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Stop Online Spying

Green Supreme

Well-known member
Holy cow. Peace GS

The government is trying to ram through an anti-Internet set of electronic surveillance laws that will invade your privacy and cost you money. The plan is to force every phone and Internet provider to surrender our personal information to "authorities" without a warrant.
This bizarre legislation will create Internet surveillance that is:

  • Warrantless: A range of "authorities" will have the ability to invade the private lives of law-abiding Canadians and our families using wired Internet and mobile devices, without a warrant or any justification.
  • Invasive and Dangerous: The laws leave our personal and financial information less secure and more susceptible to cybercrime.
  • Costly: Internet services providers may be forced to install millions of dollars worth of spying technology and the cost will be passed down to YOU.
If enough of us speak out now the government will have no choice but to stop this mandatory online spying scheme. Sign the petition now, and forward it to everyone you know →



My Doc,s son is a computer geek,code breaker,listener in the Cdn armed forces...my Doc slips some weird stuff out at times..Scarey.....The son travels around the world and works beside US info gatherers.....

We are F***Ked as far as hiding anything goes....Oh well I will always remember the 60,s and 70,s when we thought we had it bad in those days.At least we could see who was watching us...
48,000 wiretaps of each seperate phone numbers in Canada and only approx 10,000 warrants issued to do so in 2010. The bill means nothing!

Servers should form a union or just say no.....alas some of them may be under Canada's secret service. Cisc does not have to appear in court unless directed by parliament itself! Hence warrants if used are never disclosed even in statistic numbers with the excuse .....national security!

Cisc is Canada's spy rat service.
arrrgh damm fuckers.... mabet thed be happy if we gave them 90 percent of all our money.......then they could fig out how to get our last 10 percent. hell all our money the power and they still wont be happy greed is a mother fucker. sorry about all the cussing but the nevermind bastards lol
What cics generally does is tap,search,overhear and find evidence as best it can then give knowlage of it to police to point them in the direction of where evidence may be gathered and held! That's the main reason we never see them in court! In rare cases there is no time to contact police and they must procure the evidence themselves....hence protection to not appear in court!