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Strain Searcher's Sour Creek



hey swerve thanks for the kind words man, means a lot

hey swerve thanks for the kind words man, means a lot

ralph, thanks for stopping by, hit me up



more pics when i feel like uploading them,
its almost all gone :( i havent been able to find ANY herb around here for sale in 2 weeks :badday: aches and pains, stress and spasms, + appetite inducer are my main medical uses for pot, DAILY!!! Sour Creek helps with all of the above, but i found it to increase the acuteness of a pain, if you dont attempt to take your mind off of it. like most of you, i also use before bedtime, to be able to actually get to sleep...

if i don't have it,i don't sleep.period.

sour creek's got this strange narcotic high, that gets ya right between the eyes...my first time smoking it i went from a salty motherfucker in a rush to get to the post office, to a bloodshot and lazyeyed grinning maniac laughing at myself for a few minutes as the initial fisrt dose came on, before i regained reality and made it to the PO before they closed...very well balanced IMO, but i'd have preferred to chop at 49 Days, a lil too sleepy/narcotic for me.. organics next time too. in a hydro sog. (most likely greenhouse06)

yield sucked, quality is TOP FUCKING NOTCH. no cure needed.
smokes fine right off the vine, quickdry or half wet=no foul tastes or green smells...Damn Good Medicine. thanks SS :smile:

best way to describe it (pre cure), is grapefruit kush with some suddle nuances reminiscent of Deep Chunk (that distinct earth)
no bubblegummy flavors or overpowering sweetness, which made me happy.

......all in all it hasn't changed my mind on indicas, i still need my sativa to be 'me'

if you havent already gotten the gist,
i've been feeling pretty damn shitty as of late,
and been debating hanging up the internet towel,
in light of critically ailing family members, not to mention the crumbling of the community/lack of inspiration with all the greats long gone...

hey, anybody see this weeks resignations?

Devilock, Caprichoso ...Jah only knows who else has picked up and left (and without even posting a goodbye thread..WTF!? security is bad, yeah, but that just shows that they took off in a haste, and, if i had to guess, it's because they were totally fed-up to the point they couldnt enjoy themselves on here anymore....if they just left for security reasons, theyre foolish, as a simple pm to green lantern can have their post count/posts cleared, if desired, (look at mine) .....and join date changes may be in the cards as well, for stealth...youd have to ask GL...

...fucking drama....................................

what about annaC?

i didnt even know they were going through utter hell because of the swamped out forums...shit man, all this stuff is just too much for me to bear right now i think, i havent been on ic half as much as normal, this past week..
and now seeing that was just like a friggin kick when yer down...buck is THE single most righteous, intelligent, compassionate, caring, loving, kind, gracious, giving, upbeat, down-to-earth, inspirational, positive, funny dude i have ever had the pleasure of speaking to online, save for you Ralph, you're up there on my list too-folks to keep in my prayers and memory for as long as i live.

i love you all

be well

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nice report bro... she did look perfect for a SOG, no doubt. hope you are enjoying her now....

aside from that - if people want to leave, well F em, everyone has their own reasons . CAp hadnt posted here in a long time, no loss there - although I couldnt say a bad word about him, good cat if you ask me. The reason he deleted is most likely that he came back to rub everyones face in the POM shit cause he and GN had a fallout, then it turns out that POM is a fucking jackoff with 0 credibility... what choice did Cap have then, rather than sit with egg on his face....

00 left for his own security, which is understandable - hey everyone needs to be comfortable. Devil well I didnt know him that well...

All my crew is still here. I mean if someone deletes then they have their reasons and I wish them well. If they go to another site, well that's confusing to me - cause everything we need is here. Believe that. Check the genes here and then check elsewhere... (edit - DHK is representin) I just dont see it, and I have been looking. Plus the box is in the NL - who else offers that.... People are always going to move on etc... it's natural to see it happen now with all the hoopla that went down... I have seen now a lot of new users adding valuable content to this site. Some of the new guys are starting clubs, how tos etc... I have made friends with some of them. There are some good people out there, if you look closely. Yeah there are some noobs with remedial questions, but we all have been there at some time in our life. Best we can do is help them if we have time.

