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Stoner Sloth


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What I find absurd about these over exaggerated ads is two fold, first off the people they seem to be trying to reach have already tried marijuana and know from experience it's not like that. Their conclusion will most likely be along the lines of, "The Government is Lying to us...Again!" The second part is this. The people they are actually targeting are those who have not tried it. They hope to scare them into never trying it. This shows a complete lack of understanding of the behavior of children transitioning into the teenage years. Virtually anything you tell them that is bad, especially things they see many adults around them doing, will have the opposite result and make them want to try it that much more to see if it lives up to the hype. If your brain turning into fried eggs won't do the trick then suggesting it will make you sloth like will have no better result.