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Stoner Safe Careers


BTW My son the nurse who can't toke now earns $43 an hour. So he can't risk that.
Stay away from medical as even my own Doc was busted

There's this guy who works in the mental health field. He showed me a recent change to employee policy on drug testing. It moved from "blah, blah, drugs are bad and we can test you anytime and fire for one offense" to "no drugs on campus and please tell us if you are convicted of a drug offense".


Active member
It may be getting harder to get non toking ppl....but EVERYTIME a narcotic is diverted by some opiate HO nurse we all have to pee in a cup.....most of my family is nurses and want to toke but can't risk it.

It is STUPID if a nurse smokes off duty to punish them for it. We have to get in the IPN Program here. Impaired Nurse Program. My son had to be in it 5 years for a DUI.

That is why there is so many alcoholic nurses.....stressful job and need an outlet and can't toke. We nurses live that life like cops. Because cops do get drug tested FO SHO!


it can b but it's not all about money kid . if u can find something u like doing you've cracked it . job satisfaction can b a rare thing . sometimes it's the crew u work with that can make a job better or worse .


You can become a tad wired out being a stoned electrician,the whole experience can be shocking!Its actually a great trade and after 4 years in you get your journeymans after passing the code test and you're a test away from becoming a contractor.Then you get to boss everyone around lol


Million dollar question man. I considered nursing till a very kind member here set me straight on the realities of the random drug testing.

I was telling my friend about how I will not consider certain career choices because of random drug testing. She sort of implied that this was pathetic, which I don't understand. I don't really look at marijuana as a drug-frankly, it's not strong enough. I look at marijuana like I look at filet minion, or a perfect latte, or great sex-a luxury in life that is very pleasurable when the time is right. Most of the time I'd rather not be high when I'm doing things like work, or going to the gym, or whatever. I'm not like a lot of you dudes who prefer to live your life basically high(not that I'm judging, it's just not me). But there is nothing better than a weekend toke after all your stuff is taken care of, and you just want to read some crazy string theory piece or watch a great film. It's one of the greatest pleasures I have. To consider an entire life without that would be a real bummer.

It makes me sick to my stomach that otherwise reasonable people think it is logical that places of employment care that you catch a buzz from an herb on friday night. And let's be real, that's the only thing drug tests accomplish. Coke is out of your system in a few days, and the hardcore shit, you know, legal RX's, can be easily aqcuired by a physician. Doctor shopping for these things is like candy from a baby, just ask Rush.

So sad that talented, motivated, intelligent young people have to circumvent career decisions around this Orwellian stuff.



Lammen Gorthaur
I have run a consulting company for the past 15 years. I call the shots, hire and fire as I see fit and maintain the hours that I desire.

This is not without consequence. Take the current period; my revenues are currently down about 50% from last year and last year's revenues are about 50% off from 2007. You can get yourself creamed.

My point is that if you are a stoner and are worried about drug tests then you have to run your own business and starting up a small business is what makes our economy grow and accounts for the vast majority of job formation in our economy.

And there are more programs to help you finance your business than ever before, so it shouldn't be fear of money that keeps you out.

Remember this:

Every day, I wake up and I realize I am unemployed. I must "sell" me all day long to try and snatch some business. If my business dies I am unemployed, but so are my workers. On the other hand, if the deal goes gangbusters, then I not only own the golden goose that lays the eggs, but I get to decide who gets a place at the table.

Every day, you wake up and go to your job. At any point in the day, management could walk in and fire everyone and you will be unemployed. On the other hand, if the business goes gangbusters, the owners will continue to let you work there (probably) but the upside potential stays with them and not the employee because the employee is not deemed to be an "at-risk" party.

Once you understand the difference, it is not likely that you will work for anyone but yourself.
Personal Training. You can either work for yourself as an independent contractor or for a gym/company. If you enjoy people, and health/fitness this is a sweet deal. No gyms will ever drug test a personal trainer because so many of them are bodybuilding and on roids, its just part of the business. Many bodybuilders, and personal trainers are stoners. As long as you can still explain how the body works, and show your clients how to workout and get results, they you can smoke as much as you want. Also most gyms let the trainer basically set thier own hours because your paid on commision for what you sell and how much you train. I've been at it for almost 4 years now. If anyone wants anymore details pm me.

ben ttech

Active member
calling bullshit on the employees of corperations...
all you need is a marker pen, some cardboard and to station yourself with fine thoughs at where ever they bottleneck...

as they WORK for free for their bosses...
to show up at the distant workspaces their forced into...

speak your mind...
FUCK the mans minions...
their explainations of how to take a step or two...


How is the investment banking/finance world about drug testing? I graduate in about 4 hours with my finance degree and am kind of curious...


Pull my finger
Most surveyors are stoners. I have not ran in to a surveyor that is totally against pot. ost, if they dont smoke, dont care if you do. See, you spend most of your time in the woods anyway.