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'Stoner dog’ epidemic sees dramatic rise in number of hospitalized pets

Storm Shadow

Well-known member

Colorado veterinarians have a message for medical marijuana users: Don't get your dog stoned. Marijuana is toxic in a dog's system, they say, and has even resulted in some canine deaths.
"There are huge spikes in the frequency of marijuana ingestion in places where it's become legal," veterinarian Dr. Debbie Van Pelt told local CBS affiliate WTSP. "They basically have lost a lot of their fine motor control, they have a wide-based stance and they are not sure on their feet."
Before medical marijuana was legalized in Colorado, local vets say they saw only a handful of cases of dogs exposed to the substance per year. But now, those numbers have more than quadrupled.
The vets say most of the dogs are getting high from medical marijuana edibles left out in the open by their owners. Marijuana edibles are cookies, brownies and other foods prepared with a butter laced with THC, the psychoactive ingredient in pot.
And while some pet owners may think it's funny to get their dogs high, the vets say pot is actually toxic to a dog's system. Cats are similarly vulnerable to negative effects from inhaling second-hand marijuana smoke or eating edibles. Cat experts say many owners inaccurately believe that marijuana will have a similar effect on their cats as catnip.

"I just want dogs, kids to be safe. It needs to be treated like any other drug. If you came home with a prescription of Vicodin from your doctor you wouldn't just leave it sitting there," veterinarian Stacy Meola told the station.
In fact, Dr. Meola said that two dogs recently died after ingesting a lethal amount of marijuana. Such deaths are rare, but even in cases in which a dog's life is not threatened, the dog may still be subjected to painful symptoms, including vomiting and even comas.
"We need people to realize it is potentially toxic and potentially fatal to their pets," Van Pelt said.


Registered User
Some animals like it, some don't... Just like people.

Where did they get the toxicity of weed for dogs/cats? I'd like to see that study.


Active member
i dont get my dog high. i dont need a german shepard fighting me for the bong lol. she did lap up some butter once. she wont go near anything with weed in it anymore. she will back away if offered . smart dog


Well-known member
I've heard its more likely related with CBD or something... not necessarily THC.

Dog got a hold of some cheese cloth once used for straining butter. It was not a pretty experience.. lots of drooling, throwing up, confusion. Luckily was non-fatal and the dog was cool the following day.

Keep edibles and any supplies, etc far out of reach.

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
A friend's dog ate over 2 oz of pot. He yacked most of it up whole. He didn't die. But he still looks stoned. This happened about 2 years ago. I think he would still eat some if given the chance again.


Registered User
I think the dead dogs were proof of toxicity.

Please don't give your pets pot.

I'd never force anything upon any pet that I have... Only got the cats now, and they don't want anything to do with it. Same time other cats and dogs will hang out anytime ya smoke pot. Personally never been a fan of feeding dogs medibles anyway... It's a dosing issue. Agree that dogs can get pissin on themselves high from overdosing... Seen it... And yeah, ya feel bad for the little ones when it happens. Hence my not being a fan... Just for the record.

But I highly doubt any animal actually died from the weed. What? Just because some vet says so? First four weeks of my cat being sick... They thought it was a digestive issue with vitamin b....No shit. Two weeks later, died from cancer. Well I smoked pot at home too... Maybe that gave her the cancer. Same reasoning Imo... Cirumstantial on their reasoning... And very likely wrong.

Weed killing anything goes against any evidence i have ever seen in this short life. And some reason ets really do like being around it... The odor, the high. I'd just like to see a real study that says dogs cannot process weed and it directly causes??? Which in turn kills them. Good luck providing that. Or I may be wrong... Not a vet and all.


The dogs probably died from the chocolate in the brownies

from: http://stash.norml.org/off-the-leash-marijuana-and-dogs
An LD50 (the amount for a dose that will kill half of those who take it) has not been established in dogs or cats. Research in dogs and monkeys showed that oral doses of delta 9-THC and delta 8-THC ranging from 3,000 to 9,000 mg/kg were not lethal, and all dogs recovered within 24 hours of ingestion.

