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Strain selection for outdoor 2012....

CanniDo Cowboy

Papulz - Where you getting your blue dream and GDP from, clubs in Cali? I have heard mixed reviews on GDP outdoors. I grew it outdoors once but it revegged and lost a lot of vigor. All the other choices look like winners. Is the Sour D clone or seed? Good luck!

IMO, I think GDP is one of the easiest and hardiest strains to grow outside. Pert near bullet proof to grow and super-weighty. The below buds came off 2 diff GDP's grown in the Hollow this past season, both went well over 8ft...CC



Active member
I have some GDP beans I got from Ken himself. Maybe I will throw a couple outdoors for fun this year.

Cannido Cowboy, great looking nug you got there. How is the bag appeal and does the outdoor version retain that grape funk? That is what I remember from my grow was I lost the GDP smell growing it outdoors, but like I said that plant had other issues.

I live in the bay so I get more moisture than you do in the 530, but you say no mold huh?

CanniDo Cowboy

I have some GDP beans I got from Ken himself. Maybe I will throw a couple outdoors for fun this year.

Cannido Cowboy, great looking nug you got there. How is the bag appeal and does the outdoor version retain that grape funk? That is what I remember from my grow was I lost the GDP smell growing it outdoors, but like I said that plant had other issues.

I live in the bay so I get more moisture than you do in the 530, but you say no mold huh?

Hey Bull..I thought we were talking about growing not smelling. lol But yer pretty much right on. In my experience, the GDP is an above average standard when it comes to kick and looks but a strong smell isnt one of it's strong suits, if ya gotta be into that sort of thing. I know folks who like it for it's heavy potency and could care less about smell but a few of my "renegade" compadres will pass it by because it doesnt have the stink (bag appeal) required for resale but they are playin in a different game. We all know stinkier weed is easier to sell and can bring more moola but at that point, youre dealing in weed, not medicine...

Along the same lines, folks stick their nose in a bag and if it curls their nostril hairs they'll buy it all day long but Ive been in this game long enough to know that smell doesnt always guarantee good quality. I had a guy tell me "One little bud will stink up your whole car..." Now think about that. LOL Personally, I dont need the grief a stinky vehicle can bring and if that bud lacks potency or tastes like cow hay, well Ive just stunk up my vehicle for nothing...just sayin lol

And yea, like any purple, you have to watch em for mold in the later season especially if ya catch an early Oct rain just before harvest...CC

Savage Seeds

Active member
Savage Skunk- My own made strain

Blue Skye f2- also mine working on stabilization this year

White Widow- Greenhouse fuckin wicked outdoor dope, 2 year old mother goin out this year also

Diamond Girl- Greenhouse, Also wicked outdoor, Mama goin out

El Nino- Greenhouse, first run we'll see how it goes

White Grizzly- Kootenay Mountain, again wicked outdoor and 3 year old mother goin out

Kannabia- Blue Mataro First year, 20 seeds lookin for the keeper for a mama


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dammit wish it was april already wanna start outdoor growing but it is freezing and snowing here now :(


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Most of this year has been great weather. Hardly any rain and 60 degree days. I wish rain would come and get it over with. I would be pissed if it rains all April and May.

Anybody else narrow down some selections? For me I think it is going to be these for sure, out of 12 spots.

LA Con
Cherry Pie
Secret mystery strain
plush berry
Grape Stomper x (Joseph) Og Kush ........GGG gear
The White Jones............CGS gear

Still pending: Cookies
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Bullfrog44- I've grown out the grape stomper outdoors and she turns out DANK. I passed it off as indoor to a local club and they asked for more!!!

I cant wait for this season to start...

Kushcleaner (sfvOG x jacks cleaner2)
Kushcleaner f2
sfvOG x kushcleaner
TahoeOg x kushcleaner
Triangle Kush x kushcleaner
Purple Indica x kushcleaner

CanniDo Cowboy

Alrighty then...Well, here in the northern 530, things have changed over the winter which is going to affect my lineup...a lot. The Federales threw a few threatening letters around, my county got all panicked and decided to run all the dispensaries out of town and for good measure, pass new med-grow ordinances, the end result being tighter restrictions on us outdoor gro-fellas. So, ol CC, just to be on the safer than sorrier side, is gonna change things up a bit this year by going greenhouse. At least the aerial photo boys will have to work a little harder. LOL

Worse yet: All my local connections for cuts/seeds (dispensaries) are now pretty much non-existent. The availability of decent cuts/seeds now suck and I have to to think, the closer to planting time it gets, the more suckier the selection is going to be. Looks like a road trip to gather my stock is in my future. Question is: North, south, east or west?

