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Stoner Bucket List


Lover of Life
I'm so funny faced right now and I can't stop laughing...just got off work and did the 4:20 routine as usual..and a thought hit me..what do you want to do before you die? I mean, as a cannabis enthusiast, there are many many things I want to do...to do them high...and just random weirdness and tomfoolery should abound..feel free to add your own :)

1. Rick Roll The Entire World
2. bungee jump into the ocean
3. Baskins Robins w/ Sex : try all the Flavors!! way more than 31!!OMG!!
4.See an 80s hair band live..if any are still around
5. do an open mic night
6. learn to play guitar
7.write a book


Active member
maybe some traveling. done most of the stuff i wanted too. i wanna get my pilots liscense private. i will think of a few more LOL

bench warmer

  • Get off couch.
  • Hold a thought.
  • Stop fearing I might be paranoid.


Some things I've checked off! :

smoked with a rastafarian
been stoned while scuba diving
staying stoned
grow my own
rolled the biggest joint you've ever seen
love smoking and boating, watersports
showed some friends how to grow
smoke before competition
smoke during sex

Some things I still want to do:

smoke before snowskiing or snowboarding
smoke legally
smoke with some family members
smoke with a famous person, particularly lil wayne or snoop dogg
BHO and bubble bags

grow and smoke some crazy long flowering sativa s
have sex with a women half my age
try my damnest to stay active and young
take some trips to Europe, Brazil, and a island cruise
Scuba dive
get better at golf to the point of where I actually keep score
make a few more true friends
go through life with good karma
marry a girl that is intelligent, beautiful that keeps me grounded and have a kid...........or
if I never have kids, and I get too old....I want my tombstone to read "died after he bitch slapping a lion."


Summit Denali
Compete in a Masters Bodybuilding competition
Compete in an Ironman triathlon


Lover of Life
awesome activities homies :) just thought of another one though

See How Long I can Go Without A Release of Sexual Tension
.never even really tried until recently when I saw the "Seinfeld" episode about it...Kramer after one day or so "I'm out." LMOAROF!! :) :) All I know is that in the past couple months, the longer I went without releasing, the more attention I got from females..which led to a real girlfriend that lives in my area...soo, I dunno...every day I go, the better my whole outlook is..attitude, motivation, tons of energy (go to bed at 4 and up at 8 like a boss) without hesitation...it's amazing after about 8 days or so..gods honest truth stoners, I got like 4 phone numbers in about 3 days or so..called up the one I liked, and boom, like magic..that simple.
