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Stop King County Re-Zoning and Save Your Collective

Please take a look at this link to the King County Government website:

Comments will close on the proposed changes in just a few days.
Don't lose safe affordable access to your medicine.
Please take just a couple minutes to write to Jarrod Lewis and let him know how you feel.

Their claim is that since liquor stores are not allowed on NB, then marijuana shouldn't be either... but liquor is now highly available - in the extreme! And wineries ARE allowed on NB. That's 'growing and processing' right?
With all of the Federal restrictions on marijuana, removing this one last zoning will take your access away without a long drive into... maybe Kent or Auburn. Oh wait, they have moratoriums.

Protect your access - send an email to protect marijuana retail, processing and production on NB zones.

Please take the time to make your voice heard!

:thank you:
IMHO: If the area is zoned to allow ANY Ag then growing cannabis should be no different. If I can grow grapes and sell beer in a particular area how is this any different??

It gets worse:

If the proposed changes to RCW 69.51A take place it will be even worse. You will be limited to the I-502 stores that will be limited in number, selection and quantity available.
You will also be paying much more.




To Have More ... Desire Less
the state needs to step back....
they gave themselves 1 year to write the rules....and thats still not done...
they are now looking at another year to implement ALL the rules....

I502 was written to allow the state to profit in the recreational MJ market.... plain and simple.... FINE....

BUT 1 yr later.... loads of BULLSHIT.... and nothing is said and done...

let alone a single store actually open and successful.....that alone for them will take ANOTHER year..... to show successes... let alone profit..... JUST like ANY another NEW bizniz....

BUT no... instead the state has to get greedy and try and tackle a entirely different issue...
there way of just CENTRALIZING...pot and lumping the whole thing into one department...

thus monopolizing the pot industry in this state....

problem?..... why yes.... all these years of efforts.... are only allowing the underground black/ grower's market to strengthen.... and profit more....

thus defeating the WHOLE idea.....

idiots greed,.... will destroy the whole thing... if not careful
they need to step-back and just get there own original program up and running....

recreational pot shops owned by the state for the state w/ state licensed growers....PERIOD

REVISIT all this a other crap.... after.....
U do what.....
U said....
U would do.... in the dam 1st place.

which is what is already written law in WA.....
between this.... and individual counties.... placing moratoriums on the whole program for 6 months at a time.....

thus delaying the program even further... for entire state compliance....

thats the whole other problem.... the state Will have to fight w/ every county that will not / does not comply to state law....

its coming....

the state has BIGGER problems w/ all this ....
than.... fucking w/ the Medical community
thats been in place for almost 20 yrs...

looking like DumB~AsSeS...we are.... dumbasses
because of bureaucratize greed....
over WEED....... the people will get pissed

the black market will thrive.............. same as it EVER~WAS