and stomach? Vaping might be a better alternative. And if you can get your hands on it, a 1:1 Tincture might be worth looking into.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
If smoking irritates your throat and stomach, you really need to switch to cleaner cannabis. :( A decent amount of neem/aza makes my tummy grumble right away. I've had a lot of harsh cannabis from dispensaries which also turned my stomach, no idea what was in/on it though.

Never had an issue with clean, soft and cool smoking cannabis. ;)


Active member
For my GI problems I find a consistent daily dose of 1:1(ish) tincture helps keep symptoms at bay and keeps me living a "normal life"

When I do have symptoms, Cookie strains have been the best I've grown that help immediately. Nausea gone, cramping gone etc.

Good luck to you S_A_L.

Stay hazed

Lost in a SOG

I would go see a herbalist/naturopath. Digestive issues are our bread and butter, I could advise you a list of great remedies but really someone should take your full case history before deciding.

But failing that take any and all of the following shortly before meals or even after and also as symptoms appear : fenugreek, goldenseal/barberry bark/oregon grape root (berberine containing herbs0, chamomile, cinnamon, meadowsweet, liqourice. Many of these are digestive bitters but I would also advise a separate mix of just bitters 20 minutes before meals to help correct your digestion, (dandelion leaf, burdock, rhubarb root, meadowsweet, possibly peppermint) any store bought bitters will help,, 60 drops in water.

smoke less, drink less alcohol, eat more plants and less processed meat, make sure you are well enough hydrated as digestion is very water hungry, eat at appropriate times 3 times a day and not sooner than 3 hours before bedtime. Take probiotic and prebiotic foods.. Do a liver detox protocol. :tiphat:

Green Squall

Well-known member
I would go see a herbalist/naturopath. Digestive issues are our bread and butter, I could advise you a list of great remedies but really someone should take your full case history before deciding.

But failing that take any and all of the following shortly before meals or even after and also as symptoms appear : fenugreek, goldenseal/barberry bark/oregon grape root (berberine containing herbs0, chamomile, cinnamon, meadowsweet, liqourice. Many of these are digestive bitters but I would also advise a separate mix of just bitters 20 minutes before meals to help correct your digestion, (dandelion leaf, burdock, rhubarb root, meadowsweet, possibly peppermint) any store bought bitters will help,, 60 drops in water.

smoke less, drink less alcohol, eat more plants and less processed meat, make sure you are well enough hydrated as digestion is very water hungry, eat at appropriate times 3 times a day and not sooner than 3 hours before bedtime. Take probiotic and prebiotic foods.. Do a liver detox protocol. :tiphat:

The gut is our second brain - I've always held that as true. Couple questions if you don't mind...Whats better for probiotics, fermented food or supplements? I mainly get mine from fermented veggies and kombucha. And do you know anything about bee products? I've found that bee pollen supplements have helped me greatly. This along with a plant based diet and I've been feeling really well.

Lost in a SOG

The gut is our second brain - I've always held that as true. Couple questions if you don't mind...Whats better for probiotics, fermented food or supplements? I mainly get mine from fermented veggies and kombucha. And do you know anything about bee products? I've found that bee pollen supplements have helped me greatly. This along with a plant based diet and I've been feeling really well.

Then your gut instinct was correct :D

The role of the enteric nervous system in helping to regulate the rest of the nervous system is well proven now.

Fermented foods are brill but do often contain monocultures in the end as one species wins out. Often lactobacillus species that break down lactose. The supplements have tailored strains that are claimed to improve symptoms, results are incredibly mixed on brand, blend and the persons unique biology.

Interesting fact, lactase is produced right on the tips of the fine cillia hairs in the GIT and when inflammation is occurring(like in 90% of westerners) these are the first cells to stop working, get worn away by autoimmunity, which is why in quite a few cases why some form of low level reactivity is ever present, those that don't pick up on it just have great livers. The lactobacillus rich fermented foods help take a lot of this extra work off those cells and are greatly preventative overall allowing you also you extract more energy from an alien food than you should.