I do have a wish list and if I'm going to have to go on the road to fulfill it, i might as well wish for what I want...LOL

Blue Knight - I hear this strain hails from my ol stompin grounds in Butte County. I would sell the brightest of my offspring for a couple of cuts.

Purple Trainwreck - I like the wreck, purple sounds even better

Authentic GDP - I grew it in the Hollow last year and IMO, a gro-fella cant go wrong with it...

Mendo Purp - I messed with this strain indoors a few years back and would sure like to track her down again.

Real Og...SFV would be OK...Tahoe would be stellar but Id take Skywalker just for the hell of it...

Kushes, kushes and more kushes - Want to run Bubba or Master this year, Purple Kush would be a dream come true.

A few Hazes would be ducky.

And last by certainly not least...I'm in the midst of tracking down some cuts of Humboldt Royal Kush, winner of the 2011 SF competition. Hey, if yer gonna wish, wish for the best...!

So, a wish list, yea. But then maybe it's all just a rental car road trip away...LOL Good luck all! CC


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i have like 50 or so BOG beans, sour boggle and sour bubble.....i want to throw them all outside but im unsure if i should flip to 12/12 in like april, sex them, then reveg until late july? i also have 3 packs of feminized cali connection gear..

or should i just pop them in may-june, throw them all outside SOG style (not in 200s, but beds guerilla style)....then come through in like august and kill all the males...

im thinking that my 200s have to be all clones, unless i have time to sex out seeds and re-veg....

doing a mix of things next year...200s traditional open sun spot in one garden and also gonna do a guerilla type grow on a northfacing slope, buried into the ground with drip lines guerilla style...and going to use mostly seed strains on the guerilla grow because they are more vigourous, or should i do it backwards and do seeds in 200s and clones on the guerilla slope..

ahh decisions decisions! i already feel like outdoor season is right around the corner..


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What up y4p215, I will just respond here.

I would for sure stick the seeds in the 200 gals. You might want to do half and half to test for yourself but I believe seeds always out perform clones.

Your main concern here would be sexing the plants like you said. Plants from seed show pre-flowers in about 2month from germination. (some longer) If you start them in dixie cups, then move them to 1 gals, then to five gals, you should see preflowers at this time. You might need to even transplant up to 10 gals. You will waste 50% of your soil culling the males, but you can still salvage this soil. Just rip the root ball out and reuse the soil.

I find putting the plants out when they hit the one gal stage is best. If weather is bad I put my plants against my fence for wind protection. Obviously if the weather is rainy, stormy or freezing then keeping them indoors until the weather changes is advised. If you keep plants indoors for too long they will not respond well to moving outdoors. And plants grown outdoors in good weather will always grow faster and bigger than indoor plants.

I think the best approach if you can pull it off is starting your seeds in March. Build PVC plastic hoop greenhouses with supplemental lighting. Then once mid may comes, or a good two week forecast after mid May, remove the hoops and the lighting. If I wasn't worried about lighting up my neighborhood this is what I would do.


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One more thing to determine what plants get the 200 gals would be genetics. Without the genetics to get big, you wont use up all 200 gals. Blue dreams, Chocolopes, get the 200 gal. Sour bubbles might not.


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yea im thinking the sour bubbles will be best suited to my guerilla style beds....each one will have approx 100 gallons of soil + its neighbors soil......

so if i veg them all out after 2 months they will show preflowers...

i also have the feminized seeds that i can put in my beds and get garunteed females..

wish i could do supp lighting but its not looking like an option right now due to possible neighbors...


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I always grow more than double the plants than I need if all from seed. That way even if I get a 50-50 ratio I can still throw away some females that are lagging. Of course I only grow 12 plants a year, so I start off with about 30-35 plants.
Hey bullfrog .. You still running plushberry outdoors?

Heard anything good or bad about it outdoors?

Cause I got a couple nice plushberry mom's in my veg garden and Im thinking I might stick 1 or 2 outside as a tester if you havent heard anything bad that is .. Ive been searching and not much info on them outdoors

I sent out an email .. Ill let ya know what I hear back from Subcool on his thoughts of them being un outdoors.


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That would be great Gemini. Sometimes I just look at the linage and judge off that but I can't say how the plushberry would do outdoors. Plushberry = Black Cherry Soda x Space Queen. I have grown Black Cherry Soda outdoors with no problems in the Bay Area, Ca. Never tried the Space Queen outdoors however.

I would love to hear what Subcool has to say on the subject. Please PM me with the details, or post it up here for everybody to see. Thanks.

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