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"Stoner" Movies




starring jamie kennedy, jack black, andy dick, luke wilson....great film

Absolutely loved that film. Especially the acid trip scenes and Jack Black singing that weird song. And Alecia Witt as Serena was sexy even though she was a twit.

Nobody mentioned Repoman. Best radioactive UFO punk auto repossession movie around...
Yeah! Bongwater! Worth it if only for the dealer phone messages that play during the closing credits. And then there's Britteny Murphy's goofy laugh!


there is a great german comedy-potmovie called "Lammbock" from 2001.
it's about 2 guys, who have a pizza delivery service and they distribute weed with their pizzas. pretty funny shit.


"Fuck Heineken,Pabst Blue Ribbon!" damn that movie was strange........


2001: A Space Odyssey!

digging to see if I have Blue Velvet anywhere... never watched it stoned.


Take A Deep Breath
Withnail And I - two UK unemployed actors in the late 1960s blag a weekend at a country cottage...with hilarious consequences.

The Big Lebowski.

Bringing Out The Dead - Nick Cage as a burnt out NY paramedic.

Memento - Guy Pearce as a guy who can't make new memories. Crazy when you're high.


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
I just watched an film called "Saving Grace". Her husband killed himself and left her with tons of debt. Her gardener was a newbie grower and they get together. Funny movie.

It's on the INDE movie channel.

craig ferguson!! :yes:

the stoned age is pretty funny

What, no mention of "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes"? and its sequel??? One scene I remember was a guy sitting up in bed reading a book called "1000 Sexual Positions". He was half way thru it and got to a page that read, "for the next 500 positions you will need a partner" Its been 20+years in the early days of Video Rental, when you rented the machine also, and it took 2 people to get it in and out of the car. Campy as all get out. And any Robin Williams live and/or on stage.