All in all I say cheer up friend, things are going to get better for everyone if we keep that positive vibe flowin....

An to zepp and annaC - jah bless and stay positive!

Good show pal - Hang Tough!
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hey M thanks for the sage
and for stoppin in

much love - you really have ta swing thru when you come up, i need to take you out for a phat steak and spliffski at my buddy's steakhouse out here..
forgot to mention it but i hold you, sir, in the highest regard as well.
respect and love always mo

heres a few more i uploaded. before hittin the jar/lungs







Glad you liked it. It is one of the few herbs that can be smoked off the vine without any hay flavor. You did a great job, stay high and happy. talk with ya later


hey capt do you mind if i just kinda continue this thread with my sour creek ???

i ahve some close ups from 2 weeks ago and some from sunday

please? please ? please please please????

not to bad looking for 2 weeks ago huh???

now these are from this past sunday

ok im done


:eek: things couldnt look danker swerve:bow:

feel free to post here, the more the merrier i reckon.
much love to all you guys

thanks for coming in

Strain_thanks for the genes, the meds are really hittin the spot.

thanks again.

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Looovely shots captain jack. That plant looks like a keeper to me, those trichomes look incredible. I enjoyed reading your smoke report as well, very detailed and personal. It sounds like a wonderous strain though. Hope you do keep your head up and stick around this place.. like you said, the more the merrier. This is basically the last strong online growing community around. :confused:



Active member
jack buddy did you leave your buds out in the snowstorm? u better not be smokin all that bud up without me!!! nice grow...nice pics



danks oreganic.
i aint goin nowhere :wink:

momma dukes in hospitale
so if i do step away
yall know why:joint:

be well


jack buddy did you leave your buds out in the snowstorm? u better not be smokin all that bud up without me!!! nice grow...nice pics


i like this being scarce buisness.....it has its perks.....
....and its downfalls

the main downfall is not getting to talk to friends like u
in the wee hours
ya know

as i said in the first post (missed your reply,my bad)
mommas really not doin well

if im gone
you will know why

thanks for caring, and lookin

smoke report coming soon
above is a 'poke-report' :-D
when i twist up a j
i will report
...with pics
its great pot!



well the lake of magniesim i stronger now but she got some mag this morning so lets hope it helps. other than that this baby is gorgeous. i mean the buds are coated in crystals and i would say in the next 2 weeks she will be completly ripe and ready to go so figure about 54 days 55 days in total..

take a look

well that should be enough for now..lol



cant tell ya how awesome it is to see yours flourishin there swervy

im down to my last gram of herb :( :(
for a while..
really upliftin my spirits to know someone else
is gonna be swimmin in sour creeky goodness soon too :smile:

hopin for a CHUNKY turnout for ya with this one swervarino

the last few weeks can really swell colas,
and they couldnt look happier:wink:

be well, and green thumbs man


looks familiar

looks familiar

and coming along veddy veddy nice, my friend

keep us updated up here at chop time, now, will ya?!

bee well, swerve


she is basically done just waiting out til she it totally ripe..they are at i think 58 days maybe 54 but i know they are in the 50's.. who cares all i know is it going to be some stellar smoke.. take a look at the Sour Creek

she will get the axe in 2 weeeks



that shulam looks friggin wickid, too!

makes me wish i had some homegrown goodies left in the jar :*(

speaking of....
time to check my sprouts:Bolt:

be well, thx for sharin! dont skimp on the chop shots!


some pre harvest pics. they went into their 48 hours of dark right after these pics so saturday they will get the chop......ohh yeah.. i ahve to figure out how manye days but somewhere around 65-68 ish
sour creek