When my dog had cancer, they gave her a slew of medicine with many nasty side effects up to and including death. I made her some edibles and they got her to eat and sleep, which brought her comfort. A friend had a dog with cancer, and we made a batch for him, and he also had good results from it, never got sick or anything, and had improved appetite and sleep patterns.

I wouldn't do it "to get the dog high" but I feel it could have medical benefits beyond human use.

Green Supreme

Well-known member
My dog has hip dysplasia and has learned to ask for vapor hits when she is hurting. She only takes what she needs then moves away. If I am a stoner and too persistent, she lies with her nose under the couch so the vapor can't reach her. I used to feed her cannabutter when she was hurting. She only ate it when she needed it, just spit is out if she didn't. So much easier with vapor and harder to dose her hard. If it is toxic to dogs, my dog is invincible. She vapes with us all morning long some days, if the weather is harsh. Peace GS


Active member
im going to have to call this about "toxicity" to animals.



ive heard too many "dog found asleep after having eaten a pound of weed" stories and known of too many people who´s dog´s or cats especially as for a bit of smoke.

(some of my cats, occasionally go for the smoke.)


Kiss My Ring
^^^agree with this. ime, all living chordate creatures come equipped with CB1 & CB2 receptors...helps to maintain the immune system...why wouldn't the exogenous cannabinoids excite them?
i haved two dogs, one shuns it, the other begs for roaches (and gets them).
she has had occasion to beg a couple roaches off me and then do the same to my drunkards dream and end up pissing herself, so they are affected, but seriously, 911 won't be getting any phone calls from her...and she won't smoke with me...go figure.


Active member
just someone fucking with people or with some other intent behind the lie.

just the latest in a long line of bullshit.

now its "weed kills your dog."


"it gives you testicular cancer."

"it makes you lazy and unmotivated."

"it gives you manboobs."

"it shrinks your brain."

"it makes you kill people."

"it makes white women sleep with black guys."


Active member
im just waiting for them to say "it makes you gay."

just about too late for them to use it.


I remember when I was in school a buddy's gf's dog would ask for bong hits. It would run up to you and put it's front paws up on you and whine til you blew a hit in it's face. Then it would go back to it's dog bed and chill out. 100% true, never seen anything like it since then or previous.

Green Supreme

Well-known member
Coastal, a friends dog did the same thing. Would sit in his lap and lap up the second hand smoke. I miss that old dog R.I.P. BF. Peace GS

Green lung

Active member

At the bottom of the article it says most of the cases in this epidemic were from dogs eating edibles.



High country cat herder
If the animals were eating edibles that had other things in them that could have caused death, (like Chocolate with dogs) WELL FUCKIN DUH!!!!

But to say the Cannabis caused it is full on BULLSHIT! One of my former patients, and still close friend, has a dog that will sit in front of you when your smoking and howl at you until you blow her a couple hits!

As for felines,... I have 3, ALL of them will eat raw leaves when I was trimming, and the oldest who is starting to get arthritis in his hips will follow my wife downstairs to beg for a hit when he's sore.



I love my life
I think the dead dogs were proof of toxicity.

Please don't give your pets pot.

Show me the dead dog. Please don't spread lies and propaganda here and expect to skate with a pat on the back.

Cannabis is a medicine for K9's as well as humans. Not too many adults get off on watching dogs walk around stoned; however there are MANY dogs who benefit from edibles and oil. I have watched vaped oil (blown into dogs nose and ears) stop a fit of involuntary mussel spasms dead in it their track.

Mammals have a cannibnoid system as part of their biology. There is no overdosing for dogs or humans. All you D.A.R.E. sheep need to read and not post, or show me the dead dog. Oh yeah you can't because mammals can't OD on cannabis.


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