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Stoner's Spring '06



Derailed Blues

Derailed Blues

Stoner133: Thats how legends are born, amidst secrecy and good karma being spread around. Can't wait to see how your season turns out brother. Be safe and well.



Active member
hey guys, glad things seem to be doin well for yall. im currently working past the most boring stage of any grow and thats seedling stage, i left them out last night it got down to 44F and i noticed no new growth so it might have stunted them i wouldnt expect this in a larger plant but a seedling maybe i guess im going to have to start bringing them in more often. oh well the early start will be worth it. yall stay outta trouble.


Hey stoner!

would you go over briefly the soil additives and conditioners you like to use when ur growing outside? I skimmed the thread and didn't see you had touched on that. if you have elsewhere could you direct me to the info?

I have a loamy type soil, not bad at all but could always use some enhancement :) I don't want ANYTHING that might even remotely attract animals, and to that end i'll use chemical ferts. also i was thinking chemical ferts would be less messy and easier to transport to add to the final soil mix.

So to recap I wanna know what is stoner approved to mix into the soil, but please bear in mind my specific soil type as described above when making your reccommendations

thanks man


Active member
Your compliments are much appreciated. I hear you on the sensitivity of seedlings, tempetures that wouldn't phase a mature plant can easily deal with.

I have made the choice to grow in containers, portability is critical for the final stages of flowering if I have to move them into shelter for protection from frost.

That puts certain demands on the mixture. The professionals use the Surgrow Sunshine #4 blend and that is what I use. It is peat moss based with perlite, dolomite lime and a wetting agent. Really simple, plant and grow.

I have experimented with several ways to fertilize my plants. Organics with compost and manures are my first choice for my vegetable garden, but I usually end supplementing with chemicals during maturity. Mostly organic...

The Cannabis plants are fed a carefully selected blend of chemical fertilizer elements. It is widely available and used correctly, produces excellent results. Miracle Gro General purpose 15-30-15, the green package.

Captain Skunk

Active member
Stoner133 said:

The Cannabis plants are fed a carefully selected blend of chemical fertilizer elements. It is widely available and used correctly, produces excellent results. Miracle Gro General purpose 15-30-15, the green package.

How eloquently we promote the green package! :yes: :D


so for clarification, you use sunshine mix number 4 in grow bags and then feed with miracle gro general purpose as directed?

wow man that seems way too simple, but i'm sure u know what works and what doesn't...

thanks for the info man and happy growin, i'll be watching this thread with much interest
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ND 2

I try to put all strains, that I'm not sure about finishing outside, into buckets...makes it easier to bring them inside...hey dmcheatw..growing herb isn't hard..it's the variables that get you..stay safe..

ND 2


Active member
dmcheatw said:
so for clarification, you use sunshine mix number 4 in grow bags and then feed with miracle gro general purpose as directed?...

Yes, but one little caviat. Don't use full strength Miracle Grow until they are well established, at least two months old or well into flowering.

I mix up 4l/1gal full strength then measure out 500ml/1pint and pour that into a fresh 4l/1gal jug. When you fill it with water you get a 12% dilution. That is fine for tender young seedlings.

After 4 weeks, I increase to 25% and 50%. It is much better to gradualy incrase the doseage then set them back from an overdose.

You will hear critisum about a 'chemical' taste, but there is no basis in fact for that. All commercial pot is grown in chemicals.

The last couple of week, I stop using the fertilizer and use plain water.

Last season, I started a couple of Stoner's Challenge threads. I had a dozen clones and one regenerated plant. Three clones got purely organics and the control got MG bi-weekly. The regenerated plant got full strength with each weekly watering. Unfortunatly, my season was terminated before the results were in, so I will likely try again this season.

Captain Skunk

Active member
I always respect stoners maticulous attention to details. I usually eyeball the spoon from the miracle grow and create my diluted percentages a little more haphazardley!

But the concept is the same and Miracle Grow is my choice of ferts as well.

I look forward to your comparisons this season. I used Advanced Nutrients along side my MG on the Ak-47 last season and ended up getting PM with the AN side of the control group.

Guyute had a link that pm may be caused by a "P" deficiency during flower. I'm not sure if I was convinced, but it was interesting read.



Leave this place better then when i arrived
Hey is ur miracle gro like some blue powder that comes in a green tub? I used that stuff at my plants got all these lighter green spots on them :S

Captain Skunk

Active member
Yes the almighty blue powder in a green box or tub....one in the same. 10-30-10

I use it throughout my grow with no problems. TdT have you been spraying your plants with the mixture?

It's very important to follow the mixture directions on the package and feed them only when they need it.

I always start with a diluted percentage and work my way up as the season progresses.

It's easy to burn your plants with chemical ferts.

good luck


Active member
Miracle Gro is made in several different blends for vegetative growth and specialty blends intended for flowering. The general purpose blend has all the minor and trace nutes included, unlike the specialty blends.

I had a bit of a surprise when I returned after a couple days. My White Widow is flowering, not just preflowers, but full fledged male flowers. That was a surprize because it lives under 18/8 vegetative lighting. It has been culled.

LUI regeneration after 6 weeks.

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Captain Skunk

Active member
Sorry to hear about your WW.

I love seeing those plants out in the natural sunlight.....it's like giving them a big old kiss!

Your DB's are coming along nicely.



Active member
Pity about the WW, but it wasn't a suitable breeding candidate because of the auto flowering.

Poor little Derailed Blues, they improved after the transplant but are still not thriving. Nothing a fresh transplant and lots of sunshine can't fix.



ICMag Donor
Sorry to hear about the WW autoflowering male. Do you have any other WW beans?

I used to use miracle grow, up to the end of the 2004 season, and it always worked fine. I use organic ferts now because of the need to minimize trips. Back then i would just take a single gallon or 2 of strongly mixed (~2-3 tablespoons)miracle grow for my single plot of about 15-20 plants every couple weeks. A little bit of a rough method, but at the time i figured the mixture would spread out over a lot of area in the earth, and would be used up by native vegitation. I didn't notice any nute toxicity, but i dont necessarily recommend this method now. It's always good to go by the label's recommendation and go even less than that for young plants. They grew vigorously and one got to be about 7 ft wide and tall. It was definately the one that got the most sunlight. Here's a shot from that bagseed grow.

Happy spring!
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Active member
Hey Suki, thanks for the compliments, a new season and a new home to share the joy. :D

A seven footer should be a nice yielding plant, well done pipeline. :D

Last season, I set up a couple of experiments. Clones were selected for organic fertilizer for flowering and others got the chemicals. One of my plants, a regeneration I named Audry, was getting full strength with every watering...

Unfortunately, cut short, but I hope to repeat it this season.


ICMag Donor
well it should be nice yielding, but sometimes a rabbid human will come along and destroy your crop early because of their lack of knowledge and motivation, like what happened back in 04.
All i knew at the time was feed, water, and cut off the tops to get it bushy. So that was the plan and it seemed to work, but i know it could have been bigger had i not cut off as many meristems, and just tied it over.

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Active member
Pruning is effective, but you have to do it early in the season. Every cut you make will result in new growth, but the plant needs time to recover.

Capt' Skunk had a huge backyard plant last Summer. It was reaching over the fence when he started pruning and pruning... By the late part of Summer, It had overgrown the fence again and started flowering. The last thing you want is to prune a flowering plant, sever impact on the yield, but you have to maintain security.

Prune early, but switch to training as flowering approaches for the best yield.