Some countries are now literally curing IBS/crohns/celiac etc using faecal implants. The place they go for the raw material is Hungarian farmers because they have such a healthy microbiome, once inoculated symptoms disappear within weeks to a month. Because the immune issues and inflammation are being caused by an imbalance.

I've prescribed a lot of both different types of fermented foods and supplements (high strength probiotics) and I think both work, however it has been proven that supplemented probiotics do not increase the actually amounts of beneficial bacteria in faeces what they do do is update the gene pool of their species inside the GIT and with time that can seed a greater change back towards normality. Supplements aren't cheap and you're getting billions of bacteria per cap whereas with probiotic foods we are talking about trillions in a gulp or fork full.

It's important for people to live proactively and fermented veggies are a super fantastic thing to bring into your diet daily, the body always fixes itself when the conditions are right.

I've seen the greatest and fastest return to normality in all cases by starting people off with a bowel cleanse powder followed by a liver cleanse and sometimes with a kidney cleanse in the middle.

Love your space ship, its the only one you'll get the chance to.

Yeah propalis is effectively a panacea and pollen is chock full of very anti pathogenic chemistry that beneficial microbes are hardly effected by but more pathogenic microorganisms are killed by. Bees collect a lot of resins and terpenes crucially the triterpenes/triterpenoids/saponins and phytochemistry in general, This is why Bees have survived so long, everything they make and touch is antibacterial.

I have a feeling one of the main reasons myrrh and frankincense were so revered was not just their lovely smell but utterly deadly antibacterial and viral actions.. I use a mouthwash made from these every day.

That's a good point actually, 50% of the USA is estimated to be suffering from gingivitis and this is really serious for us guys because smoking reduces blood flow to the gums, the gums seed everything you eat with bacteria. It's a western epidemic and elephant in the room for health. AND these bacteria often pump neurotoxins into the blood stream causing palpitations and anxiety.

I really do advise to get a good ayurvedic toothpaste and brush softly into your gums, also get a waterpick to blast in between your gums.. But do it before and after every meal, also get an ayurvedic tongue scraper.. keeping your mouth clean is THE most essential form of personal hygiene for a long and more importantly happy life.


Slim Pickens

Well-known member
Interesting thread.

I love fermented foods,but often react to them in a very negative way.Makes me feel hot,rapid heartbeat etc.Drives me nuts,as I love Kimchee.I really think I might be histamine intolerant.I can't drink Kombucha or alcohol (no big deal there),but I sure would like to eat Kimchee again...and yogurt.

Don't know if there is a cure for histamine intolerance,but sure would be nice to find one.

Lost in a SOG

Heya Slim,

Everyone has their own threshold to histamine increasing and liberating foods. This can be from genetics (isn't everything?), a diet way too high in all of the histamine raising foods (one of the worst is tinned and processed foods but there are many) or a lack of DO Diamine oxidase being made which breaks down histamine in the body.

One major factor that maybe causing your threshold to be so low due to one or more of the above is a lack of one or all of the following:

Magnesium - the entire western world, or 80+% is low on magnesium because the soils are depleted (as us growers know, plants are super hungry for mg). Magnesium raises DO which is what clears the histamine.

Vitamin B6 - it's particularly implicated in high histamine. B vitamins are essential co factors for metabolism and without them masses more toxins are produced for normal respiration and low B6 leads to a higher background level of Histamine.

Vitamin C- directly breaks down histamine.

For magnesium I would advise using a super saturated solution sprayed all over the body and massaged in, it will tingle more the more you need it. Flr your B vits there are many options but a food state supplement high in B6 will work a treat (take in the morning just in case they keep you awake)

And i've applied this professionally and seen benefits in all clients.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Interesting thread.

I love fermented foods,but often react to them in a very negative way.Makes me feel hot,rapid heartbeat etc.Drives me nuts,as I love Kimchee.I really think I might be histamine intolerant.I can't drink Kombucha or alcohol (no big deal there),but I sure would like to eat Kimchee again...and yogurt.

