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Stop incorporating ganja, you f*cks!!!1

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Active member
This is a word of protest to all them mothafuckaz tryin to incorporate marijuana.
By that I mean:
Fuck them collective CEOs doing them hydroponic commercial grows just to sell on tha streets for top dollar and give headaches with their chemical shit.
Fuck them fuckaz wishin to become top sellaz in da hood by Raising Volumes of low quality full HPS commercial brain-and-spirit destroying dro.
Fuck them incorporated crime lords doing all what the fuckaz above wish fo.... FUCK THOSE THE MOST. They give jane bad rep.
Fuck Smugglers who grind their top quality nepaleese hash to powder just to mix it with henna 1 to 9 to raise volumes for fucked up street hash of europe.
Fuck those crazy fuckaz spraying their ok bud with hairspray and grinding it after to promote weight and make dimebags of sparkling european weed.
Fuck Seedbanks with false marketing.
Fuck false collectives with commercial plans to make profit with volumes.

Stop incorporating GANJA
In a free world ganja don't cost a dime cuz its everywhere.

some ez dro might cost say somewhat more


As Adam Smith said: every product should be valued by the amount of labour and quality of skill aplied.

Thats not what the corporations like or enjoy due to high profit potential in false marketing and dirty marketing tricks as whole.

That is the key factor why ganja and hemp as whole is ilegal today. because of CORPORATIONS.

Don't you think smart entrepreneurs did a count on how profitable could ganja be? That's all they do is count :) and their numbers don't show great things to the perspectives of corporations.

You can not really profit from ganja in a free world, because it grows anywhere.
Now a good ganja is something where the labour and skill applied are superior to that of a ditch weed, thus it's worth much more.
Another important aspect is also time applied. Time for curing mainly, for it takes about 2 times more time to cure well, than to grow(well or not).

So my point is this: By trying to do this silly thing to profit on VOLUMES on ganja instead of QUALITY, those fuckaz are fighting against legalisation, for they are one the reasons why ganja has it's bad rep out there.

That's it.


Overkill is under-rated.
Oh ok, well since I'm not wanted here, I guess I should just close my account and leave the internet. My bad.



Active member
most people are dumb.

thats the reason its like this.

next generation is gonna be alil better.

the reason they are this dumb is because they are still, more or less,monkeys.

but i dont worry

this explains it rather good


of course on any mj site there are gonna be a few monkeys, only growing weed for cash.

but hey. they cant help it, they are just dumb. ;)

like blaming a fencepost for being stiff.


What if one of your children has cerebral palsey and you grow bud to pay his medical bills and to replace the income that my wife brought in,now she is a stay at home nurse.I payed 20 grand to put her through nursing school. I grow first to help support my family and second for the love of the herb and if you don't like that Dudesome FUCK YOU !!! Where do you live ? I live in aworld where everything has a price especially pot .Get you head out your ass ,there is a market and people are going to exploit it. Freedom ain't free and neither is pot unless u got the balls to grow it yourself !!!!!!!!!!!


3rd-Eye Jedi
you can capitalize growing organically as well as you can in hydroponics

you have to be willing to go the extra yard for intangibles, which are matter of relative perception

I do agree that we should not do things that create bio-toxic byproducts BUT blaming the booming pot industry is not the place

I know growing and smoking weed in any form might lead people to wanting to understand and actually caring about the balance of the natural world around them

the real culprit for bio-toxicity in modern agricultural are huge corporate interests

yeah big chem = big tobacco


Active member
Most of the problems you mention can be solved by full legalization and regulation of cannabis. With that people should be allowed to grow their own herb aswell just like you are allowed to make your own beer.
Once that happens weed will be nothing more and a normal set of goods. With big companies producing a load of mid quality low priced goods, and a limited set of high class growers producing high class herb for higher prices. That most of the people will then buy big brand herb is a given, and that is a normal economical situation.

So my point is this: By trying to do this silly and stupid thing to profit on VOLUMES on ganja instead of QUALITY, those fuckaz are fighting against legalisation, for they are one the reasons why ganja has it's bad rep out there.
It is fairly logical that this happens in a world where ganja is illegal. A lot of volume means, that when a certain amount gets caught it doesn't hurt as much on the whole, theres loads left to sell and most of what gets intercepted doesn't enter the market.
Besides customer don't easily switch from dealer to dealer and still need to get their shit, no use barking off your supply.

As long as it is illegal the market will suffer from unrealistically high equilibrium prices, and everybody that takes the risk to enter this market as a supplier will want to get their slice of the pie asap.


OP prob aint gonna love my LLC. Grew 'organic' nobody wanted to pay for the difference. I gotta pay for lites n nutes.
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