Don't know if there is a cure for histamine intolerance,but sure would be nice to find one.
Two things... ;)

Find your blood type and the blood type of your parents. Look up "Typebase5" and the foods you're eating on the search engine.

Read wildfermentation.com, or the book the guy published, and find ferment recipes that use foods which are neutral/beneficial for you and not avoid for your parent's blood types.Makes a huge difference. I personally LOVE kimchee and the cabbage and cayenne are wrong for me. Definitely messes me up.

You may have other issues than just a food/blood mismatch. If you do, removing the additional issues due to wrong food will allow you to see the base issue more clearly. :tiphat:


Seed Whore
Heya Slim,
For magnesium I would advise using a super saturated solution sprayed all over the body and massaged in, it will tingle more the more you need it.

The easiest way to do this is put a cup of Epsom salt in bath.

I use OTC Benadryl tablets to control my histamine problems.

Lost in a SOG

Yeah Epsom salts is a great way if you do it regularly enough and can get a cheap enough source, doesn't actually work out cheaper or more effective than the solution for more immediate relief, acutely, but in the long run it will really pay off, and the excuse to chill out in the tub.

Antihistamine drugs work, in some ways Benadryl is better than steroids apart from the drowsy side effects. I like to use plantain/nettle/cleavers and red clover in equal ratios for low to medium level reactive/allergic systems, always helps, but as it's a retroactive approach it never addresses the underlying issue/imbalance that was causing it but that is modern medicine to an extent. A pill for an ill.

There is no perfect answer though because our worlds are so polluted and our genetics and paths to dis-ease quite different, but the systems of the body are the systems of the body so a logical approach can bring a lot of relief. rates of such hyper reactive immune systems are rising with every generation.


ICMag Donor
If smoking irritates your throat and stomach, you really need to switch to cleaner cannabis. :( A decent amount of neem/aza makes my tummy grumble right away. I've had a lot of harsh cannabis from dispensaries which also turned my stomach, no idea what was in/on it though.

Never had an issue with clean, soft and cool smoking cannabis. ;)

It could definitely be exacerbated from the chemicals applied from dispensaries. Clean organ the way to grow.

Tinctures w/ vegetable glycerin may help w/ gut issues.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I have GI problems and have honestly never found a cure all strain. In my opinion, variety is your best bet. I like Indicas for the pain relieving properties and Sativas to help with my mood. These kinds of illnesses can really effect our mental health, so its important to look at from that aspect as well.

Does smoking irritate your esophagus and stomach? Vaping might be a better alternative. And if you can get your hands on it, a 1:1 Tincture might be worth looking into.

Some times it does but not always, keep in mind i buy off the street from different people - they always attach names to the different bud, but i can't be sure if it's really the strain I'm getting.

Maybe try to find a strain with a 1:1 THC and CBD ratio. :tiphat:

What strains are like this that i can grow?

I would go see a herbalist/naturopath. Digestive issues are our bread and butter, I could advise you a list of great remedies but really someone should take your full case history before deciding.

But failing that take any and all of the following shortly before meals or even after and also as symptoms appear : fenugreek, goldenseal/barberry bark/oregon grape root (berberine containing herbs0, chamomile, cinnamon, meadowsweet, liqourice. Many of these are digestive bitters but I would also advise a separate mix of just bitters 20 minutes before meals to help correct your digestion, (dandelion leaf, burdock, rhubarb root, meadowsweet, possibly peppermint) any store bought bitters will help,, 60 drops in water.

smoke less, drink less alcohol, eat more plants and less processed meat, make sure you are well enough hydrated as digestion is very water hungry, eat at appropriate times 3 times a day and not sooner than 3 hours before bedtime. Take probiotic and prebiotic foods.. Do a liver detox protocol. :tiphat:

I'm 26 yrs old, an active cigarette smoker, i used to have a slight drinking problem but it was mostly self medicating for my PTSD. Currently being medicated for it & for the most part the meds are keeping it at bay although i still have anxiety here & there. The meds also cut down any urge to drink & don't mix well with alcohol - so i abstain from the booze.

It started with severe heart burn for months, i was taking NSAIDS for a tooth ache which i think might of caused the hemorrhage which sent me to the hospital for 3 days. The results of my endoscopy showed severe esphogitis/gastritis - no cancer found but the lining in my stomach showed inflammation. They sent me home with a prescription for prilosec which didn't really help & I'm also due back for another endoscopy to see if the damage got reversed.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
This is some so called "kush" i got from a friend, just a dub ($20).
Sorry about the pic quality.. But it's a heady high, the taste is mostly earthy with a tad bit of fruitiness on the exhale. The high is calming, but it's a creeper that hits hard in the beginning & fades to mellowness. definitely helped with my stomach cramps.


Lost in a SOG

I'm 26 yrs old, an active cigarette smoker, i used to have a slight drinking problem but it was mostly self medicating for my PTSD. Currently being medicated for it & for the most part the meds are keeping it at bay although i still have anxiety here & there. The meds also cut down any urge to drink & don't mix well with alcohol - so i abstain from the booze.

It started with severe heart burn for months, i was taking NSAIDS for a tooth ache which i think might of caused the hemorrhage which sent me to the hospital for 3 days. The results of my endoscopy showed severe esphogitis/gastritis - no cancer found but the lining in my stomach showed inflammation. They sent me home with a prescription for prilosec which didn't really help & I'm also due back for another endoscopy to see if the damage got reversed.

If you like PM me when you get your updated results and i'll update, but you won't go wrong with taking the following herbs where your at. You need to bring that inflammation under control.

Demulcent bowel soothing herbs:

Ulmus fulva - Slippery elm- soothing, cooling mucilage.

Althea offic. - Marshmallow root - slippery, soothing demulcent that hydrates the mucous membrane.

Liver and anti microbial herbs:

Liquorice - another soothing root that is also antibacterial and antiviral and hepatoprotective.

Hydrastis canadensis, Mahonia aquifolium, myrica cerifera - Goldenseal, oregon grape root or Bayberry (or all three) - Berberine containing anti microbial, liver and gall bladder tonics. anti neoplastic.

Silybum marianum - Milk thistle seed - hepatoprotective.

Anti inflammatory herbs: -

Plantago officinalis (Plantain)

Chamomilla recutita (German chamomile) - poosibly the most antinflam gastro herb

I'd also advise taking Rheum officinalis root (Rhubarb) to tighten up the mucous membrane.

A safe ratio would be (in parts)

Marshmallow root 2
Liqourice root 1.5
Goldenseal/bayberry/oregon grape root 1
Milkthistle seed 2
Rhubard root 0.5
plantain leaf 1
German chamomile flower 2

Dosage: 2-5ml in 200ml water 3-5 times a day depending on severity of symptoms and your own response.

Take slippery elm powder three times a day in between meals stirred inn a glass of water

disclaimer~ this advice is not guaranteed to bring about any cure or remedy any disease. It has been designed to alleviate more acute symptoms of oesophagistis and enteritis and none specific inflammation of the GIT by a professional herbalist. My motive here is only to educate people on how to practice herbal medicine for themselves. If taken you understand that it is your decision, but should any unusual side effects occur feel free to PM me and/or contact your medical practitioner for further advice. But play around, IME the 150 herbs I use regularly are all incredibly safe and your body will tell you if it likes or doesn't like a thing.

Having disclaimed myself, these herbs are safe, there are many others I might use but i've prescribed these like this 1000s of times with no adverse or unexpected results, so I'm comfortable putting this out there. However with out having seen very much about anyone reading this I can only say try it and see. I hope this helps.

And as always consider seeing a professional Herbalist in your area. :tiphat:


You guys in the states have some of the best naturopaths and herbalists in the west.

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